Naruto: Reborn

by X-ShinraTensei-X
Naruto: Reborn
Naruto Sidescroller
Applies to:
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
*Godly Arm
*Chibaku Tensei
*That Move Kaguya use to Instant KO that shows the Juubi Sharingan in Chat
*Nufliying Orb

Thats all!

Godly Arm? What does this jutsu do, define it.

Chibaku Tensei - Will be added

Infinite tsukuyomi - Will be done

Nulyfin orb - will be done
The Black Arm thingy that obito throws out
Alright will be done
I'll take that alt costume :D maybe a cheeky itachi edo suit?