I think I know what I can compare newbies to...
They're like a whole gaggle of little rodeo clowns that pull up in a little car and start whining and 'plz'ing. I shall prove my theory with this (and if you can't understand what are in the quotes, I don't blame you):
An example of 2 minutes of my life:
"Can I be a GM plz?" No you can't "Why?" Because I have too many "Can you summon me?" After I finish with this first person "Why is my screen black?" Because you aren't logged in "What cant I see?! IM BLIND" Because your eyes are closed "Why are my eyes closed? GM? PLZ?" No! "Im going to hack you" Sure. ""Whats my name?" Your name is.. "whut pl ees SSJ" "Cert mey" Find out for yourself, okay "Noo" Yes. "Can I have a PL boost?" No "u sux dracon" Good for me.
And then another shipment of newbies come in....
Well, i'm done with fan games, I can tell you that much right now.
(Hasn't this been a wonderful experience? =P)
![]() Apr 4 2002, 5:51 am
![]() Apr 4 2002, 6:11 am
Heh, must suck having a fan game that attracts alot of idiots.
yup that must suck i know what its like cuz im a GM in his game and they always ask meh for stuff...............
Dracon wrote:
I think I know what I can compare newbies to... A newbie is merely someone who's new. Whether they're a complete waste of skin or not is an entirely separate question. There's a big difference between a newbie and a troll. I find the term "n00b" offensive for this reason. Aside from the fact that it's freaking l33t-speak, which as far as I'm concerned should be treated like painting a rifle target on your forehead, it's also degrading and treats all newcomers as if they're dirt-scratching morons. Many of them may in fact be such morons, but many won't be. Why reduce the concept of newness to a 4-letter word? People who even bother to use the word "n00b" bring this kind of grief on themselves, and I have no sympathy for them: They're victims of their own obnoxious worldview. An example of 2 minutes of my life: In a DBZ game you have to expect not just a high factor of stupidity among the newbies, but about a solid 100%. It's been well established that DBZ games attract a certain type of person almost exclusively, and newbie or not they're likely to cause headaches. It's a stereotype, but it's a very very good stereotype based on strong empirical evidence. Well, i'm done with fan games, I can tell you that much right now. Then the chattering bozos at least did some unintended good, for which we can all be grateful. Lummox JR |
Done with fangames as in not making a new one or done as in stopping all current fangame production?
Yeah i hate that kinda crap like "1 l337 haxx0r j00" ive been threatend with a "timed hack" before it still hasnt taken effect. and dracon dont say newbies say "plz" cause you let your brother have an npc that talks worse.
<big>NO!</big> NO! <small>NO!</small> NO! <big>NO!</big>
A newbie is someone "NEW" to something, not someone that constantly types in PC-Ghetto-Slang. But while we're at it, lets come up with a new name for, what everyone refers to as, newbies. Here are some ideas. Idget(s) (Id-Jets) "I use this alott for some reason" Waste(s) of Oxygen "Even i can feel the oxygen level lowering as they type.. but hey, these small brains cant consume that much, it must be the increasing number of them" Skench(es) "I created this word one night at a party *HANG OVERS SUCK*, Im guessing i was either trying to say SKANK or WENCH, but it came out as Skench, so a new word needs a new definition. *HEY GEORGE W BUSH CREATES HIS OWN WORDS, SO WHY CANT I?*" But i guess thats all i have. --Ken <small>P.S: I remembered that SKENCH word because my friend kept using it and making fun of me with it, i probably wouldnt have remembered it if he didnt... THAT SKENCH.</small> |
exactly, fan games bring in the wron crowd of ppl, they piss me off to no end, DBZ has brought the general quality of byond down, if it ween't for games like DWO, I would COMPLETELY hate fan games, there are, at the moment, no games that compel you to stay on them, they are all MACRO!!! KILL!!! MACRO!!! GOLD!!! FREE ITEMS!!! EXPLOSIONS!!
NO WAY, I am working on a full role playing enviornment, you don't role play, you get perma-banned.... don't like it, tough, go jerk off and play tyour little DBZ clone games, I played a few last night, and realized how similarr they all are, crappy programmers taking the same crappy ideas, and saying their crappy games aren't crappy, that the game they stole to make it was crappy.... you can't base your game on another's and hope it'll be better, because if the game sucked to begin with, it's going to be HARD to do, DBZ should never have gotten it's start on byond... it ruins the enviormnment, thus far, there are 300 DBZ games.... it sucks |
Super16 wrote:
Instead of calling them newbies call them kids.. So if a 40-year-old mom logs into a game to take a break from the stress of raising kids and asks for help, she's a kid? |
I have no problem with newbies whatsoever. I just hate stupid people. Now, admit, a lot of the "newbies" here at byond are pretty annoying, but I don't like to generalize a whole group of people, here is why:
I recently started playing a game called "The Realm". Overall, it's a pretty fun game, however, the players are not very newbie friendly. A bunch of people ganged up yelling at me because I asked where I could buy a jester hat. I thought they looked pretty cool, and I had no idea that they were only for the really high level players. It turns out, the Jester Hat is actually the best helmet in the game :-/. Anyway, alot of the "gurus" on that game were really obnoxious, and actually reminded me of a lot of the newbies here. It just goes to show you, idiots can be found everywhere. |
BAH! the real is that one side scrolling rpg game isnt it...if it is its not that bad....i got plenty of help
Dracon, The Reason the newbies annoying so much is you stupid little rule about "you name isn't RP based its not allowed"
So what if someones name is ilikechicken124 maybe that person likes chicken. Taking out the Certifying rules would make it alot easier on all of your GMs and yourself. DIGITAL |