/\/\|_| |7||=@®|0|_| $ @\/3/\/|_| 3$ 0|= @|D|D®0@(|-| \/|3 |=0® @#3/\/7|0/\/ @$ |D073/\/7|@| ®370®7$ 70 |337'$ 7®3@(|-|3®0|_| $ ®3|D0®7$. 7|-|3 |=|®$7 7|-||/\/9 | \/\/@/\/7 70 |3®|/\/9 |_| |D |$ 7|-|@7 |337 |||<3$ 70 (|73 |D0|| ®3$|_| |7$ 7|-|@7 "|D®0\/3" 7|-|@7 |7 |-|0||)$ @ |_| /\/|\/3®$@| ||¢è/\/$3 7|-|@7 @||0\/\/$ |7 70 |D®0|D|7|@73 |®®|7@|3|3, (|0$3|)-/\/\|/\/|)3|) |)|_| /\/|)3®|-|3@|)$ |=0® |@73® 3\/3/\/7|_| @||7|3$. ®3@||¥? |-|@\/3 ¥0|_| 3\/3® |333/\/ (0/\/7@(73|) |3¥ 0/\/3 0|= |7$ |D0||$73®$? (|-|@/\/¢è$ @®3 9<><>|) 7|-|@7 ¥0|_| |-|@\/3 /\/3\/3® |333/\/ (0/\/7@(73|) @/\/|) /\/3\/3® \/\/||| |33. 07|-|3®\/\/|$3, 7|-|3 |D0||$ \/\/0|_| ||) $|-|0\/\/ 7|-|@7 ¥0|_| $|-|0|_| ||)/\/'7 |37 |337 |/\/7|/\/\||)@73 ¥0|_| . ¥0|_| $|-|0|_| ||)/\/'7 |37 |7 |D|_| $|-| ¥0|_| @®0|_| /\/|). \/\/3'®3 7|-|3 0/\/3$ \/\/|-|0 @®3 ®|9|-|7, /\/07 |337. 73/\/ ¥3@®$ @90, |7 \/\/@$ |3|@$3|) |3|9-/\/\0|_| 7|-|$. 70|)@¥, |7'$ |=|(|<|3, \/|/\/|)|(7|\/3 $(®|_| |3$ \/\/|-|0 $(|_| |D|D3® /\/\¥ |/\/|7|@7|\/3 70 $|-|3|) 7|-|3 ||9|-|7 0|= 7®|_| 7|-| 0/\/ 7|-|3 3\/|| 7|-|@7 |$ |337.

|=@|7|-| |$ |-|@®|)3® 70 $|-|@|<3 7|-|@/\/ |</\/0\/\/|3|)93, |0\/3 $|_| ((|_| /\/\|3$ |3$$ 70 (|-|@/\/93 7|-|@/\/ ®3$|D3(7, |-|@73 |$ /\/\0®3 3/\/|)|_| ®|/\/9 7|-|@/\/ @\/3®$|0/\/, @/\/|) /\/07 0/\/|¥ |)03$ |337 |=0$73® $|_| $|D|(|0/\/ -- ||= /\/07 |-|@7®3|) -- 0|= "0|_| 7$||)3®$", |3|_| 7 |7 7|-|3/\/ (0/\/\/\/\@/\/|)$ |7$ (0-(0/\/$|D|®@70®$, "90, @/\/|) |)0 7|-|0|_| |||<3\/\/|$3." 7|-||$ /\/\0®@| |$$|_| 3 \/\/||| 3\/3/\/7|_| @||¥ |33 ®3/\/|)3®3|) @(@|)3/\/\|( |3¥ 7|-|3 |=@(7 7|-|@7 \/\/|-|@7 | ,_||_| $7 \/\/®073 |$ /\/07 |3@$3|) 0/\/ /\/\3®3|¥ @ $|/\/9|3 3×|D3®|3/\/¢è 0® @/\/3(|)073. ®@7|-|3®, |7 |$ |3@$3|) |_| |D0/\/ 7|-|3 \/\/|$|)0/\/\ 0|= @((|_| /\/\|_| |@73|) ¥3@®$, $|D@/\//\/|/\/9 7\/\/0 (0/\/7|/\/3/\/7$, @/\/|) |D®0\/3/\/ |3¥ 7|-|3 |=@(7 7|-|@7 ||= |337 (@/\/'7 |33 ®3@$0/\/3|) 0|_| 7 0|= |7$ |D®3,_||_| |)|¢è$, |7 /\/\|_| $7 |33 |@|_| 9|-|3|) 0|_| 7 0|= 7|-|3/\/\. ||= |337 (@/\/'7 |33 @®9|_| 3|) 0|_| 7 0|= |7$ $3||=|$|-|/\/3$$, |7 /\/\|_| $7 |33 $|-|@/\/\3|) 0|_| 7 0|= |7. |3|_| 7 7|-||$ |$ $0/\/\37|-||/\/9 70 |33 |=||3|) @\/\/@¥ |=0® |=|_| 7|_| ®3 |3#3®$. @7 |D®3$3/\/7, | \/\/|$|-| 70 |=0(|_| $ 0/\/ 0/\/|¥ 0/\/3 7|-||/\/9: 7|-|3 |=@(7 7|-|@7 ||= /\/@7|_| ®@| $3|3(7|0/\/ |/\/|)33|) \/\/0®|<$ |3¥ ®3/\/\0\/|/\/9 7|-|3 \/\/3@|<3$7 @/\/|) /\/\0$7 93/\/37|(@||¥ |_| /\/|=|7 /\/\3/\/\|33®$ 0|= @ $|D3(|3$, 7|-|3/\/ |337 |$ (|3@®|¥ 90|/\/9 70 |33 7|-|3 |=|®$7 70 90. /\/\¥ /\/\3$$@93 |$ (|3@®: |337 \/\/||| |D®0|3@|3|¥ /\/3\/3® |_| /\/|)3®$7@/\/|) \/\/|-|¥ |7 $(@®3$ /\/\3 $0 /\/\|_| (|-|. @/\/|) |7 |)03$ $(@®3 /\/\3: |7$ ®@\/|/\/9$ @®3 $(@®¥, |7$ \/3/\/7|_| ®3$ @®3 $(@®¥, @/\/|) /\/\0$7 0|= @||, | @/\/\ 7|-|0®0|_| 9|-||¥ $|-|0(|<3|) @/\/|) 3/\/7|®3|¥ @|D|D@||3|) 7|-|@7 |7 (0|_| ||) \/0|¢è 7|-|3 $0®7$ 0|= 9®0$$ ||3$ @/\/|) |-||$70®|(@| /\/\|$®3|D®3$3/\/7@7|0/\/$ 7|-|@7 |7 $0 0|=73/\/ |)03$. 7|-|@7 (0/\/¢è|D7 (@/\/ |33 3×73/\/|)3|), /\/\|_| 7@7|$ /\/\|_| 7@/\/|)|$, 70 7|-|3 \/\/@¥ 7|-|@7 |337'$ (@7(|-|-|D|-|®@$3$ @®3 |3@$3|) 0/\/ @ |)3/\/|@| 0|= ®3@||7¥, 0/\/ 7|-|3 $|_| |3$7|7|_| 7|0/\/ 0|= @ |)3|||33®@73|¥ |=@|$||=|3|) |D|(7|_| ®3 0|= 7|-|3 \/\/0®||) |/\/ |D|@¢è 0|= ®3@||7¥. @/\/|) 7|-||$ |)|$|-|0/\/3$7¥, 7|-||$ ®3|=|_| $@| 70 @|)/\/\|7 7|-|3 7®|_| 7|-|, \/\/||| |-|@\/3 $0/\/\3 \/3®¥ $3®|0|_| $ (0/\/$30,|_| 3/\/¢è$ |=0® @|| 0|= |_| $ |/\/ 7|-|3 |/\/\/\/\3|)|@73 ¥3@®$ @|-|3@|).

|33(@|_| $3 \/\/3 |-|@\/3 7|-|3 |)373®/\/\|/\/@7|0/\/ 70 $33 7|-|3 7®|_| 7|-| |D®3\/@||, \/\/3 /\/\|_| $7 /\/3\/3® |=0®937 7|-|@7 ||= ¥0|_| \/\/@/\/7 70 |-|||)3 $0/\/\37|-||/\/9 |=®0/\/\ |337, ¥0|_| ,_||_| $7 |-|@\/3 70 |D|_| 7 |7 |/\/ @ |3<><>|<. ||= |7 \/\/3®3/\/'7 |=0® |=@7|_| 0|_| $ 9|7$, |337 \/\/0|_| ||) |-|@\/3 /\/0 |=®|3/\/|)$. |337 |-|@$ |333/\/ |)3||_| |)|/\/9 |D30|D|3 |/\/70 |33||3\/|/\/9 7|-|@7 7|-|3 (|_| ®3 |=0® 3\/|| |$ /\/\0®3 3\/||. |)0/\/'7 |37 |7 |)3||_| |)3 ¥0|_| , 7<><>.

|337 |$ 0|D3®@7|/\/9 |_| /\/|)3® 7|-|3 /\/\|$9|_| ||)3|) @$$|_| /\/\|D7|0/\/ 7|-|@7 7|-|3 |<||)$ 0/\/ 7|-|3 |D|@¥9®0|_| /\/|) @®3 |-|@|D|D¥ 70 $|_| ®®3/\/|)3® 70 7|-|3 $(|-|<><>| |3|_| ||¥. \/\/|-|@7'$ /\/\¥ |D®0|3|3/\/\, 7|-|3/\/? @||0\/\/ /\/\3 70 |D®3$3/\/7 |7 |/\/ 7|-|3 |=0®/\/\ 0|= @ 0,|_| 3$7|0/\/: \/\/|-|¥ (@/\/'7 |7 ®3||3\/3 |7$ @(|-||/\/9 $3/\/$3 0|= |/\/@|)30,|_| @(¥ \/\/|7|-|0|_| 7 |-|@\/|/\/9 70 |/\/7®0|)|_| ¢è (|-|@/\/93$ \/\/|7|-|0|_| 7 73$7|/\/9 7|-|3/\/\ |=|®$7? 70 ®3|D|-|®@$3 7|-|@7 0,|_| 3$7|0/\/, |-|0\/\/ (@/\/ |7 ®37@®|) 7|-|3 |=®33 @/\/|) /\/@7|_| ®@| 3(0/\/0/\/\|( |)3\/3|0|D/\/\3/\/7 0|= \/@®|0|_| $ (0|_| /\/7®|3$' |/\/|)|93/\/0|_| $ |D0|D|_| |@7|0/\/ @/\/|) 7|-|3/\/ 7|_| ®/\/ @®0|_| /\/|) @/\/|) $|-|3|) 73@®$ |=0® 7|-|0$3 \/\/|-|0 907 |-||_| ®7 @$ @ ®3$|_| |7? 7|-|3®3 |$ \/\/||)3$|D®3@|) @9®33/\/\3/\/7 |/\/ @$|<|/\/9 7|-|@7 0,|_| 3$7|0/\/, |3|_| 7 7|-|3®3 |$ 9®3@7 |)|$@9®33/\/\3/\/7 |/\/ @/\/$\/\/3®|/\/9 |7.

0$73/\/$||3|¥, |337 |)03$ /\/07 |/\/73/\/|) 70 ®3\/||3 3\/3®¥7|-||/\/9 |/\/ 7|-|3 /\/\0$7 0|3$¢è/\/3 73®/\/\$ @/\/|) |)®@9 |7 |/\/70 7|-|3 |=||7|-| 0|= 7|-|3 |3@$3$7 |D0$$||3|3 0|_| 7|<><>|<, |3|_| 7 |/\/ |=@(7, |7$ $(®33|)$ @®3 93@®3|) 70\/\/@®|) 7|-|3 (0/\/7|/\/|_| @7|0/\/ 0|= $0(|@| $7®@7||=|(@7|0/\/ |_| /\/|)3® 7|-|3 ®|_| |3®|( 0|= "7®@|)|7|0/\/." |=|_| /\//\/¥, 7|-|@7 \/\/@$ 7|-|3 $@/\/\3 73®/\/\ 7|-|@7 |337'$ 70@|)|3$ 0/\/¢è |_| $3|) 70 7®3@7 @/\/¥0/\/3 \/\/|-|0 |)03$/\/'7 @9®33 \/\/|7|-| |7 70 @ 70®®3/\/7 0|= \/|7®|0| @/\/|) \/||||=|(@7|0/\/. 9|\/3/\/ |337'$ ®3(0®|) 0|= $|-|@|)¥ |)3@||/\/9$, |7 @$$3®7$ 7|-|@7 7|-|3 |3<><>93¥/\/\@/\/ |$ 90|/\/9 70 937 |_| $ ||= \/\/3 |)0/\/'7 @9®33 70 |7$ |)3/\/\@/\/|)$. /\/\0$7 ®3@$0/\/@|3|3 |D30|D|3, |-|0\/\/3\/3®, ®3(09/\/|73 $|_| (|-| @$$3®7|0/\/$ @$ /\/07|-||/\/9 /\/\0®3 7|-|@/\/ |3@$3|3$$, ||= \/\/|$|-||=|_| |, (|@|/\/\$ |_| /\/$|_| |D|D0®73|) |3¥ (0/\/(®373 3\/||)3/\/¢è. $0 |337 7|-||/\/|<$ 7|-|@7 |7 (@/\/ |9/\/0®3 ®|_| |3$, |@\/\/$, @/\/|) |D®070(0| \/\/|7|-|0|_| 7 ®3|D3®(|_| $$|0/\/? |/\/73®3$7|/\/9 \/|3\/\/|D0|/\/7. |-|3®3'$ @/\/07|-|3®: |7 (@/\/'7 |D0$$||3|¥ |33||3\/3 7|-|@7 |7 |)3|=3/\/|)$ 7|-|3 ®3@| /\/33|)$ 0|= 7|-|3 \/\/0®|<|/\/9 (|@$$. |7'$ $7|_| |D||), |3|_| 7 |7'$ /\/07 7|-|@7 $7|_| |D||). @/\/|) 7|-|@7'$ |7. | $|-|@|| /\/\@|<3 3\/3®¥ 3|=|=0®7, 3$|D3(|@||¥ |/\/ 7|-||$ ||/\/\|73|) $|D@¢è, 70 |)3|=¥ 7|-|3 |/\/73®/\/@7|0/\/@| 3/\/$|@\/3/\/\3/\/7 0|= 3/\/7|®3 |D30|D|3$.

That's write, I wrote the WHOLE thing in |337 >:o)
Who wants to translate it?</3></3></3></3></3></ 3>
|337, the language of the stupid...I have no idea what that means..
In response to Nadrew
If you translated it, you'd understand...
In response to Foomer
If I knew anything about it I would..
But I am compulsive.

<<On the other hand, what I *am* working on will bring joy (and death) to many people whereas only Esserae and Jaxia are compulsive enough to ask 400 individual questions.>>

1. How was everyone's christmas?

2. I hear Thrakmas is supposed to be just a Twilight Hall thing and not an Elanthian thing, is that true?

3. Did it snow where you live?

4. What is figgy pudding?

5. How come sugar plums have no plum in them?

6. How does someone enjoy cognac?

7. Are you out of your mind?

8. Did anyone else's dad buy 50% of her gifts at the dollar store?

9. How are you?

10. What time are you people usually around in the Rest?

11. Did you know that in a study of the effect of smells upon blood flow to the nether regions, pumpkin pie scored the highest increase in men?

12. Did you know it was Good n Plenty candies for women?

13. Who really likes Good n Plenties, anyway?

14. Is it true the formula for M&Ms sold in the south is different from those sold in the north?

15. ...and that over 50% of both the north and south forces in the civil war was Irish immigrants?

16. What did I do with the pictures I had taken of my nose getting pierced?

17. Where did my friend Joanna from summer camp move to?

18. And does she still have the cd I accidentally left at her house?

19. What was that thing with Sammeal and Oberly?

20. Isn't "festively plump" great?

21. Where do the ducks on the lake in Central Park go in the winter?

22. How come ink cartridges cost so much?

23. How come Lechter's and the Science store in the mall aren't there anymore?

24. Where is the Waterford that Waterford crystal comes from?

25. How come real crystal smells nasty to me?

26. Why does horseradish sauce make your nose burn?

27. You know what sucks?

28. If olive oil is made from olives, what is baby oil made from?

29. How come the olive oil sold in American supermarkets is oils from different countries mixed together, while the oil sold in Europe is unmixed?

30. Why do people get confused about "shelled" nuts having no shells, but not about peeled fruits having no peels?

31. Anyone ever had a durian?

32. Are horses smarter than cats?

33. What class of drug would catnip be?

34. Can you make cheese from milk that comes from non-ruminants?

35. How is Aephir doing?

36. How short is Nofret again?

37. How much does the Diablo II expansion pack cost?

38. Is it worth it?

39. What are those really thick work pants they sell at Bob's called?

40. What do you people have against the name Buffy?

41. Where is Aluisa?

42. Where is Alusia?

43. Where is Zephina?

44. How much do non-disposable contacts cost?

45. Do I really have to go to the bathroom, or can I hold it a bit longer?

46. Ever tried the 3d graphics program Blender?

47. Do you eat bone marrow?

48. Isn't the next installment of Star Wars supposed to come out next year?

49. Is it true that the plant used for marijuana and that used for hemp are different?

50. Why are children's cereals so expensive?

51. Isn't Atari porn the greatest concept ever?

52. Will there be roa'ters in RR?

53. Why do birds suddenly appear when you're near?

54. Aren't pigeons pretty?

55. Is a porch swing, a rocking chair or a slider better?

56. Can you imagine getting a botfly in you and deliberately waiting for it to hatch?

57. What's the "oldest" critter in Ta'Vaalor?

58. What will the Moomph pickle advertisers think of next?

59. Are silicon-based life forms really feasible?

60. Are they likely to occur anywhere in the universe?

61. Is the universe saddle-shaped?

62. At extremely high temperatures, do the forces act as one?

63. How long do you have to boil eggs to make them hard?

64. Why are they sometimes greenish inside?

65. Do you like green eggs and ham?

66. Would you eat them on a train?

67. Shouldn't more money be put into rail development?

68. Who has a train set around their christmas tree?

69. Did you go fake, or real?

70. Do your cats eat the tinsel?

71. Did you get your pets presents?

72. What is white chocolate if there's no chocolate in it?

73. Who's a good boy?

74. Do I really have a flat tire, or did someone deliberately let the air out?

75. That would be weird, wouldn't it?

76. If I buy a used radio to replace the radio stolen from my car, am I likely to be unwittingly driving the same market that encouraged theft of my car radio in the first place?

77. Where are Dalmatia, Pomerania, Abyssinia, et cetera?

78. Does the word abyss have anything to do with Abyssinia?

79. Actually, wasn't my German teacher fro Pomerania?

80. Will there be any social security left for me?

81. Am I getting a cold?

82. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?

83. They don't really mean it when they sall ALL snowflakes are different, right?

84. Do some cultures think sulfur smells good?

85. What is myrrh?

86. What does "creche" mean in French?

87. You know they put sugar on popcorn in France instead of salt and butter?

88. And people put mayonnaise on french fries instead of ketchup?

89. Or do you spell it catsup?

90. Are there reruns of Quantum Leap on any channel I get?

91. Does Rush Limbaugh really believe what he says?

92. Is Sanskrit an ancester of most European languages?

93. Will it be cold tomorrow?

94. Should I brush my cat's teeth?

95. Are there any void-flaring weapons for sale?

96. How many new rules has M:tG come out with since I last played?

97. What should I have to eat?

98. What is Bradach working on?

99. What have I got in my pocket?

100. What is snooker?

101. When does the kobold as a fantastic creature date from?

102. Were Homer's epics written by Homer, or by another man of that name?

103. Did I finish MacBeth or not?

104. Why did Mr. Spillane leave the high school?

105. Are LotR showings still really crowded?

106. Was there any Near Eastern medieval weapon resembling a rapier?

107. Is the use of elephants in circuses ethical?

108. Are elephants smarter than dogs?

109. What was that noise?

110. Do you think if I took my watch to the jewelry counter in Walmart, they could replace the battery for me?

111. Why'd they stop selling that model?

112. Is the purchase of Walmart products unethical?

113. Should we be looking into drigibles as a form of transportation?

114. Where will I put this stuff?

115. What is the origin of the word "peeve"?

116. Why do I have so many moths in my apartment in the middle of winter?

117. Which light is making that red "brake lamp" warning on my car come on?

118. If I reroute my festive colored lights around the bulb socket that exploded, will they work again?

119. Did Dorli's player really get me an egg-wave for christmas?

120. Does DD7 really work like they say?

121. What did your mother tell you?

122. Do positive ions have a negative effect on mood?

123. How much algebra do I remember?

124. What happened to light brown regular M&Ms?

125. Why were there no light brown peanut M&Ms?

126. Are there still cheese-injected hot dogs on the market?

127. Why can't I find them?

128. Why would you leave an unwrapped candy on your keyboard?

129. Will Richard Adams write more books?

130. Who wrote that ode to the grecian urn thing?

131. Is beauty really truth?

132. What is the evolutionary history of the colon and semicolon?

133. What color are my eyes?

124. You remember that alien show where the aliens couldn't drink milk?

125. Do I have new e-mail?

126. How long can I wait before I have to go in for my emissions test?

127. What is brass made of?

128. What are little girls made of?

129. Is 129 a prime number?

130. Are levi's with the orange tag made in Puerto Rico?

131. What does a silver tag mean?

132. What is the definition of jaywalking?

133. How did it get its name?

134. What are you looking at?

135. What's it to you?

145. You wanna step outside?

146. What was it Ambrose Bierce said about marriage?

147. What are rickets?

148. Will I ever play Black & White again?

149. Is Percocet an opiate?

150. What should I wear to bed?

151. Are there ever lightning and thunderstorms in the winter?

152. When is the Indian monsoon season?

153. Is my uncle incapable of interpreting subtle social cues indicating extreme boredom, or is he just rude?

154. What is in this brownie?

155. What would you do for a Klondike bar?

156. What did my car radio sell for?

157. What is the gist of the Hindu faith?

158. What is my favorite movie?

159. Do I even have one?

160. What is my favorite book?

170. How much is too much?

171. What do moths smell like?

172. What do durians smell like?

173. What do I smell like?

174. Are we there yet?

175. Should I switch to a totally free checking account?

176. Are there any college-age boys who like to polka?

177. Where can I find one?

178. Where have all the flowers gone?

179. Why are cyclamens so weird?

180. What is the chemical composition of snot?

181. What time is it?

182. You know Topo Gigio?

182. Is George Lucas crazy?

183. Can I make pesto at home?

184. Remember the Goodfeathers?

185. What does this key go to?

186. Anybody want a peanut?

187. What is the difference between a sloop and a ketch again?

188. What is a yawl?

189. How do they make pickles pickles?

190. What is in peanut brittle?

191. What does peppermint bark taste like?

192. How many roads must a man walk down?

193. When should I do laundry?

194. How come it was so warm in November?

195. What is the weirdest dream you remember?

196. How many marsupials are there not native to Australia?

197. What percentage of Australian aboriginals have diabetes?

198. Where did the percent symbol come from?

199. What are the symptoms of a tapeworm?

200. Is one sex of mules fertile and the other not?

201. Do you watch Junkyard Wars?

202. Isn't "bodging" the best word ever?

203. Do you pledge to use "bodging" more in your everyday speech?

204. How many rabbits would it take to heat a room to the same level as your everyday radiator?

205. Is motrin better than the store-brand ibuprofen?

206. How does one recognize basalt?

207. When was asphalt invented?

208. Should I put the milk away?

209. How old is Ray Bradbury?

210. What "season" is my coloration?

211. Have you been to Hawaii?

212. Does Dremerie still have my Bardfest pin?

213. Have I injured my tongue?

214. Where's the beef?

215. You know that game on the old "whose line is it anyway" where they could only ask questions?

216. Are you Swedish?

217. How do you pronounce "cuirass"?

218. How is "cuirbouilli" pronounced?

219. How do YOU pronounce coif?

220. How much is a ladies' haircut at a non-cheapo discount salon?

221. Even if the lady is really getting a boy's cut?

222. Isn't palimpsest a great word?

223. Do you like Jodie Foster?

224. Have you been to NYC?

225. Yes?

226. Why am I dizzy?

227. Are they still showing that Sherlock Holmes series on A&E with Jeremy Brett?

228. When is it on?

229. Where has Setzier got to?

230. What cd should I listen to?

231. Should I have asked for a Frankie Valley & the Four Seasons cd for Christmas?

232. Are those chocolates really imported?

233. From where?

234. Do you have any grey poupon?

235. What happened to my horseradish sauce?

236. How come I don't have any mustard?

237. How do you play Go Fish?

238. How do you play poker?

239. Will I be able to go to Mars?

240. Which little piggy went to market?

241. What the heck was she singing?

242. Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?

243. Where is Prata?

244. When will the log go?

245. Do you know the way to San Jose?

246. Who is the prime minister of Canada?

247. Are artichokes good?

248. Did I take my iron today?

249. Is there life in the clouds of Jupiter?

250. Is there life on Europa?

251. When is my appointment?

252. Can I borrow some paper towels?

253. What?

254. Who?

255. Aren't you going to silflay?

256. Is rabbit pie good?

257. Should I get bisquick?

258. Does AOL hate me?

259. What is going on in Afghanistan?

260. Do I have any good books I haven't read?

261. Should I take up the guitar again?

262. Is something wrong with my guitar, or is it just me?

263. Is something wrong with my ocarina, or is it just me?

264. Why does my computer do that?

265. Should I give my stepfather a call?

266. Why does MIE keep doing that?

267. Should I have some more to eat?

268. How old is Mount Rushmore?

269. Did anyone fall off it when they were making it?

270. Did they die?

271. How long is this going to take to download?

272. How much money do I have?

273. Am I cold enough to warrant putting my socks on?

274. How much gas does it take to get from here to New Haven?

275. Isn't orange great?

276. Is Fanta European?

277. Did Banthis really have anything to do with bantas?

278. Will there be Jeopardy auditions here sometime?

279. Should I go?

280. How much has the Aral sea sunk since 1970?

281. Is it bad to eat sunflower seed shells?

282. How do you separate the shell from the seed when they're in your mouth?

283. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?

284. Are muppet show reruns on anywhere?

285. How about Flying Circus reruns?

286. Do I wonder a lot about reruns?

287. How much TV do I watch every week?

288. What temperature is it in here?

289. Should I even bother?

290. What is a no-load mutual fund?

291. What is in acrylic paints?

292. Acrylic socks?

293. One lump or two?

294. Sugar?

295. You know Dirk Gently?

296. Why is Dirk the nickname for Derek?

297. Que pasa?

298. What is my horoscope today?

299. What is La Traviata about?

300. Is Carmen a guy's name too?

301. Where does the name Carmichael come from?

302. Are there ghosts?

303. What does Ganesha represent?

304. Was my 7th grade music teacher wrong about George Harrison?

305. How much is the electric bill?

306. Is Uncle Bill going to get married?

307. Would I recognize a female cardinal if I saw it alone?

308. What should I do with the tooth I had taken out?

309. Which way did he go, George?

310. Am I too busy to read the Harry Potter books?

311. What is a cornemuse?

312. Does Sammeal's player know?

313. What does it sound like?

314. Do llamas make good pets?

315. What is the fourth South American cameloid?

316. Did you see Star Trek IV?

317. Or was it V?

318. Where is Ricardo Montalban from?

319. Do you go hiking?

320. No?

321. Don't you hate it when someone is bouncing a basketball outside when you are trying to take a nap?

322. Should I stay or should I go?

323. Is this thing in defensive?

324. Did you hear I'm on a seafood diet?

325. Liquor?

326. Splunge?

327. When you were a kid, did you want an anemone clownfish too?

328. Do you like fish?

329. Do you like clams?

330. How often do you eat out?

331. Do you wear much jewelry?

332. Do you have any tattoos?

333. How much does a nose piercing cost around here?

334. Is it live, or is it Memorex?

335. Do you rent a lot of movies?

336. When was the last time I rented a movie?

337. When was the last time I saw a movie in the theater?

338. When is Harmonious Soul's next concert?

339. Is pewter a composite metal?

340. Pewter?

341. What is the softest metal?

342. What is the hardest metal?

343. Which is the least prone to corrosion?

344. What makes zinc so corrosible?

345. Is corrosible a word?

346. Do I feel well enough to party on New Year's?

347. What does "auld lang syne" mean?

348. What is taking a cup of kindness?

349. Is that some ribald euphemism?

350. Do I really want to get up?

351. Does it feel like we're in a new millenium to you?

352. Where's my flying car?

353. Does the Segway impress you at all?

354. Why would we want an invention that takes the place of walking?

355. Where is North Dumpling?

356. Can I see it from Bluff Point?

357. What happened to our old Apple IIe?

358. What happened to our old Mac Classic?

359. How many teachers I went to Junior High with are still there?

360. Would any remember me?

361. Can I afford NOT to get my hair cut?

362. Who was Mithridates?

363. How many species of fig are there?

364. What is a sark?

365. Are they going to make another Indiana Jones movie?

366. Is there life on Mars?

367. Is that hypothesis they had on the show about supermassive black holes correct?

368. Who is "O Danny Boy" written to?

369. Where would I like my ashes when I'm cremated?

370. What day do they come to pick up the old newspapers?

371. How many 6 flags theme parks are there?

372. How far will a rubber band stretch?

373. What is spermacetti again?

374. How old is Charlton Heston?

375. Do my fingernails grow at different rates on my different fingers?

376. Why does my nose dry out so easily?

377. Why do boxfound pants in GS weigh 5 pounds?

378. Who the hell has pants that weigh 5 pounds??

379. Would you like to find a real gem?

380. Do you have any real gems?

381. Don't you hate Jaxia?

382. Where is Jaxia?

383. Do I look fat in this?

384. Do I need a new cartridge in my printer, or what?

385. What day of the week is it?

386. You remember the movie Gremlins?

387. What substance in glow-in-the-dark stuff makes it glow in the dark?

388. What is black light?

389. Wouldn't that be bad for you?

390. Why is my fleece jacket not warm at all?

391. Are you going to San Francisco?

392. Is that memory I have of my 5th birthday really of my 5th birthday?

393. What color did Heather Angell paint her house?

394. Are you a rabbit person or an aardvark person?

395. Huh?

396. What is vegemite?

396. What is liverwurst?

398. What will they think of next?

399. How does my nose get so dried out?

400. Why is Juspera's player so contrary?

In response to Zilal
Zilal wrote:
But I am compulsive.

<<On the other hand, what I *am* working on will bring joy (and death) to many people whereas only Esserae and Jaxia are compulsive enough to ask 400 individual questions.>>

1. How was everyone's christmas?
Pretty Good.
2. I hear Thrakmas is supposed to be just a Twilight Hall thing and not an Elanthian thing, is that true?
3. Did it snow where you live?
4. What is figgy pudding?
No idea
5. How come sugar plums have no plum in them?
Beacuase Stone Cold said so
6. How does someone enjoy cognac?
They drink it
7. Are you out of your mind?
8. Did anyone else's dad buy 50% of her gifts at the dollar store?
9. How are you?
10. What time are you people usually around in the Rest?
6 am
11. Did you know that in a study of the effect of smells upon blood flow to the nether regions, pumpkin pie scored the highest increase in men?
12. Did you know it was Good n Plenty candies for women?
13. Who really likes Good n Plenties, anyway?
not me
14. Is it true the formula for M&Ms sold in the south is different from those sold in the north?
15. ...and that over 50% of both the north and south forces in the civil war was Irish immigrants?
16. What did I do with the pictures I had taken of my nose getting pierced?
You sneezed blood on it.
17. Where did my friend Joanna from summer camp move to?
She is dead
18. And does she still have the cd I accidentally left at her house?
No, CD's weren't around 500 years
19. What was that thing with Sammeal and Oberly?
20. Isn't "festively plump" great?
21. Where do the ducks on the lake in Central Park go in the winter?
North Central Park
22. How come ink cartridges cost so much?
Microsoft are greedy bastards
23. How come Lechter's and the Science store in the mall aren't there anymore?
24. Where is the Waterford that Waterford crystal comes from?
25. How come real crystal smells nasty to me?
26. Why does horseradish sauce make your nose burn?
27. You know what sucks?
28. If olive oil is made from olives, what is baby oil made from?
29. How come the olive oil sold in American supermarkets is oils from different countries mixed together, while the oil sold in Europe is unmixed?
30. Why do people get confused about "shelled" nuts having no shells, but not about peeled fruits having no peels?
Its the American way
31. Anyone ever had a durian?
32. Are horses smarter than cats?
33. What class of drug would catnip be?
34. Can you make cheese from milk that comes from non-ruminants?
a microwave
35. How is Aephir doing?
Pretty Damn Good.
36. How short is Nofret again?
6 inches
37. How much does the Diablo II expansion pack cost?
12 bucks
38. Is it worth it?
39. What are those really thick work pants they sell at Bob's called?
Gangster pants?
40. What do you people have against the name Buffy?
She is not buffy, a better name would be Busty.
41. Where is Aluisa?
My back yard
42. Where is Alusia?
My back yard
43. Where is Zephina?
Front Yard
44. How much do non-disposable contacts cost?
100000000000000000000000 yen.
45. Do I really have to go to the bathroom, or can I hold it a bit longer?
Ask your doctor
46. Ever tried the 3d graphics program Blender?
47. Do you eat bone marrow?
48. Isn't the next installment of Star Wars supposed to come out next year?
Nope, 3 months to go
49. Is it true that the plant used for marijuana and that used for hemp are different?
50. Why are children's cereals so expensive?
Lucky Charms magic
51. Isn't Atari porn the greatest concept ever?
52. Will there be roa'ters in RR?
53. Why do birds suddenly appear when you're near?
54. Aren't pigeons pretty?
Skip a few
398. What will they think of next?
399. How does my nose get so dried out?
400. Why is Juspera's player so contrary?
You cursed her

In response to Zilal
Zilal wrote:
But I am compulsive.

<<On the other hand, what I *am* working on will bring joy (and death) to many people whereas only Esserae and Jaxia are compulsive enough to ask 400 individual questions.>>

Okay...You wanna play rough I'll answer them ALL!

1. How was everyone's christmas?


2. I hear Thrakmas is supposed to be just a Twilight Hall thing and not an Elanthian thing, is that true?


3. Did it snow where you live?


4. What is figgy pudding?

Ask Santa.

5. How come sugar plums have no plum in them?

Because the inventor was a drunk old guy..

6. How does someone enjoy cognac?


7. Are you out of your mind?

You'd better believe it!

8. Did anyone else's dad buy 50% of her gifts at the dollar store?


9. How are you?

Good good, and you?

10. What time are you people usually around in the Rest?

Please rephrase that.

11. Did you know that in a study of the effect of smells upon blood flow to the nether regions, pumpkin pie scored the highest increase in men?

I thought it was...nevermind.

12. Did you know it was Good n Plenty candies for women?

Wouldn't doubt it..

13. Who really likes Good n Plenties, anyway?

I think they're gross.

14. Is it true the formula for M&Ms sold in the south is different from those sold in the north?

Yeah, they lace ours with blue liquid that makes us see stuff.

15. ...and that over 50% of both the north and south forces in the civil war was Irish immigrants?

Probably not, there wasn't that many drunks..

16. What did I do with the pictures I had taken of my nose getting pierced?

Gave them to me..they're on a porn site now..

17. Where did my friend Joanna from summer camp move to?

She fell off a cliff on the way home from camp.

18. And does she still have the cd I accidentally left at her house?

No, I stole that a while back.

19. What was that thing with Sammeal and Oberly?

Who knows?

20. Isn't "festively plump" great?

Sounds sick if you ask me.

21. Where do the ducks on the lake in Central Park go in the winter?

They get jobs as hot dog vendors.

22. How come ink cartridges cost so much?

Blame Microsoft, everything's always their fault.

23. How come Lechter's and the Science store in the mall aren't there anymore?

Nerds got too afraid to goto the mall anymore, they got beat up too much.

24. Where is the Waterford that Waterford crystal comes from?

My back yard.

25. How come real crystal smells nasty to me?

That wasn't crystal you got from that bum!

26. Why does horseradish sauce make your nose burn?

Because it contains 90% coke.

27. You know what sucks?

28. If olive oil is made from olives, what is baby oil made from?

Babies of course..where do you think your sister went?

29. How come the olive oil sold in American supermarkets is oils from different countries mixed together, while the oil sold in Europe is unmixed?

Beats me.

30. Why do people get confused about "shelled" nuts having no shells, but not about peeled fruits having no peels?

Because they're weird.

31. Anyone ever had a durian?

Nope, no one.

32. Are horses smarter than cats?

You tell me.

33. What class of drug would catnip be?

Some good S&$T!

34. Can you make cheese from milk that comes from non-ruminants?

Yes, very very nasty cheese...

35. How is Aephir doing?

Bad, doesn't want to talk about it.

36. How short is Nofret again?

|-------| <-- That many.

37. How much does the Diablo II expansion pack cost?

9 million at the Nadrew super store.

38. Is it worth it?

Yes, give me money.
39. What are those really thick work pants they sell at Bob's called?

Thick pants.

40. What do you people have against the name Buffy?

I don't have anything against...mmm, Buffy...

41. Where is Aluisa?

In a galaxy far far away.

42. Where is Alusia?

goto 41.
43. Where is Zephina?

goto 42

44. How much do non-disposable contacts cost?

72 thousand at the Nadrew Superstore.

45. Do I really have to go to the bathroom, or can I hold it a bit longer?

You already went while you were asking.
46. Ever tried the 3d graphics program Blender?

Yes, it was weirdness.
47. Do you eat bone marrow?


48. Isn't the next installment of Star Wars supposed to come out next year?

Nope, in March.

49. Is it true that the plant used for marijuana and that used for hemp are different?

Yes, marijunana is a female plant, and hemp is a male plant.

50. Why are children's cereals so expensive?


51. Isn't Atari porn the greatest concept ever?

Wow, you think so too?!

52. Will there be roa'ters in RR?


53. Why do birds suddenly appear when you're near?

They like to poop on you.

54. Aren't pigeons pretty?

Yeah, now got eat one they taste great!

55. Is a porch swing, a rocking chair or a slider better?

Porch swing, alot of kissing happens there!

56. Can you imagine getting a botfly in you and deliberately waiting for it to hatch?

57. What's the "oldest" critter in Ta'Vaalor?

9 million at the Nadrew Superstore?

58. What will the Moomph pickle advertisers think of next?

Dancing poo.

59. Are silicon-based life forms really feasible?

Britney Spears is one of those!

60. Are they likely to occur anywhere in the universe?

goto 59.

61. Is the universe saddle-shaped?

Nah, it's Nadrew shaped.

62. At extremely high temperatures, do the forces act as one?


63. How long do you have to boil eggs to make them hard?

Eww eggs..

64. Why are they sometimes greenish inside?

Don't eat them if they are!

65. Do you like green eggs and ham?

Yes I like Green eggs and ham Sam I am.

66. Would you eat them on a train?


67. Shouldn't more money be put into rail development?

No, screw those train pirates damn them all!

68. Who has a train set around their christmas tree?

Not I, I have a drunken brother around the tree..

69. Did you go fake, or real?


70. Do your cats eat the tinsel?

Sure, they didn't like it much..

71. Did you get your pets presents?

Hospitial visit, for the tinsel thing.

72. What is white chocolate if there's no chocolate in it?

While mush?

73. Who's a good boy?

Nadrew's a good boy ::wags tail::

74. Do I really have a flat tire, or did someone deliberately let the air out?


75. That would be weird, wouldn't it?

Umm, would...

76. If I buy a used radio to replace the radio stolen from my car, am I likely to be unwittingly driving the same market that encouraged theft of my car radio in the first place?

Yes, I'll steal your radio again..I mean..

77. Where are Dalmatia, Pomerania, Abyssinia, et cetera?

Dunno, where?

78. Does the word abyss have anything to do with Abyssinia?


79. Actually, wasn't my German teacher fro Pomerania?

Nope, Miami.

80. Will there be any social security left for me?


81. Am I getting a cold?


82. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?

900 at The Nadrew Superstore.

83. They don't really mean it when they sall ALL snowflakes are different, right?


84. Do some cultures think sulfur smells good?

Mmm, sulfur.

85. What is myrrh?

The stuff that Foomer grows in his back yard.

86. What does "creche" mean in French?

That annoying nerd from Saved by the Bell?

87. You know they put sugar on popcorn in France instead of salt and butter?

Sounds good!

88. And people put mayonnaise on french fries instead of ketchup?


89. Or do you spell it catsup?

Doesn't matter.

90. Are there reruns of Quantum Leap on any channel I get?

Well, duh!

91. Does Rush Limbaugh really believe what he says?

No, I tell him what to say at gunpoint.

92. Is Sanskrit an ancester of most European languages?

No..vise versa..

93. Will it be cold tomorrow?


94. Should I brush my cat's teeth?


95. Are there any void-flaring weapons for sale?

Yes, at The Nadrew Superstore.

96. How many new rules has M:tG come out with since I last played?


97. What should I have to eat?


98. What is Bradach working on?


99. What have I got in my pocket?

Two sticks of gum, a dime, and some lint.

100. What is snooker?


101. When does the kobold as a fantastic creature date from?


102. Were Homer's epics written by Homer, or by another man of that name?

Another man...

103. Did I finish MacBeth or not?

No, that doesn't exsist... McBeth does though.

104. Why did Mr. Spillane leave the high school?

He didn't like you.

105. Are LotR showings still really crowded?


106. Was there any Near Eastern medieval weapon resembling a rapier?

I think...

107. Is the use of elephants in circuses ethical?


108. Are elephants smarter than dogs?


109. What was that noise?

Don't mind that I'm in your house now.

110. Do you think if I took my watch to the jewelry counter in Walmart, they could replace the battery for me?


111. Why'd they stop selling that model?


112. Is the purchase of Walmart products unethical?


113. Should we be looking into drigibles as a form of transportation?


114. Where will I put this stuff?

In my magical bag.

115. What is the origin of the word "peeve"?

Nadrew's book of shtuff.

116. Why do I have so many moths in my apartment in the middle of winter?

They like you ;)

117. Which light is making that red "brake lamp" warning on my car come on?

The blinking yellow ones.

118. If I reroute my festive colored lights around the bulb socket that exploded, will they work again?


119. Did Dorli's player really get me an egg-wave for christmas?


1 4|\/| |\|07 7|-|47 |=|2!99!|\| 80|23|)
In response to Nadrew
It 1337 5|°34|< is the language of stupid and you don't know what it is then what does that make you...?
In response to DasFalke
It makes me not want to understand the stupid.
In response to Nadrew
Damn, that was a quick reply...
give me the alphabet and the symbols in corresponding order, (ie: A = SymbolHere)

and ill write a program that either translates it or writes it from normal text.

In response to FIREking
I already did that. You think I wrote all that by hand? :oP
In response to FIREking
I've already translated the first two paragraphs. Hurry up, guys. =P
Hmmm... This is extremely difficult since I really know nothing of the "language" past "|337"...but I'll give it a try...

"Multifarious avenues of approach vie for attention as potential retorts to leet's treacherous reports. The first thing I want to bring up is that leet likes to cite poll results that "prove" that it holds a universal license that allows it to propitiate irritable, closed-minded dunderheads for later eventualities. Really? Have you ever been contacted by one of its pollsters? Chances are good that you have never been contacted and never will be. Otherwise, the polls would show that you shouldn't let leet intimidate you. You shouldn't let it push you around. We're the ones who are right, not leet. Ten years ago, it was biased big-mouths. Today, it's fickle, vindictive scrubs who (scupper?) my initiative to shed the light of truth on the evil that is leet."

Hmmm... That was too damned I'm not even going to bother with the rest... |337

One thing I find humorous, though:

That's write, I wrote the WHOLE thing in |337 >:o)

That's "write"? lol
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Mmmm...yes, that's what happens while you're busy talking to Spuzzum as he tries to translate what you say in that horrid tongue of the cyber-space-based little terrors.

I was going to translate Z's 400 questions into |337 too, but I got bored.

I find it hilarious checking my skills in that game:

Marelian, Allac, Ashon and |337
In response to Zilal
Zilal wrote:
But I am compulsive.

<<On the other hand, what I *am* working on will bring joy (and death) to many people whereas only Esserae and Jaxia are compulsive enough to ask 400 individual questions.>>

1. How was everyone's christmas?

Great, as usual! Yours?

2. I hear Thrakmas is supposed to be just a Twilight Hall thing and not an Elanthian thing, is that true? is most certainly true... If you believe it is so...

3. Did it snow where you live?

Yup...about two days before Christmas... Right now it's raining...

4. What is figgy pudding?

Pudding with figs in it?

5. How come sugar plums have no plum in them?

I wasn't aware of this fact... I'll look into

6. How does someone enjoy cognac?

By drinking it...LOTS of it...

7. Are you out of your mind?

No...there's some in the stockroom...

8. Did anyone else's dad buy 50% of her gifts at the dollar store?

Not so far as I know (goes to check for pricetags)...

9. How are you?

Good...and you?

10. What time are you people usually around in the Rest?

Not sure...

11. Did you know that in a study of the effect of smells upon blood flow to the nether regions, pumpkin pie scored the highest increase in men?

I did not know that...

12. Did you know it was Good n Plenty candies for women?


13. Who really likes Good n Plenties, anyway?

They're best... But I wouldn't buy any...

14. Is it true the formula for M&Ms sold in the south is different from those sold in the north? includes less latitude...

15. ...and that over 50% of both the north and south forces in the civil war was Irish immigrants?

Probably...but I dunno...

16. What did I do with the pictures I had taken of my nose getting pierced?

You accidentally sent them to your grandmother... She's very upset...

17. Where did my friend Joanna from summer camp move to?

Her new house...

18. And does she still have the cd I accidentally left at her house?

Most likely...unless she put it in the microwave (try it sometime!)

19. What was that thing with Sammeal and Oberly?


20. Isn't "festively plump" great?


21. Where do the ducks on the lake in Central Park go in the winter?


22. How come ink cartridges cost so much?

It takes a lot of effort to fill them...

23. How come Lechter's and the Science store in the mall aren't there anymore?

Because they left...

24. Where is the Waterford that Waterford crystal comes from?


25. How come real crystal smells nasty to me?

Maybe it needs to be washed...

26. Why does horseradish sauce make your nose burn?

Don't sniff it...

27. You know what sucks?

A vacuum?

28. If olive oil is made from olives, what is baby oil made from?

Baby olives...

29. How come the olive oil sold in American supermarkets is oils from different countries mixed together, while the oil sold in Europe is unmixed?

It is symbolic of our "melting pot" culture...

30. Why do people get confused about "shelled" nuts having no shells, but not about peeled fruits having no peels?

Wait..."shelled" nuts have no shells?

31. Anyone ever had a durian?

Not that I know of...

32. Are horses smarter than cats?

I doubt it...

33. What class of drug would catnip be?

Definitely a halucinogen...

34. Can you make cheese from milk that comes from non-ruminants?

If you try real can make cheese from ANYTHING...

35. How is Aephir doing?

Just fine...

36. How short is Nofret again?

Rather short...

37. How much does the Diablo II expansion pack cost?

Absolutely nothing...if you know where to get it...

38. Is it worth it?

Anything is worth "free"...

39. What are those really thick work pants they sell at Bob's called?

"Really Thick Work Pants"

40. What do you people have against the name Buffy?


41. Where is Aluisa?

Right about there /\

42. Where is Alusia?

See above...

43. Where is Zephina?

Right about there /\

44. How much do non-disposable contacts cost?

A lot...

45. Do I really have to go to the bathroom, or can I hold it a bit longer?

Only time will tell...

46. Ever tried the 3d graphics program Blender?


47. Do you eat bone marrow?

Yup...jello is good...

48. Isn't the next installment of Star Wars supposed to come out next year?

Nope...this year...

49. Is it true that the plant used for marijuana and that used for hemp are different?

They must be... But they're probably related...

50. Why are children's cereals so expensive?

Those spokes-cartoons don't work cheap!

51. Isn't Atari porn the greatest concept ever?

Somehow "Pole Position" will never be the same...

52. Will there be roa'ters in RR?

Yes...most definitely...

53. Why do birds suddenly appear when you're near?

Must be the suet cake on my head...

54. Aren't pigeons pretty?

Only in pictures...

55. Is a porch swing, a rocking chair or a slider better?

A glider...

56. Can you imagine getting a botfly in you and deliberately waiting for it to hatch?

I can imagine that...but I don't want to...

57. What's the "oldest" critter in Ta'Vaalor?

The one that's older than the second oldest one...

58. What will the Moomph pickle advertisers think of next?

I am frightened to think of it...

59. Are silicon-based life forms really feasible?

Depends on your definition of "life"...

60. Are they likely to occur anywhere in the universe?

Yes...there's one on your shoulder...

61. Is the universe saddle-shaped?

I sure hope not...

62. At extremely high temperatures, do the forces act as one?

Well...they're already all slightly similar... So perhaps under extreme conditions...they begin to blend together...

63. How long do you have to boil eggs to make them hard?

3 minutes...

64. Why are they sometimes greenish inside?

Those are the rejects from Dr Seuss books...

65. Do you like green eggs and ham?

lol...I swear I didn't read this one before I wrote my answer to the last one...

66. Would you eat them on a train?

I would not eat them on a plane...I would not eat them on a train...

67. Shouldn't more money be put into rail development?


68. Who has a train set around their christmas tree?

My Christmas tree is gone...but there wasn't one around it when it was there...

69. Did you go fake, or real?

Real, actually...

70. Do your cats eat the tinsel?

Mom wouldn't allow tinsel this year...she wanted it to look simple and "rustic" or something like that... I think she just didn't want to have to be picking up fallen tinsel through July...

71. Did you get your pets presents?

Nope...not this year...

72. What is white chocolate if there's no chocolate in it?

Stuff... Good stuff...

73. Who's a good boy?

Depends on your definition of "good"...

74. Do I really have a flat tire, or did someone deliberately let the air out?

*Sheepishly says "sorry"*

75. That would be weird, wouldn't it? certainly would...

76. If I buy a used radio to replace the radio stolen from my car, am I likely to be unwittingly driving the same market that encouraged theft of my car radio in the first place?

Yup...especially if you buy it from the back of a van in some alley...

77. Where are Dalmatia, Pomerania, Abyssinia, et cetera?

Right there /\ (are we tired of this one yet? lol)

78. Does the word abyss have anything to do with Abyssinia?

Most likely...

79. Actually, wasn't my German teacher fro Pomerania?

No...but her dog was...

80. Will there be any social security left for me?'s all coming to me...

81. Am I getting a cold?


82. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?

Exactly 1,582...

83. They don't really mean it when they sall ALL snowflakes are different, right?

It would stand to reason that at least SOME of them are alike... There are far too many of them for that to never happen...

84. Do some cultures think sulfur smells good?


85. What is myrrh?

That thing over there by the frankincense...

86. What does "creche" mean in French?


87. You know they put sugar on popcorn in France instead of salt and butter?

I did not know that... We didn't have any popcorn when I went...

88. And people put mayonnaise on french fries instead of ketchup?

Funny story... I went there on a French class trip...and we went to a McDonalds one day... One of my classmates ordered some fries and tried to get some Ranch dressing to dip them in... But as hard as he tried...he couldn't get the counter guy to (I don't think they even HAVE Ranch dressing there, anyways)... After a few failed attempts...he gave up and walked away with his fries... As I stepped up to the counter...I saw the kid roll his eyes and mouth "fou" ("crazy")

89. Or do you spell it catsup?

Nope... Ketchup...

90. Are there reruns of Quantum Leap on any channel I get?

Perhaps...start clicking!

91. Does Rush Limbaugh really believe what he says?

I don't want to know...

92. Is Sanskrit an ancester of most European languages?

I have no clue...

93. Will it be cold tomorrow?

I don't know...but there is a 100% chance of air tomorrow...

94. Should I brush my cat's teeth?

No...that is best left up to a professional...

95. Are there any void-flaring weapons for sale?

I know this guy down on South Main and Milan Ave...

96. How many new rules has M:tG come out with since I last played?

Probably not many "new rules"...but TONS and TONS of errata regarding the old ones...

97. What should I have to eat?

Preferably food...

98. What is Bradach working on?

Forming coherent sentences...

99. What have I got in my pocket?


100. What is snooker?

A game of some sort...

101. When does the kobold as a fantastic creature date from?

Way back...

102. Were Homer's epics written by Homer, or by another man of that name?


103. Did I finish MacBeth or not?

I didn't think you started it...

104. Why did Mr. Spillane leave the high school?

They kicked him out...

105. Are LotR showings still really crowded?

Not around here... But if you plan to see it again...wait until March... They say they're putting the trailer for movie 2 at the end of the movie then...

106. Was there any Near Eastern medieval weapon resembling a rapier?


107. Is the use of elephants in circuses ethical?

As long as the peanut supply holds out...

108. Are elephants smarter than dogs?


109. What was that noise?

The clicking of your keyboard...

110. Do you think if I took my watch to the jewelry counter in Walmart, they could replace the battery for me?

Most likely...but only if the watch was bought there in the first place... They don't usually work on watches from other places... Just in case they break them...they want to be able to replace them...

111. Why'd they stop selling that model?

You were the only one who bought one...

112. Is the purchase of Walmart products unethical?

I sure hope not...I buy stuff there all the time...

113. Should we be looking into drigibles as a form of transportation?

Do the words "Oh the humanity!" ring any bells?

114. Where will I put this stuff?

Next to the other stuff...

115. What is the origin of the word "peeve"?

Not a clue...

116. Why do I have so many moths in my apartment in the middle of winter?

It's warm in there...

117. Which light is making that red "brake lamp" warning on my car come on?

Rear passenger...

118. If I reroute my festive colored lights around the bulb socket that exploded, will they work again? long as you can get a circuit running...

119. Did Dorli's player really get me an egg-wave for christmas?

Yes...and can I borrow it?

120. Does DD7 really work like they say?

It sure does... Wait...which "they"'s are we talking about?

121. What did your mother tell you?

Lots of stuff... But I can't seem to remember any of it...

122. Do positive ions have a negative effect on mood?


123. How much algebra do I remember?

All of spelled it 100% correctly...

124. What happened to light brown regular M&Ms?

They were offed by the mob...

125. Why were there no light brown peanut M&Ms?

There are also no orange peanut butter M&Ms...and Brown M&M;s have never been in a commercial... I smell a conspiracy...

126. Are there still cheese-injected hot dogs on the market?

Probably... Maybe even some from the first batch!

127. Why can't I find them?

You have to look next to the cheese-injected polish sausages...

128. Why would you leave an unwrapped candy on your keyboard?

I wouldn't...

129. Will Richard Adams write more books?

In due time...

130. Who wrote that ode to the grecian urn thing?

That one greek dude...

131. Is beauty really truth?

Unless it is fake...

132. What is the evolutionary history of the colon and semicolon?

I dunno...I'm only familiar with

133. What color are my eyes?


124. You remember that alien show where the aliens couldn't drink milk?


125. Do I have new e-mail?


126. How long can I wait before I have to go in for my emissions test?

As long as you want...just make sure you never drive...

127. What is brass made of?


128. What are little girls made of?

Sugar, spice, and...chemical X...

129. Is 129 a prime number?

I'm too lazy to do the I'll just say "yes"...

130. Are levi's with the orange tag made in Puerto Rico?

Nope...they're all made in Chinese sweatshops...

131. What does a silver tag mean?

You have the special one-millionth pair!

132. What is the definition of jaywalking?

Crossing the street in an area that is not designated for crossing the street...

133. How did it get its name?

I have no idea...

134. What are you looking at?

My computer monitor...

135. What's it to you?

It's very important to me... Without it I couldn't do anything with my computer...

145. You wanna step outside?'s raining (as I said WAY up there)...

146. What was it Ambrose Bierce said about marriage?

"I do"...

147. What are rickets?

Some disease...I forget exactly what...

148. Will I ever play Black & White again?

If you wish real hard...

149. Is Percocet an opiate?

I dunno...

150. What should I wear to bed?

The usual...

151. Are there ever lightning and thunderstorms in the winter?

Sometimes...but it's rare... They require a warm mass of air colliding with a cold mass of air in order to exist... And that doesn't happen that often in winter...

152. When is the Indian monsoon season?

Whenever it rains a lot in India...

153. Is my uncle incapable of interpreting subtle social cues indicating extreme boredom, or is he just rude?

He's just rude...

154. What is in this brownie?

You really don't want to know...

155. What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Go to the store and buy some...

156. What did my car radio sell for?

Hopefully money...

157. What is the gist of the Hindu faith?


158. What is my favorite movie?

That one...with the guy... And the stuff...

159. Do I even have one?

You do now...

160. What is my favorite book?

That one with the words...

170. How much is too much?

A lot...

171. What do moths smell like?

Like moths...

172. What do durians smell like?

Like durians...

173. What do I smell like?

I have no idea...

174. Are we there yet?

Nope...226 to go!

175. Should I switch to a totally free checking account?

Absolutely...unless you LIKE paying service fees and check charges...

176. Are there any college-age boys who like to polka?

I'm sure there are...

177. Where can I find one?


178. Where have all the flowers gone?

Back into the dirt from whence they came...

179. Why are cyclamens so weird?

"Weird" is such a relative term...

180. What is the chemical composition of snot?

That is highly classified information... If I told you...I'd have to kill you...

181. What time is it?

3:45 AM EST

182. You know Topo Gigio?

lol... I had a stuffed mouse puppet when I was little that my dad said looked like Topo Gigio... I wodner where that thing went?

182. Is George Lucas crazy?

If by "crazy" you mean "genius"...then yes...

183. Can I make pesto at home?


184. Remember the Goodfeathers?

Pesto is the only name I can remember... Besides the Godpigeon...

185. What does this key go to?

A lock...

186. Anybody want a peanut?

No thanks...

187. What is the difference between a sloop and a ketch again?

A sloop is a small boat... A ketch is a slightly larger boat...?

188. What is a yawl?

Something they say down south...

189. How do they make pickles pickles?

They put cucumbers into a brine solution (usually vinegar, salt, spices, etc) and they soak up the juice and turn into pickles...

190. What is in peanut brittle?

Brittle Peanuts...

191. What does peppermint bark taste like?


192. How many roads must a man walk down?

Just one... Unless his car breaks down a lot...

193. When should I do laundry?

When you've worn all of your clothes both inside and out...

194. How come it was so warm in November?

It was nearly 60 degrees here just the other day... I'm frankly getting worried about what Spring will bring...

195. What is the weirdest dream you remember?

I really don't remember many...

196. How many marsupials are there not native to Australia?


197. What percentage of Australian aboriginals have diabetes?


198. Where did the percent symbol come from?

I held shift before I hit the number 5 key...

199. What are the symptoms of a tapeworm?

Overactive appetite, nausea,

200. Is one sex of mules fertile and the other not?

I don't really need to know this...

201. Do you watch Junkyard Wars?


202. Isn't "bodging" the best word ever?

Not quite...

203. Do you pledge to use "bodging" more in your everyday speech?

I solemnly swear on the bodging Good Book...

204. How many rabbits would it take to heat a room to the same level as your everyday radiator?

Too many...

205. Is motrin better than the store-brand ibuprofen?


206. How does one recognize basalt?

By looking at the label on the jar...

207. When was asphalt invented?

A while back...

208. Should I put the milk away?


209. How old is Ray Bradbury?

Old enough...

210. What "season" is my coloration?


211. Have you been to Hawaii?


212. Does Dremerie still have my Bardfest pin?


213. Have I injured my tongue?

Probably once or twice...

214. Where's the beef?

In the cow...

215. You know that game on the old "whose line is it anyway" where they could only ask questions?

How could I not?

216. Are you Swedish?


217. How do you pronounce "cuirass"?


218. How is "cuirbouilli" pronounced?


219. How do YOU pronounce coif?


220. How much is a ladies' haircut at a non-cheapo discount salon?

I dunno...

221. Even if the lady is really getting a boy's cut?

See above...

222. Isn't palimpsest a great word?

No... But "specificity" is...

223. Do you like Jodie Foster?

I've never met her...

224. Have you been to NYC?

Nope...but I'd love to go...

225. Yes?


226. Why am I dizzy?

Could be carbon monoxide poisoning...or perhaps you're spinning in your chair...

227. Are they still showing that Sherlock Holmes series on A&E with Jeremy Brett?

I rarely watch A&E...

228. When is it on?

When it's on...

229. Where has Setzier got to?

That place...

230. What cd should I listen to?

The round one...

231. Should I have asked for a Frankie Valley & the Four Seasons cd for Christmas? should...

232. Are those chocolates really imported?

Yup...imported from the store to your house...

233. From where?

The store (as I said...)

234. Do you have any grey poupon?


235. What happened to my horseradish sauce?

It's next to my Grey Poupon...

236. How come I don't have any mustard?

Because the Ketchup scared it away...

237. How do you play Go Fish?

Very carefully...

238. How do you play poker?

Very carefully...

239. Will I be able to go to Mars?

If you live long enough...

240. Which little piggy went to market?

This one...

241. What the heck was she singing?

"Oui Oui Oui"... Must have been a French piggy...

242. Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?

To the fire hydrant on the corner...

243. Where is Prata?

Somewhere out there...

244. When will the log go?

When it pleases...

245. Do you know the way to San Jose?

Head South...

246. Who is the prime minister of Canada?

I'm American...I have no

247. Are artichokes good?

I've never had one...

248. Did I take my iron today?


249. Is there life in the clouds of Jupiter?


250. Is there life on Europa?


251. When is my appointment?


252. Can I borrow some paper towels?


253. What?


254. Who?


255. Aren't you going to silflay? that you mention it...I AM...

256. Is rabbit pie good?

Never had it...

257. Should I get bisquick?

Bisslow is much better...

258. Does AOL hate me?


259. What is going on in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan's still there?

260. Do I have any good books I haven't read?

Nope...I suggest you go to the library...

261. Should I take up the guitar again?

Why'd you ever put it down?

262. Is something wrong with my guitar, or is it just me?

The guitar only does what you tell it to do...

263. Is something wrong with my ocarina, or is it just me?

Stop holding the Z button or tilting the control stick...and it will sound just fine again...

264. Why does my computer do that?

Because it can...

265. Should I give my stepfather a call?

Not at this hour of the morning...

266. Why does MIE keep doing that?

Because it can...

267. Should I have some more to eat?

Absolutely...sooner or later you'll have to...

268. How old is Mount Rushmore?


269. Did anyone fall off it when they were making it?


270. Did they die?

No...they had a net...

271. How long is this going to take to download?

A while...

272. How much money do I have?

Fie dolla...

273. Am I cold enough to warrant putting my socks on?


274. How much gas does it take to get from here to New Haven?

A lot...

275. Isn't orange great?

Red is better...

276. Is Fanta European?

It should say on the label...

277. Did Banthis really have anything to do with bantas?


278. Will there be Jeopardy auditions here sometime?

Depends on where "here" is...

279. Should I go? seem to be good at asking why the hell not?

280. How much has the Aral sea sunk since 1970?

A lot...

281. Is it bad to eat sunflower seed shells?

So far as I major fatalities have been caused by it...

282. How do you separate the shell from the seed when they're in your mouth?

Very carefully...

283. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?

Not a bit... Poor guy...

284. Are muppet show reruns on anywhere?

I wish...

285. How about Flying Circus reruns?

There were a while ago...but I'm not sure anymore...

286. Do I wonder a lot about reruns?

For three questions at least...

287. How much TV do I watch every week?

Not nearly enough...

288. What temperature is it in here?


289. Should I even bother?

Probably not...but don't let me rain on your parade...

290. What is a no-load mutual fund?

Lemme turn on CNBC and get back to you...

291. What is in acrylic paints?

Plastic and dye...

292. Acrylic socks?

See above...

293. One lump or two?


294. Sugar?

Yes, please...

295. You know Dirk Gently?


296. Why is Dirk the nickname for Derek?

I wasn't aware that it was...

297. Que pasa?

Not much...

298. What is my horoscope today?

"You will be very inquisitive...and get all kinds of silly replies"

299. What is La Traviata about?


300. Is Carmen a guy's name too?


301. Where does the name Carmichael come from?

I dunno...

302. Are there ghosts?


303. What does Ganesha represent?

I dunno...

304. Was my 7th grade music teacher wrong about George Harrison?


305. How much is the electric bill?

Too much...

306. Is Uncle Bill going to get married?


307. Would I recognize a female cardinal if I saw it alone?


308. What should I do with the tooth I had taken out?

Have it bronzed...

309. Which way did he go, George?

< That way

310. Am I too busy to read the Harry Potter books?


311. What is a cornemuse?


312. Does Sammeal's player know?


313. What does it sound like?


314. Do llamas make good pets?

Not indoors...

315. What is the fourth South American cameloid?

The one that coems after the third...

316. Did you see Star Trek IV?


317. Or was it V?

That too...

318. Where is Ricardo Montalban from?

I have no idea...

319. Do you go hiking?


320. No?


321. Don't you hate it when someone is bouncing a basketball outside when you are trying to take a nap?

"Na..p"?? What is this "nap"?

322. Should I stay or should I go?


323. Is this thing in defensive?

Of course...

324. Did you hear I'm on a seafood diet?

"If you 'see food' you eat it"?

325. Liquor?

Mike's Hard Lemonade...

326. Splunge?


327. When you were a kid, did you want an anemone clownfish too?

No... I wanted a pufferfish...

328. Do you like fish?

They're alright... Kind of boring...

329. Do you like clams?

They're alright... Kind of boring...

330. How often do you eat out?

Too often...

331. Do you wear much jewelry?

Not a bit... I don't even wear my watch (I keep it in my pocket)...

332. Do you have any tattoos?

Not that I remember getting...

333. How much does a nose piercing cost around here?

Too much...

334. Is it live, or is it Memorex?

Definitely RCA...

335. Do you rent a lot of movies?

Not really...

336. When was the last time I rented a movie?

Three weeks ago...and you didn't rewind!

337. When was the last time I saw a movie in the theater?


338. When is Harmonious Soul's next concert?

The day after the first of Fetober...

339. Is pewter a composite metal?


340. Pewter?

My mom has a shadow box full of the stuff...

341. What is the softest metal?


342. What is the hardest metal?


343. Which is the least prone to corrosion?

Stainless Steel?

344. What makes zinc so corrosible?

I dunno...

345. Is corrosible a word?

It is now...

346. Do I feel well enough to party on New Year's?

Ummmm...11 months away?

347. What does "auld lang syne" mean?

I've been wondering that myself...

348. What is taking a cup of kindness?

I prefer to borrow it...

349. Is that some ribald euphemism?

Yes, it is...

350. Do I really want to get up?


351. Does it feel like we're in a new millenium to you?

Does it feel like we're in the second year of a new millenium to you?

352. Where's my flying car?

In the shop...

353. Does the Segway impress you at all?

Not a bit...

354. Why would we want an invention that takes the place of walking?

Pure, unadulterated laziness...

355. Where is North Dumpling?

At the opposite end of South Dumpling...

356. Can I see it from Bluff Point?

If the air is clear...

357. What happened to our old Apple IIe?

It went to that big orchard in the sky...

358. What happened to our old Mac Classic?

Bill Gates kidnapped it...

359. How many teachers I went to Junior High with are still there?

Plenty of them...

360. Would any remember me?

I hope so...

361. Can I afford NOT to get my hair cut?


362. Who was Mithridates?

That one person...

363. How many species of fig are there?


364. What is a sark?

An underwater predator that eats fis...

365. Are they going to make another Indiana Jones movie?

Harrison Ford hopes so...

366. Is there life on Mars?

Not yet...

367. Is that hypothesis they had on the show about supermassive black holes correct?


368. Who is "O Danny Boy" written to?


369. Where would I like my ashes when I'm cremated?

In the sea...

370. What day do they come to pick up the old newspapers?

The next day...

371. How many 6 flags theme parks are there?

More than 6...

372. How far will a rubber band stretch?

Until it breaks...

373. What is spermacetti again?


374. How old is Charlton Heston?


375. Do my fingernails grow at different rates on my different fingers?


376. Why does my nose dry out so easily?

Try moisturizer...

377. Why do boxfound pants in GS weigh 5 pounds?

That's the law...

378. Who the hell has pants that weigh 5 pounds??

Big people...

379. Would you like to find a real gem?


380. Do you have any real gems?


381. Don't you hate Jaxia?


382. Where is Jaxia?


383. Do I look fat in this?


384. Do I need a new cartridge in my printer, or what?

Wait..about that last answer... I was only

385. What day of the week is it?


386. You remember the movie Gremlins?


387. What substance in glow-in-the-dark stuff makes it glow in the dark?


388. What is black light?

A light frequency that excites the electrons in matter...and when they give up that extra energy...they glow...

389. Wouldn't that be bad for you?

Not as bad as concentrated UV...

390. Why is my fleece jacket not warm at all?

You have to be wearing it first...

391. Are you going to San Francisco?

Maybe one day...

392. Is that memory I have of my 5th birthday really of my 5th birthday?'s your 4176st unbirthday...

393. What color did Heather Angell paint her house?


394. Are you a rabbit person or an aardvark person?

AHHHH!!!!! You said the secret word!!!! AHHHH!!!!

395. Huh?

Don't ask...

396. What is vegemite?

An odd food product of Australia (and perhaps England...)

396. What is liverwurst?

The poor man's version of "liverbest"...

398. What will they think of next?

Hopefully something better than the last one...

399. How does my nose get so dried out?

Stop breathing...

400. Why is Juspera's player so contrary?

I dunno...but it won't tell me...


In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Zilal wrote:
4. What is figgy pudding?

Pudding with figs in it?

And bacon!
hey, i got some of this solved!
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|3|_| 7 |7 7|-|3/\/ (0/\/\/\/\@/\/|)$ |7$ (0-(0/\/$|D|®@70®$, "90, @/\/|) |)0 7|-|0|_|
leutithen           commands          its co-considirators,   "go, and    do   thou

|||<3\/\/|$3." 7|-||$ /\/\0®@| |$$|_| 3 \/\/||| 3\/3/\/7|_| @||¥ |33 ®3/\/|)3®3|) @(@|)3/\/\|(
likewise."     this   morel    issue    will    eventually       leerendered      academic

|3¥ 7|-|3 |=@(7 7|-|@7 \/\/|-|@7 | ,_||_| $7 \/\/®073 |$ /\/07 |3@$3|) 0/\/ /\/\3®3|¥ @ $|/\/9|3
ley the   fact  that    what  I, just        wrote    is  not   leased  on  merely    a  single

3×|D3®|3/\/¢è 0® @/\/3(|)073. ®@7|-|3®, |7 |$ |3@$3|) |_| |D0/\/ 7|-|3 \/\/|$|)0/\/\ 0|= @((|_|
experlence    or anecdote.    rather,   it is leased  u   pon    the    wisdom       of  accu

/\/\|_| |@73|) ¥3@®$, $|D@/\//\/|/\/9 7\/\/0 (0/\/7|/\/3/\/7$, @/\/|) |D®0\/3/\/ |3¥ 7|-|3 |=@(7
mulated        years, sidanning       two    continents,       and    proven     ley the   fact

7|-|@7 ||= |337 (@/\/'7 |33 ®3@$0/\/3|) 0|_| 7 0|= |7$ |D®3,_||_| |)|¢è$, |7 /\/\|_| $7 |33
that   if   leet can't  be reasoned     ou   t of  its pre, judices,      it  must      be

|@|_| 9|-|3|) 0|_| 7 0|= 7|-|3/\/\. ||= |337 (@/\/'7 |33 @®9|_| 3|) 0|_| 7 0|= |7$
laughed       out     of  them.      if leet cant    be  argued      out    of   its

$3||=|$|-|/\/3$$, |7 /\/\|_| $7 |33 $|-|@/\/\3|) 0|_| 7 0|= |7. |3|_| 7 7|-||$ |$
selhshness,       it must       be   shamed       out    of  it. but    this    is

$0/\/\37|-||/\/9 70 |33 |=||3|) @\/\/@¥ |=0® |=|_| 7|_| ®3 |3#3®$. @7 |D®3$3/\/7, | \/\/|$|-| 70
something        to  be  fied   away    for  future        b?ers.  at present,    i  wish     to

|=0(|_| $ 0/\/ 0/\/|¥ 0/\/3 7|-||/\/9: 7|-|3 |=@(7 7|-|@7 ||= /\/@7|_| ®@| $3|3(7|0/\/
focus      on  only   one   thing:      the  fact   that  if   natural     selection

|/\/|)33|) \/\/0®|<$ |3¥ ®3/\/\0\/|/\/9 7|-|3 \/\/3@|<3$7 @/\/|) /\/\0$7 93/\/37|(@||¥ |_|
indeed     works     by  removing       the   weakest      na d  most     genetically   u

/\/|=|7 /\/\3/\/\|33®$ 0|= @ $|D3(|3$, 7|-|3/\/ |337 |$ (|3@®|¥ 90|/\/9 70 |33 7|-|3 |=|®$7 70
nht      members       of  a specise,  than     leet  is clearly going  to be  the   first  to

90. /\/\¥ /\/\3$$@93 |$ (|3@®: |337 \/\/||| |D®0|3@|3|¥ /\/3\/3® |_| /\/|)3®$7@/\/|) \/\/|-|¥ |7
to. my    message    is clear: leet will    probably    never    understand          what

$(@®3$ /\/\3 $0 /\/\|_| (|-|. @/\/|) |7 |)03$ $(@®3 /\/\3: |7$ ®@\/|/\/9$ @®3 $(@®¥, |7$
scares me    so  much.        and    it  does scare me:     its ravings    are scary. its

\/3/\/7|_| ®3$ @®3 $(@®¥, @/\/|) /\/\0$7 0|= @||, | @/\/\ 7|-|0®0|_| 9|-||¥ $|-|0(|<3|) @/\/|)
ventures       are scary, and    most    fo all,  i am    thoroughly         shocked     and

3/\/7|®3|¥ @|D|D@||3|) 7|-|@7 |7 (0|_| ||) \/0|¢è 7|-|3 $0®7$ 0|= 9®0$$ ||3$ @/\/|) |-||$70®|(@|
entirely   appalled    that    it could    voice  the   sorts  of  gross ibs and    historical

/\/\|$®3|D®3$3/\/7@7|0/\/$ 7|-|@7 |7 $0 0|=73/\/ |)03$. 7|-|@7 (0/\/¢è|D7 (@/\/ |33 3×73/\/|)3|),
misrepresentations         that   it so often    does.   that   concelts  can   be  extended,

/\/\|_| 7@7|$ /\/\|_| 7@/\/|)|$, 70 7|-|3 \/\/@¥ 7|-|@7 |337'$ (@7(|-|-|D|-|®@$3$ @®3 |3@$3|)
mutatis mutandis,                to the    way    that  leet's catchphrases       are based

0/\/ @ |)3/\/|@| 0|= ®3@||7¥, 0/\/ 7|-|3 $|_| |3$7|7|_| 7|0/\/ 0|= @ |)3|||33®@73|¥ |=@|$||=|3|)
on   a  denial   of  reality. on   the   sulestitu      tion    of a  deliberately  falsified

|D|(7|_| ®3 0|= 7|-|3 \/\/0®||) |/\/ |D|@¢è 0|= ®3@||7¥. @/\/|) 7|-||$ |)|$|-|0/\/3$7¥, 7|-||$
picture     of    the  world    in   place   of reality. and     this   dishonesty, this

®3|=|_| $@| 70 @|)/\/\|7 7|-|3 7®|_| 7|-|, \/\/||| |-|@\/3 $0/\/\3 \/3®¥ $3®|0|_| $ (0/\/$30,|_|
refusal     to admit      the  truth,       will   have     some   very  serious    consequ

 3/\/¢è$ |=0® @|| 0|= |_| $ |/\/ 7|-|3 |/\/\/\/\3|)|@73 ¥3@®$ @|-|3@|).
ences    for   all of  us    in  the    immediate       years   ahead.

|33(@|_| $3 \/\/3 |-|@\/3 7|-|3 |)373®/\/\|/\/@7|0/\/ 70 $33 7|-|3 7®|_| 7|-| |D®3\/@||, \/\/3
because    we     have     the  determination        to   see the  truth      prevail,   we

/\/\|_| $7 /\/3\/3® |=0®937 7|-|@7 ||= ¥0|_| \/\/@/\/7 70 |-|||)3 $0/\/\37|-||/\/9 |=®0/\/\
must        never   forget   that  if    you  want     to  hide    something,      from

|337, ¥0|_| ,_||_| $7 |-|@\/3 70 |D|_| 7 |7 |/\/ @ |3<><>|<. ||= |7 \/\/3®3/\/'7 |=0® |=@7|_|
leet, you  just     have      to put     it in   a book.     if   it  weren't     for fatu

0|_| $ 9|7$, |337 \/\/0|_| ||) |-|@\/3 /\/0 |=®|3/\/|)$. |337 |-|@$ |333/\/ |)3||_| |)|/\/9
ous    gits, leet  would       have    no   friends.     leet has    been   deluding

|D30|D|3 |/\/70 |33||3\/|/\/9 7|-|@7 7|-|3 (|_| ®3 |=0® 3\/|| |$ /\/\0®3 3\/||. |)0/\/'7 |37 |7
people   into   beliveing      that  the   cure     for  evil  is  more  evil.   don't let it

 |)3||_| |)3 ¥0|_| , 7<><>.
delude you, too.

|337 |$ 0|D3®@7|/\/9 |_| /\/|)3® 7|-|3 /\/\|$9|_| ||)3|) @$$|_| /\/\|D7|0/\/ 7|-|@7 7|-|3 |<||)$
leet is olderatng    under       the   misguided        assumption          that    the  kids

 0/\/ 7|-|3 |D|@¥9®0|_| /\/|) @®3 |-|@|D|D¥ 70 $|_| ®®3/\/|)3® 70 7|-|3 $(|-|<><>| |3|_| ||¥.
on    the   playround         are happy     to surrender       to  the  school     bully.

\/\/|-|@7'$ /\/\¥ |D®0|3|3/\/\, 7|-|3/\/? @||0\/\/ /\/\3 70 |D®3$3/\/7 |7 |/\/ 7|-|3 |=0®/\/\
whats        my   problem,     then?      allow     me    to present    it  in  the  form

0|= @ 0,|_| 3$7|0/\/: \/\/|-|¥ (@/\/'7 |7 ®3||3\/3 |7$ @(|-||/\/9 $3/\/$3 0|= |/\/@|)30,|_| @(¥
of  a question:        why      cant   it  relieve  its aching    sense   of  inadequacy

 \/\/|7|-|0|_| 7 |-|@\/|/\/9 70 |/\/7®0|)|_| ¢è (|-|@/\/93$ \/\/|7|-|0|_| 7 73$7|/\/9 7|-|3/\/\
without          having      to introduce       changes      without        testing    them

|=|®$7? 70 ®3|D|-|®@$3 7|-|@7 0,|_| 3$7|0/\/, |-|0\/\/ (@/\/ |7 ®37@®|) 7|-|3 |=®33 @/\/|)
first?  to reidhrase   that   question,        how      can  it retard  the   free   and

/\/@7|_| ®@| 3(0/\/0/\/\|( |)3\/3|0|D/\/\3/\/7 0|= \/@®|0|_| $ (0|_| /\/7®|3$' |/\/|)|93/\/0|_|
natural      economic      development         of   various     countries'     indigenous

$ |D0|D|_| |@7|0/\/ @/\/|) 7|-|3/\/ 7|_| ®/\/ @®0|_| /\/|) @/\/|) $|-|3|) 73@®$ |=0® 7|-|0$3
  population        and    then     turn      around        and    shed    tears for  those

\/\/|-|0 907 |-||_| ®7 @$ @ ®3$|_| |7? 7|-|3®3 |$ \/\/||)3$|D®3@|) @9®33/\/\3/\/7 |/\/ @$|<|/\/9
who      got  hurtasares           it?  there  is   widespread     agreement       in  asking

 7|-|@7 0,|_| 3$7|0/\/, |3|_| 7 7|-|3®3 |$ 9®3@7 |)|$@9®33/\/\3/\/7
that    question,        but      there is great  disagreement

 |/\/ @/\/$\/\/3®|/\/9 |7.
in   answering it.

0$73/\/$||3|¥, |337 |)03$ /\/07 |/\/73/\/|) 70 ®3\/||3 3\/3®¥7|-||/\/9 |/\/ 7|-|3 /\/\0$7 0|3$¢è/\/3 73®/\/\$ @/\/|) |)®@9 |7 |/\/70 7|-|3 |=||7|-| 0|= 7|-|3 |3@$3$7 |D0$$||3|3 0|_| 7|<><>|<, |3|_| 7 |/\/ |=@(7, |7$ $(®33|)$ @®3 93@®3|) 70\/\/@®|) 7|-|3 (0/\/7|/\/|_| @7|0/\/ 0|= $0(|@| $7®@7||=|(@7|0/\/ |_| /\/|)3® 7|-|3 ®|_| |3®|( 0|= "7®@|)|7|0/\/." |=|_| /\//\/¥, 7|-|@7 \/\/@$ 7|-|3 $@/\/\3 73®/\/\ 7|-|@7 |337'$ 70@|)|3$ 0/\/¢è |_| $3|) 70 7®3@7 @/\/¥0/\/3 \/\/|-|0 |)03$/\/'7 @9®33 \/\/|7|-| |7 70 @ 70®®3/\/7 0|= \/|7®|0| @/\/|) \/||||=|(@7|0/\/. 9|\/3/\/ |337'$ ®3(0®|) 0|= $|-|@|)¥ |)3@||/\/9$, |7 @$$3®7$ 7|-|@7 7|-|3 |3<><>93¥/\/\@/\/ |$ 90|/\/9 70 937 |_| $ ||= \/\/3 |)0/\/'7 @9®33 70 |7$ |)3/\/\@/\/|)$. /\/\0$7 ®3@$0/\/@|3|3 |D30|D|3, |-|0\/\/3\/3®, ®3(09/\/|73 $|_| (|-| @$$3®7|0/\/$ @$ /\/07|-||/\/9 /\/\0®3 7|-|@/\/ |3@$3|3$$, ||= \/\/|$|-||=|_| |, (|@|/\/\$ |_| /\/$|_| |D|D0®73|) |3¥ (0/\/(®373 3\/||)3/\/¢è. $0 |337 7|-||/\/|<$ 7|-|@7 |7 (@/\/ |9/\/0®3 ®|_| |3$, |@\/\/$, @/\/|) |D®070(0| \/\/|7|-|0|_| 7 ®3|D3®(|_| $$|0/\/? |/\/73®3$7|/\/9 \/|3\/\/|D0|/\/7. |-|3®3'$ @/\/07|-|3®: |7 (@/\/'7 |D0$$||3|¥ |33||3\/3 7|-|@7 |7 |)3|=3/\/|)$ 7|-|3 ®3@| /\/33|)$ 0|= 7|-|3 \/\/0®|<|/\/9 (|@$$. |7'$ $7|_| |D||), |3|_| 7 |7'$ /\/07 7|-|@7 $7|_| |D||). @/\/|) 7|-|@7'$ |7. | $|-|@|| /\/\@|<3 3\/3®¥ 3|=|=0®7, 3$|D3(|@||¥ |/\/ 7|-||$ ||/\/\|73|) $|D@¢è, 70 |)3|=¥ 7|-|3 |/\/73®/\/@7|0/\/@| 3/\/$|@\/3/\/\3/\/7 0|= 3/\/7|®3 |D30|D|3$.
That's write, I wrote the WHOLE thing in |337 >:o)
Who wants to translate it?
In response to FIREking
That looks more like you ran it through a reverse-translator :oP If you want to translate it properly (as in, better than AltaVista does) you'll have to match the psuedo-words to their actual counterparts :oP
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