Well, I havn't REALLY followed the show. But I decided to watch the last few episodes. I wanted to at least find out how it ends. I think that Scully's baby is either

-The second coming of Jesus

-Satan or some Apacolyptic thing coming to destory the world


PS- I tried looking up spoilers online, but couldn't find any, I only searched for a few mins. Any comments?
Its a cybernetic cloned super human baby.

I think it is a cross-bred of half-human / half-alien.

-Satan or some Apacolyptic thing coming to destory the world

No, you're thinking of Rosemary's baby. Scully's baby will be the Smoking Baby.
In response to Gughunter
Hmm, I wonder if that merely happened to be coincidental with Metal Gear Solid 2... no spoilers for those who haven't played it, though!