In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
3) Learn to be humble. If you think it's a veiled threat (which I didn't) don't reply to it as it is, because it will only turn it into an unveiled threat, and then outright action

Veiled? noo when she says it in response to UNO CURSE WORDO

4) Every action deserves an equal and opposite reaction. If you're going to insult homosexuality, don't do it here; walk up to a pride parade instead. You'll get just desserts.

insult? what insult? its a common phrase people like to spout to lesbians

If someone in public was interjecting a swear word after every third word, and doing it loudly, there's a very good chance that I would knock them flat on their backs.

Sure you would and probably get your ass kicked and thrown in jail real smart buddy

Swearing is one of any language's dumbest aspects, and their use is supposed to be reserved for the most hated of all evils. When people go "So anyway, I !&$%ing loved that !&$%ing movie! It kicked !&$%ing ass, man!" they're pronouncing hatred upon love and upon the movie, yet contextually saying they like it. Thus, they are swearing just for the sake of swearing, which is pointless and idiotic.

Are you in high school no seriously are you even in school? if you are in school just quiet down right now if not then you have nooooo idea what kinda person would talk like that.

Most people DON'T swear often, Dice. People swear on occasion, yes, but no one ever swears repeatedly just for the sake of swearing, unless they're ignorant and unconfident fools who try to feel accepted by their peers; they act non-conformist but wind up being just like all the other people who are trying to do the same.

your previous statement using the example "that ****ing movie rocked" no ive never heard anyone using that to describe a movie and if your in highschool yes, they do so thats double dutch spuzz

I swear on occasion, yes, and I reserve those for times when I only want to offend a single person, not offend an entire community of individuals who have to read all of this mess.

well i guess your an idiot on occasions right?

Lexy has stated on several occasions, at least in private, that she dislikes the concept of banning people from the forums and wishes that people weren't so ornery to warrant such action.

then dont there is absolutely NOTHING stopping you from ignoring posts NOTHING only reason you should get involved is if its aimed towards you (dont reply with well this was aimed at her cause it wasnt at the start its not titled "lexy you dike")
In response to Alathon
Alathon wrote:
GreenDice wrote:
[snip]i guess anyone who offends you in particularly will get banned [/snip]

It doesn't just offend her. And even if it didnt offend her, it would be irrelevant. (I will explain below)

[snip] but you probably have a hard time living picking at every curse word you hear on the forums as if there each a nail in your heart but you got to realize people curse alot in real life and you cant complain to someone because they curse in fron tof you in public (althought you probably would) so i would appreciate not anticipating every word as if your waiting to get someone banned just because of your attitude

Swearing is not permitted on the forums. Those are the rules of Dantom, not Lexy. The only person's attitude which has something to do with them getting banned, is their own. If you cannot abide by the forum rules, you have no place posting here.

As for the cussing in real life, that is irrelevant as well. I use swear words in real life, quite a lot in certain areas when im talking to people I know. I do not swear on these forums. I abide by the standards set by Dantom, and I do not wish to pollute the forums. That way, no one gets offended(Atleast in that manner).


1 curse word man 1 is that enough to get worked up over?
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
I don't think you should be banned because of this post, this is one of your most innocuous ones. I don't like it personally, but I settle personal matters personally. If everyone I ever disagreed with were banned from the forum, there wouldn't be anyone left here. Including Dantom.

wonder why that is...

What I'm referring to when saying you've been given too many second chances is not your conduct towards me, but your continuing conduct towards RaeKwon. You've got a problem with him? It's a personal problem. It's a private problem. Keep it that way!

i have nothing against you till you start posting on my topics that werent there for you (dont gimme that "well its public" its not directed towards you)

You know what? In real life, I curse up a swarm. I don't care much about what society thinks, after all, and I certainly don't shy away from expressing myself. My previous key name, which you might have been around long enough to remember, contained what many people would consider offensive language. What's more, I would defend anyone's right to say anything on the street... even things I disagree with (I'd still tell them they're wrong, but I wouldn't tell them to shut up). I believe in free speech.

well according to spuzzum...your an idiot and those are spuzzums philosophys

But you know what? If I go to someone's house, and I know they don't like cursing, I won't curse. Why? Because it's only polite! Their house, their rules. This is Dantom's house. I follow Dantom's rules. I don't object to your swearing... I object to it because it's against the house rules and because you know it is.

you occasionaly let out 1 curse word which i dont think its a bad one since your named used to be LexyBitch right?
In response to GreenDice
If you don't say one, people won't get worked up over it. So don't say any.
In response to Foomer
ignore it, son
In response to GreenDice
In response to Foomer
then your gonna have to deal with it, son
In response to GreenDice
GreenDice wrote:
then your gonna have to deal with it, son

You really think so, don't you?
In response to GreenDice
Nah, that's Dantom's job for the time being, though I doubt anyone here (Dan and Tom especially) is happy about it.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
GreenDice wrote:
then your gonna have to deal with it, son

You really think so, don't you?

yep considering that 1 you didnt think i meant im gonna keep cursing?
In response to GreenDice
GreenDice wrote:
yep considering that 1 you didnt think i meant im gonna keep cursing?

You'd better, as cursing is a violation of the Community Standards. We will take whatever action is necessary to preserve these standards, but would rather not have to.

Come on, Green Dice, help us out here!
In response to GreenDice
I believe RaeKwon has recently been banned for his actions, looks like he just created another key, but none the less. Don't take it out on people here, just trust Dantom will take care of them. No matter how much they piss you off or upset you, its better to send an email to Dantom about it than reply to that person which will just end up getting you both banned.

In response to Tom
Tell 'em Tom!
Hmmm... I was glad to see so many replies on my thread... That is until I saw what it had turned into...

And even though I know this will only make things worse...I really feel the need to address the offending party...


You're assuming that the problem with your post was the 1 swear word (you keep repeating this line over and over in your replies)... But the simple truth is that the offensive part of your post wasn't the swear word itself...

It was the blatant and unwarranted disrespect that the post contained that was offensive...

And here's your defense of your post:

"insult? what insult? its a common phrase people like to spout to lesbians"

I don't care how many people like to "spout" things like that at lesbians...that doesn't make it right... And it certainly doesn't make it acceptable...

It was an insult, plain and simple...and Lexy had every right to call you out on it... And so does the rest of the entire community...

You have forfeited your right to defend yourself on this one... You were absolutely wrong in this case...and can't object about someone telling you they were offended and taking whatever actions they feel are necessary...

If this weren't my thread...I probably wouldn't bother to say anything... I generally try to stay out of things around here...even when I've got some yelling to do at someone (and I find that that comes up an awful lot...but I try to hold my tongue because I don't want to throw fuel on the fire)... But this was my post...and I'd rather see all kinds of productive posts on it instead of what I see now... And for ruining my post...I just had to call you on it...

So give it up... You were plain and simply wrong this time, GreenDice...
In response to GreenDice
1 curse word man 1 is that enough to get worked up over?

Get real. It's not one curse word... it's one more. It's not like you've been obeying the forum rules, minding your own business, and all of a sudden... a curse word slips out. No, it's not that at all. It's simply par for course for you.

You're a repeat offender. If you steal a million dollars, then get caught stealing one dollar more, they're not going to give you a slap on the wrist for petty larceny.

As for my warning which triggered this little outburst... I was cautioning you against asking explicit details about another person's sex life, since I'm sure that's what your response to my answer would've been, if I hadn't warned you. I wish I hadn't been nice enough to warn you... then this matter could've been solved simply, with a well-justified removal. As I said, people go out of their way to be kind to you, but you keep biting the hands that feed you...
In response to Sariat
*smack smack smack*
In response to GreenDice
what ever happened to the forum police..I remember i strted cursing at some 1 and a forum police message showed up(this was 1 year ago)
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Get real. It's not one curse word... it's one more. It's not like you've been obeying the forum rules, minding your own business, and all of a sudden... a curse word slips out. No, it's not that at all. It's simply par for course for you.

blah blah blah blah blah.

You're a repeat offender. If you steal a million dollars, then get caught stealing one dollar more, they're not going to give you a slap on the wrist for petty larceny.

ok well if you dwell in the past fine but it was like what a year ago when i started posting then stopped until late.

As for my warning which triggered this little outburst... I was cautioning you against asking explicit details about another person's sex life, since I'm sure that's what your response to my answer would've been, if I hadn't warned you. I wish I hadn't been nice enough to warn you... then this matter could've been solved simply, with a well-justified removal. As I said, people go out of their way to be kind to you, but you keep biting the hands that feed you...

not a good analogy lexy...actually...not you dont own me ok?
make your posts shorter to you go out of your way to make relations and stuff when you can just get to the point.
In response to GreenDice
Of course it's a bad analogy. It's a terrible analogy. It's got nothing analogy-like about it. On the other hand, it's a wonderful metaphor. :P
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Of course it's a bad analogy. It's a terrible analogy. It's got nothing analogy-like about it. On the other hand, it's a wonderful metaphor. :P

That's one of the reasons I like you so much, Lexy. You can win any argument and crack me up while you're at it.
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