Im now hosting TBG(test based game) i would like your rating on it. Please come and test.
i know if you cant do better or at least as good dont talk abou it,but when i played 2 weeks ago it <l>SUCKED</l>
In response to Soccerguy13
1. Its probly alot better but i have not cept up to date with the update times.
2. It has almost everything TextMud Currently has plus a few other things.
3. It all depents on who host as to how much it will suck.

Realy i want LoW to tell me what he thinks because i did kinda copy his ideas, so i want to know if i did a good job copying them.
In response to Scoobert
ill give you alot of credit though..The only game ive made is.......well umm ive never finished one,but im gonna finish my DBZ RPG and please dont think im making pbag game its a real rpg...but any way that game is good compared to most games