I have decided that I am going to leave BYOND for a while.. Every now and then I will come back and see whats new, and use the forum from time to time. I want to say thanks to everyone who has helped me get this far in the DM language. Mostly I would like to thank Nadrew, LummoxJR and Lexy (and not to mention Dan and Tom). You three have helped me alot through out my time here at BYOND. Many other people have helped me as well, and I would like to thank them too.
Thank you all
Apr 21 2002, 11:55 am
Apr 21 2002, 12:58 pm
awww later man I hope u have fun wherever you're going :(
What? What?! What?!!!! Come on man, don't leave! Theres already too little Texans here. Now its just me and ummm Kusangi or whatever his name is.... We were like...the texans man! The Texans dangit! I hope you come back.
In response to Sariat
I used to be a Texan.
In response to Jotdaniel
I was born in Tyler! :P
In response to LordJR
I lived there when i was 4-6 years old. All i remember is no snow(ever).
In response to LordJR
Born in Fort Worth :)