well, i have bean hard at work on version 3, it will be open testing after.
In the update, it will have..
* There will be a new verb for items. called "Info" it will give you the following, how much you can sell the weapon for to a dealer. the weapon power, and what class can use it.

* we will also have a nice Auction system in, for people to auction off any of there old-crappy goods.

* There will be no more statpanel called "Pack" inwhich is the inventory, since i cant find all the weapon items i thought just remove that whole pannel, you can not drop / pickup items anymore, but there will be a new verb for Giving it away, you can give it away to somone, or auction, or sell. so it aint that big of a loss :)

* fixed alot of bugs reported to me, added afew more monsters / towns extended map, and more magic.

* also fixed the weapon equip / unequip bug.

There will be alot more added before the test so keep your eyes open for Version 3 Test, located in Final Fantasy Online!
Special thanks to Canar, and Col for reporting bugs.
- RaeKwon
oops, forgot. sorry for the bump -_-
Im also adding more character classes, not like different races but thiefs but different colors, wizards but different colors, alot more but different colors more of a selection.
- RaeKwon
In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:
oops, forgot. sorry for the bump -_-
I didnt know that they disabled Editing of Posts

Did you fix it to where when you try to move in battle, your mob doesnt change directions?
In response to Pillsverry
you bet :)
i also added alot more into combat, when you miss an overlay will appear saying MISS!
im slowley making it more FF2 like, so bare with me.
i also did icon remakes in OverWorld, and trust me, youll like them better then the old ;)
- RaeKwon
In response to RaeKwon
Speaking of FF2 I took a screen shot of my stats from the game (the SNES one)
In response to Nadrew
Not bad :P that is the one im useing icons from :D
- RaeKwon
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
Speaking of FF2 I took a screen shot of my stats from the game (the SNES one)

Shame on you, Nadrew! Now you've made me want to continue playing FF3. I can't remember any of the Blitz combos, and im stuck in a cave where I can't find the exit.

In response to Nadrew
I used to play FF2 ALOT when i was younger. I just started playing again a couple of weeks ago. Havn't really worked on it much, only 6 hours of gameplay. Im trying to beat the Magus Sisters. Know any strategies for them? :P

In response to Alathon
Alathon wrote:
Nadrew wrote:
Speaking of FF2 I took a screen shot of my stats from the game (the SNES one)

Shame on you, Nadrew! Now you've made me want to continue playing FF3. I can't remember any of the Blitz combos, and im stuck in a cave where I can't find the exit.

Hehe. I'm going to go buy FF3 sometime this week. It has instructions with it ;). I think one Blitz is swirling the control pad around.

Woo, I found a list :)
UL=up & left || UR=up & right || DL=down & left || DR=down & right
Pummel - left, right, left
AuraBolt - down, DL, left
or down, down, left
Suplex - X, Y, down, up
Fire Dance - left, DL, down, DR, right
or left, left, down, down, right
Mantra - R, L, R, L, X, Y
Air Blade - up, UR, right, DR, down, DL, left
or up, up, right, right, down, down, left
Spiraler - R, L, X, Y, right, left
Bum Rush - left, UL, up, UR, right, DR, down ,DL, left
or left, left, up, up, right, right, down, down, left
Heheh... bum rush.

Have fun!
In response to Vortezz
Vortezz wrote:
Bum Rush - left, UL, up, UR, right, DR, down ,DL, left
or left, left, up, up, right, right, down, down, left

Ah, yeah, that was it. Thanks :)