Can i borrow some dimes from people(perhaps one dime from ten people) i am try to get enough for BYONDscape.
If you can find it in your hearts to loan me the money I will very greatfull for it.

Heh, I'm saving dimes for the Blue Book, seeing as I can't get my parents to let me use the credit card for it. At this rate, I'll have enough in...24 years. 10 dimes per year, that is if they keep having contests for 10 dimes or so.
In response to Mertek
Yah thats how my parents are
they dont want there credit card number on the net.
they're afraid some one might steal the number and rip them off.
well if you can donat some money to me i would apreaciate it alot

In response to Richter
So i guess no one can loan me any dimes
In response to Richter
Apprently not.