Having fun with people like you who freak out and go post on the forums about it :oP
In response to Foomer
In response to Dracimor
They're having fun, remember?
In response to Dracimor
The names don't happen to be things like "Pistachio DBZ v2.A" or "The most unplayed DBZ game evr!" do they?

In response to AbyssDragon
You betcha.
In response to AbyssDragon
The names don't happen to be things like "Pistachio DBZ v2.A" or "The most unplayed DBZ game evr!" do they?

You're also likely to see CoNaN666 the Modern Barbarian in there from time to time.
In response to AbyssDragon
If you see DBZ in a post,don't carry it on to another conversation.I like DBZ.I don't see whats wrong with that.
Even though I don't make DBZ games(too much).Whats wrong with liking DBZ?If you can ansewer please do.

-Kappa the Imp
In response to Spuzzum
And "Light"
In response to Kappa the Imp
If you see DBZ in a post,don't carry it on to another conversation.

It's not another conversation. It's very relevant.