Am I doing better?
Winbiko wrote:
Am I doing better?

Actually I noticed you were really making an effort to get along with certain people, myself in particular (which I've reciprocated--at least I hope it's accepted as such). I would've said something positive about it, but I figured if I volunteered any comment it would come off as condescending or patronizing or something, which would have seemed rude on my part.

I've been quite enjoying the discussions on the particulars of the DM language.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
:) thanks.
In response to Lummox JR
normally I would have flown off the handle when skyshaw said something like that... but I held my self back.

See I am not like GreenDice.
In response to Lummox JR

Like if later on if skyshaw posted some code and I were to say something like "That barely looks like BYOND code." would that be viewed as bad?
In response to Winbiko
Its Skysaw, Don't reply over and over, just edit your post. And please, don't push your luck :P
In response to Sariat
k sorry.
In response to Winbiko
Winbiko wrote:

Like if later on if skyshaw posted some code and I were to say something like "That barely looks like BYOND code." would that be viewed as bad?

I think that was a valid comment on his part; knowing Skysaw's a good programmer, the odds of it being valid in reverse don't seem too good. I can see where that comment could be taken badly, but it's the kind of thing you have to be prepared to deal with.

About the list thing, incidentally, the P[1]:z syntax by all rights should have worked, but it doesn't; this just confuses BYOND. I've tried that kind of thing before myself. : is a sensitive operator and doesn't always work right; but that's because it's always better to avoid it when you can easily do so. In other cases I think you were confused that var/n/P[10] wasn't working, because you specified a type; except that BYOND doesn't really type its lists that way, so once it sees the [10] it knows you really meant var/list/P[10]. DM is sort of a semi-weak-typed language, which is different from what you're used to in C.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
so trying : wasnt so stupid.

Heh that makes me feel better, I felt like an idiot. thanks.

this is how I got around that problem in spell bubbles:

//*Spell effect bubbles*
return ..()


mob.proc.addeff(ef as text,state=null,x=0)
src.overlays += image(f,state)
src.foverlays += image(f,state)
src.mlen +=1
var n/Z
var n/P
var Poo=0
Z=new .n(ef,state) // <--------- ERROR FIX

for(P in src.m)
if((Z.mods == P.mods) && (Z.modsS == P.modsS))
if(Poo == 0)
src.overlays += image(f,state)
src.foverlays += image(f,state)
src.m[m.len] = Z
src.m.len += 1
src.mlen +=1
mob.proc.remeff(ef as text,state=null)
var n/q
var n/Z
var n/P
Z=new .n(ef,state)
for(P in src.m)
if((Z.mods == P.mods) && (Z.modsS == P.modsS))
del P
src.foverlays = new.list()
for(q in src.m)
//*End spell effect bubbles*
In response to Winbiko
Remember the : operator is utterly evil.
In response to Nadrew
hehe ya I just found out about it the other day while walking through the help file.
In response to Nadrew
I don't think its utterly evil. Its a lot like goto. Most of the time you should use a different method, but every once in a while it makes perfect sense (and causes no problems) to use it.

In response to AbyssDragon
Ya I always tell coders who say NO NO to GO bah. I dont use goto if I can find another way but I have never had problems with the times I have used it.
In response to Winbiko
Winbiko wrote:
normally I would have flown off the handle when skyshaw said something like that... but I held my self back.

See I am not like GreenDice.

Hey, I appreciate it. I should have shown a lot more understanding than you did.