Dracon wrote:
3) The Ghetto People. - Makes up roughly 55% of BYOND. Constantly spells things wrong, uses shortened words such as 'u', 'ur', or 'plz'.
i think your being a hypocrite(sp?) on this one because you would be putting your brother and yourself into this category and i tell you 75% of the people who are on byond like rock and rock type music and hate rap so 'ghetto' wouldnt be the firhgt term and you would be also affiliating it with racial qualities in a manner. people who find a way to shorten words are smarter in a sense since they can get all the meaning of 1 word into a matter of 2 or 3 letters this might also go against smart people using big words for no reason. anyone can read a thesaurus...
No, no! Thats just what everyone else (err....Ken *points at Ken) says. I love rock, but I like rap also (like DMX and Ludacris.... But I cant stand that Nelly crap :P) heheh. Also, I am not racist if you are saying that o_o. I am far from racist. And Ghetto doesn't refer to what race you are. If you think it does, lets get a little check on who is racist. Lets all take a look-see at what 'Ghetto is refered to, shall we?
Main Entry: 1ghet·to
Pronunciation: 'ge-(")tO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ghettos also ghettoes
Etymology: Italian, from Venetian dialect ghèto island where Jews were forced to live, literally, foundry (located on the island), from ghetàr to cast, from Latin jactare to throw -- more at JET
Date: 1611
1 : a quarter of a city in which Jews were formerly required to live
2 : a quarter of a city in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure
3 a : an isolated group b : a situation that resembles a ghetto especially in conferring inferior status or limiting opportunity <stuck in daytime TV's ghetto>
<font size = 1>From Merriam-Webster Online. http://www.m-w.com<font size = 3>
Hmm...I didn't know that.... I shall check what words in which I do not fully know the definition of..
Lets change 'Ghetto People' to 'DBZers' =P Burn....
I dont see why "Ghetto"'s have to do with music, typing, or anything of the such. In world war 2, The Nazi's forced Jewish people to live in ghettos. really, i dont think this stuff has to do with a "ghetto". But what word would I have in anything, I am just a 13 year old kid who was on hear since he was 11 and only 10 people used byond and there were GoB's and I'm not even a well known coder, right?