Well, I've spent the last 30-45 minutes trying to make some simple Boot and Ban verbs but couldn't figure out what was wrong. It kept saying, "Error, type mismatch" and I had no idea what it was talking about.
Then I noticed this little line:
see what's missing? The dern little = new() (or = list())!
I haven't done that in so long that I didn't even think to look for it.
I think Dantom needs to add a better error message for that :p
Mar 24 2002, 7:37 pm
In response to Spuzzum
Yep, well I was trying to add a mob to the list but it has the same effect.
I can see why the error is called what it is but it's just a weird one to spot if you aren't thinking about initialized lists. |
Odd, whenever I forget to initialise a list it simply tells me it can't access null.len or whatever.
I think I see what's happening, though -- you're trying to add two lists together, and one of the lists is null.