![]() Apr 15 2002, 8:33 am
In response to Loduwijk
I didn't mention space travel or black holes. That's a rough ride for just a little time travel, and not so sellable a patent.
ahhh, light speed. the thing you have to understand about light speed is that it is a constant. light has a set speed it can move no matter how fast the object giveing out that light is moveing. this creates the doppler affect. now if i were to travel at 2 times the speed of light i would not be able to see a thing.. it would be compleatly dark inside the craft i am in. when i reach my destination i will be able to get out set up a telescope and look back at where i was.. i would be able to see myself get redy and see myself depart. this appears to be me back in time but really i am just seeing the light as it reaches me. now if you want REAL time travel i sugest you look into quantum machanics. youll find out how to make a wormhole. that in itself will not send you back in time but it is one of the things needed the next step would be to mind some way to survive colapsing into a black hole. now you dont need to go all the way just so far that all dimentions colapse into 1 or 2. this will bring you down to about the size of an atom. then drop the wormhole into the black hole with the opening faceing DIRECTLY into the center of the back hole. then as you were faceing directly into the black hole going in you would have to turn so that the bottom of your craft in faceing the black hole then slow your aproch so that the wormhole falls overtop of you and you are transported out of the black hole. dont worry black holes cannot travel through wormholes becase the wormhole will be distroyed befor it reaches the singulairity. now that you are out you will see that all things that look should be planets and stars are infact lines. this is becase you have changed one dimention into the dimention of time. makeing it posible for you to travel time. the trick part is as time flows so dose the dimention that is missing. some lines will disapprear and others will appear becase you are in a two dimentional world with an extra dimention of time. hrm.. this is getting hard to explain ok you have three co-ords in our world x y z. then there is time whitch we will mark as a. after you come through the wormhole your world is now x y a and as time flows so dose z. so your z co-ords are going stedily forward and you cant stop it.. just like time. so what you need to do is calculate how to reach the black hole again... or another black hole. travel backward in the line of time till you reach the marker witch should be posted in the past for only a brief second. then go back into the black hole with your bottom facing the balck hole(just like you came out of it) you have to set it up so you are only trveling into the black hole with your z co-ord(the only part i cant seem to figure out) then when you reach the same point as you turned the first time. turn back. then speed up twards the future. this will have no affect on how fast you fall into the black hole seeing as how your z co-ord is a constant. what this dose is makes the wormhole that is falling tward you again speed up and pull you out. after you come out of the wormhole you will be in the same time as the wormhole was droped. here it is made easier to read. 1. drop any wormhole into the blackhole. 2. fallinto blackhole and turn. 3. drop a wormhole into a black hole. the other point of the wormhole has to be DIRECTLY behind where the wormhole was droped (x= blackhole, 1= first opening of wormhole, 2= second opening of wormhole.) x1 2 4. travel in time to befor the first wormhole was droped. then prepair to fall into wormhole again. 5. after reaching the same point as you were befor turn back and travel tward the future. 6. after you come out you will be in the same time as the first wormhole was droped. |
Time is hard to trave though because as you neer the speed of light than you slow down and almost stop, but never realy stop just keep going into of speed(based on time to distance). But if you did get to the speed of light time would stop but your motion would not, unless you had something to stop you, you will not feal the move but for all time you will be traviling though time. Never to stop, but if you could you could go as far as you wanted for litary no time at all, but it would be always forword. Never backwords like most people think. Once you hit your target say a planet 1 mill light years away 1 mill years would have passed on earth.So you would just see earth as you left it right down to the people waving you good bye, but the truth would be that they are all dead 999,900 years ago.So by the time you made it back to Earth you would be 2 milloin years old. I have a page that might help you to under stand this more http://freespace.virgin.net/steve.preston/time1.html Check it out, realy detaled.
well first off. think about it. if its 100 thousadn years from now what use would todays money be? or perhaps you cannot travel to befor the device was made? |
well first off. think about it. if its 100 thousadn years from now what use would todays money be? or perhaps you cannot travel to befor the device was made? I get the impression that human nature will remain the same for eternity, assuming we don't kill each other in some idiotic event or are completely wiped out by a planet killer asteroid or any other number of phenomena that are so disturbingly unlikely it's, well, disturbing. Thus, in the future, no matter how technologically advanced the human race is, humanity would still want more, and would have a medium of exchange to get more. Hence, money. |