I definitely hated school. In fact, I hated it so much I didn't go. I dropped out of high school twice (graduating after 5 years and some tutoring) and college twice. The reasons why I hated it are varied and sundry, from learning disabilities to health problems to plain old bullying, but suffice it to say most of my schoolgoing life was hellish. I HATED it.
I am still steamed about being put into "average" math classes where I already knew all the material, and being told they couldn't move me up because the fast classes were full. I should have fought harder but I was just so sick and tired. I shouldn't have had to.
I had to go to a number of hearings to determine whether I'd be able to proceed to the next grade after having been absent so many days. Thankfully I was the typical troubled girl, more depressed and withdrawn than lawless and acting out, I didn't disrespect anybody and they could tell I was trying. Each year I was allowed to move up to the next grade unless I truly hadn't learned enough material.
Well, except for biology... the biology teacher passed me out of sheer sympathy. I don't think I attended more than two months' worth of classes.
College was better than high school, but I was worse. So the second time I dropped out I tried taking just a couple classes at the local branch, but I couldn't manage that either. Since then I've been living on a shoestring.
I'm bitter about not getting what I was supposed to out of my school experience. I wish I knew something about biology. It makes me sad. I might be 30 by the time I get back to college. I used to get sad when I thought that I won't relate to college kids by the time I get back, until somebody asked me if I'd been able to relate them the first time. Oh yeah. Bunch a' beer-for-brains morons.
School was a major thing in my life, due to its sheer horribleness. It still is.
I'm going to get better and go back to college, and learn everything I want to know, especially the things I don't have to. My last guidance counselor convinced me not to take calculus since I didn't have to. How stupid is that? I must have had a weak moment. Nobody's going to tell me what I shouldn't learn.
In response to Richter
Richter wrote:
Well a genuis would usually like school, but i could be wrong. That could be a bad SteroType, but i dont think it is. Our favorite geniuses are dropouts. |
In response to AbyssDragon
I had a couple forward-thinking teachers where you didn't have to do homework if you had an A average. I dunno why more don't do that.
<> That cracked me up. Z |
In response to Zilal
I had a couple forward-thinking teachers where you didn't have to do homework if you had an A average. I dunno why more don't do that. I had a few, but they weren't many. My main problem was with math teachers. To me, math homework was pretty much worthless, but I lost a bunch-o-points for not doing it. I did have a cool biology teacher who gave me an A (although I technically had a B, again because of homework) even though I made a point to skip the class at least once or twice a week. -AbyssDragon |
In response to Zilal
And some didn't goto school period.
In response to Zilal
Zilal wrote:
[snip] I used to get sad when I thought that I won't relate to college kids by the time I get back, until somebody asked me if I'd been able to relate them the first time. Oh yeah. Bunch a' beer-for-brains morons.[snip] Now now, starstuff. Don't lump so many in a group... There are also the potheads and the professors who don't show up during office hours. PS: My college was shown on MTV my first semester because one of the new students drank himself to death. Ah, fame. |
In response to Zilal
Zilal wrote:
Our favorite geniuses are dropouts. -mumbles about CAPP- |
Who here on BYOND Hated going to school or still does hate going to school. I got pretty lucky in that regard. Many of my teachers kept class interesting, and in the classes that weren't interesting, I was able to entertain myself writing underground newspapers or stories or other stuff that looked like lecture notes from a distance. |
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
I often find myself teaching my CISCO Networking and BAT (Buissness Application Technology) classes because the teacher is old and doesn't know what shes talking about :/. Yeah but CISCO networkers make a lot of money. I dont have to go to college, and I'll be making 60,000 per year right out of highschool. Later I will have to take other classes, and I will be able to make up to 100,000. Even more =). |
In response to Vortezz
Vortezz wrote:
Zilal wrote: GAH! SPEAK NOT OF THAT FOUL THING THAT HATH BEEN CREATED BY THE DEMONS OF THE GOVERNMENT! SPEAK NOT, OR THOU WILT BE ETERNALLY DOOMED TO AN ETERNITY OF ETERNAL HELLFIRE FOR ALL ETERNITY! Man, do I ever hate Career-and-Personal-Planning. The very worst thing is the mandatory work experience -- all that does is convince kids to get the lowest, cheapest, and least important job available so they can get their work experience over and done with, when in actuality, if they had the opportunity to bide their time and wait for the best job, they could get a job that actually meant something to their career choice. Look at me, for instance. I'm going to have to apply to work at McDonald's, or Wal-Mart, or Safeway, or whatnot. That's a real nice thing to put on a resume when you're applying for a job at a technology firm, isn't it? Since I'm obviously never going to put that on a resume if I'm applying for any legitimate job, why I have to bother getting a job in the first place is totally BYOND me. (Though in actuality, due to the lumber tariff that the Americans still haven't lifted, all three of those examples are starting to be boycotted in this province. Woohoo. >=| ) |
In response to WizDragon
ya I agree... My Math teacher is awesome, homework only counts for 25% of your whole grade.
Guess what my grade is? a 91.3% on tests a 11.1% on homework :P Why should I be forced to do busy work if it's not going to help me any. Which is probably why I hate my accounting class. It's the easiest thing in the world it's just pure busy work and bores the hell out of me. Debit... Credit... Debit... Cre... errr enough said :) my US HISTory teacher doesn't even teach anything literally. he gives out worksheets and book work. That's it. That's all he ever does. period. I learned more staring at the little paint ripples on my wall then the whole year of his class. My English teacher is one of those English teachers who want you to write the way she wants you to. For instance, she'll argue against your opinions. I wrote a paper on how Mark Twain was racist in Huckleberry Finn and stated strong arguments. She gave me a 0/40 because Mark Twain wasn't racist and that I was wrong. She then continues to disagree with everything a write ( I always love to choose the most chalenging assignment, which is usually arguing how someone or something is wrong or doesn't work.) The only classes I have really enjoyed in High School are the classes I can sleep freely in without being told to wake up, or have good friends of mine in them. I haven't had many good teachers where they actually taught the class and GRADED the homework all the time. Most slack and have a lazy day every once or twice a week. |
I find school boring... this is probably because I never get enough sleep, so I am always slouched or asleep, except in gym class. I've had teachers throw stuff at me to wake me up during class (really).