Totally unrelated to anything to do with BYOND-I need some good general knowledge questions that have almost obvious answers but people are likely to miss. I am using them in a short segment I'm producing for my high school's news broadcast. So far during this year's basketball season, I've gone up to opposing team's cheerleaders and asked them questions like "Who was the first president of the United States" (surprising hyears did the civil war take place?" etc. It's a lot like what Jay Leno does on the tonight show, only I turn it into a competition between our school's and the opposition's cheerleaders. It's gone pretty well so far, but I need more questions-I've run out. The state tournament is coming up so I'm going to need a bunch of them. Any suggestions for questions that you have would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe you should try my riddle. I've had it for years and no one's ever solved it :oP
In response to Foomer
Don't do that to him, you evil person!
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Maybe you should try my riddle. I've had it for years and no one's ever solved it :oP

Is the answer monkey :)?
What does E=MC2(thats squared, not 2) mean?

Who came up with that theory?

What direction does the sun rise/set?

What direction does the moon rise/set?

How many feet are in a mile?

What side of trees do moss grow on?

Hope I could help.

Here's some that may work:

What is the shortest month of the year? (February)
How many feet are in a mile? (5280)
A leap year occurs every how many years? (4)
What is the largest ocean? (Pacific)
Which is colder, 0 degrees Farenheit or Celcius? (Farenheit)
At what temperature does ice melt? (above 0 deg. Cel. or 32. Far. see above)
Boil? (100 deg. C., 212 deg. F.)
How fast can a penguin fly? (Trick question, penguins are flightless birds. Bonus points if the answer sets a hurled speed;-)
What is the state capitol of Texas? (Austin)
How many stripes are on an American flag? (13)
Who is pictured on the dime? (FDR)
How many cards are in a standard playing deck, excluding jokers? (52)
Who invented the light bulb? (Thomas Edison)
The telephone? (Alexander Graham Bell)
What is the name of Einstein's famous theory expressed by the formula e=mc2? (Theory of Relativity)
What was the name of the famous Mongol Khan who conquered China in the 1200's? (Genghis)
Which artist painted first, Picasso or Michaelangelo? (Michaelangelo)
According to tradition, in what year did Columbus set out for the New World? (1492)
What were his three ships? (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria)
What three nations comprised the Axis powers during WWII? (Germany, Japan, Italy)
What country did the British fight in the War of 1812? (United States)
What red object is emblazoned on the Canadian flag? (maple leaf)
What is the capitol of Mexico? (Mexico City)
Who is the crown prince of England? (Charles)

SilkWizard wrote:
Totally unrelated to anything to do with BYOND-I need some good general knowledge questions that have almost obvious answers but people are likely to miss. I am using them in a short segment I'm producing for my high school's news broadcast. So far during this year's basketball season, I've gone up to opposing team's cheerleaders and asked them questions like "Who was the first president of the United States" (surprising hyears did the civil war take place?" etc. It's a lot like what Jay Leno does on the tonight show, only I turn it into a competition between our school's and the opposition's cheerleaders. It's gone pretty well so far, but I need more questions-I've run out. The state tournament is coming up so I'm going to need a bunch of them. Any suggestions for questions that you have would be greatly appreciated.

go check this site out

I dont know if youve ever seen the show but its along the same lines and they have somequestions on there.
In response to Treasurecat
Treasurecat wrote:
go check this site out

I dont know if youve ever seen the show but its along the same lines and they have somequestions on there.

That's a really bad idea to use as a resource. Since this is a film project along pretty much exactly the same lines, using questions from this source amounts to plagiarism. It will also backfire if any of the interviewees are actually vapid enough to watch that show--which, given the network's usual demographics, wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
well unless these are genuis cheerleaders (i doubt it) these two should get 'em.

1st ask 'em when the war of 1812 was (1812, duh)

2nd ask 'em where the treaty of paris was signed... (America)

should trick 'em into sayin the obvious, but wrong answer.
In response to Airson
Airson wrote:
2nd ask 'em where the treaty of paris was signed... (America)

That one I don't think is so much common knowledge. I'm a little fuzzy on exactly which treaty that was, actually. Worsening matters is that Paris has certainly seen its share of treaties, and it was kind of a focal point for several wars as well as for the peace process afterward.

Lummox JR
SilkWizard wrote:
Totally unrelated to anything to do with BYOND-I need some good general knowledge questions that have almost obvious answers but people are likely to miss. I am using them in a short segment I'm producing for my high school's news broadcast. So far during this year's basketball season, I've gone up to opposing team's cheerleaders and asked them questions like "Who was the first president of the United States" (surprising hyears did the civil war take place?" etc. It's a lot like what Jay Leno does on the tonight show, only I turn it into a competition between our school's and the opposition's cheerleaders. It's gone pretty well so far, but I need more questions-I've run out. The state tournament is coming up so I'm going to need a bunch of them. Any suggestions for questions that you have would be greatly appreciated.

Geography questions seem to work well for this sort of thing--i.e., "What cardinal direction would you mostly go to get from Egypt to India" or "What state is immediately east of North Dakota?" Never done one myself, but inevitably all the variations I've seen on the "ask idiots easy questions" theme involve a couple of these questions sooner or later, and usually the only times they're answered correctly is in obvious guesses.
In response to Lummox JR
There are like eight treaties, each called "The Treaty of Paris". Really.

In response to Foomer
Well, post it! I'd love to take a whack at it.

Obvious answers that people are likely to miss, or answers people really should know but are likely to miss?

Q. Who's buried in Grant's tomb?
A. Grant. (Well, and his wife.)

Q. What does a light-year measure?
A. Distance.

Q. What was the tallest mountain before Mt. Everest was discovered?
A. Mt. Everest.

Q. What was Mark Twain's real name?
A. Samuel Langhorn Clemens.

Q. Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
A. Neither.

Q. What is the capital of Canada?
A. Ottawa.

Here's a nice question that most people don't know of:

Q: What Canadian dam was featured in an episode of The X-Files?
A: Ruskin Dam, B.C. (In the show, it was featured as Ruskin Dam, Pennsylvania; damn Hollywood bastards.)