This is just a little game I'd like someone with little knowledge of BYOND code to make. It would be a total reversal of the current game. You start out normal and everyone is the same. If you kill someone that other person you killed just comes back stronger and maybe with a level system after so many deaths they go up a level and get additional stats. But more interesting would be to see what kind of people would play and how they would react to the game???
![]() Apr 26 2002, 11:54 pm
Shadowdarke wrote:
Isn't theat one of the concepts in DBZ? You must die and return to become SSJ. (If I'm wrong, don't freak. Just point out the error and I will happily except it. I know very little about the show, and what I do know was forced on me against my will.) I wont freak at you ;) Theres no point in freaking out at anyone for not having a full fact to go with but when someone corrects it is nice. Well, in DBZ, you die and you are supposed to go through this place which is named "Snake Way". Its named snake way because its a long twisted road kinda thing that stretches for miles. At the end is a snakes head, hehe. Anyway, when you come to the end you get a decision made dependant upon whether you are good or evil. If you are evil you will be sent to hell, fair enough eh? If you are good you will be sent to a special place. If you are extremely good (IE; Goku - Also known as "Kakarot" the original Saiya-Jin name that he had - Vegeta calls Goku "Kakarot"). When you come back a "Saiya-Jin" or "Half Saiya-Jin" (Half Saiya-Jin is a Saiya-Jin and Human in one. When a Saiya-Jin male breeds a child with a Human female - and the other way round too.) come back from the dead they gain a power boost. A Saiya-Jin only becomes Super Saiya-Jin when he/she because super enraged from a loss of their best friend or angered to a point where that person looses it all. Super Saiya-Jin is the full term of SSJ. Lee |
A Saiya-Jin only becomes Super Saiya-Jin when he/she because super enraged from a loss of their best friend or angered to a point where that person looses it all. Super Saiya-Jin is the full term of SSJ. Then all of the people in the show must be very angry :P |
Mellifluous wrote:
Well, in DBZ, you die and you are supposed to go through this place which is named "Snake Way". Its named snake way because its a long twisted road kinda thing that stretches for miles. At the end is a snakes head, hehe. Anyway, when you come to the end you get a decision made dependant upon whether you are good or evil. If you are evil you will be sent to hell, fair enough eh? If you are good you will be sent to a special place. If you are extremely good (IE; Goku - Also known as "Kakarot" the original Saiya-Jin name that he had - Vegeta calls Goku "Kakarot"). Not entirely correct... You are judged before you ever get to Snake Way... Good spirits get to spend enternity in "heaven" and evil ones are sent to hell to be cleansed... In all reality...getting to travel on Snake Way is a rarity... Only granted in special cases... Goku was allowed to because he was needed to save the Earth from impending doom... So the "god" of the Earth, Kami, pulled some strings with the god of the afterlife to allow Goku to travel down Snake Way to train with King Kai... The same deal was given to the other Z fighters when they died (Yamcha, Tien, Chiao Tzu, Piccolo) But under normal spirits get to even see Snake Way...let alone walk on it... But other than that... You were basically right... When you come back a "Saiya-Jin" or "Half Saiya-Jin" (Half Saiya-Jin is a Saiya-Jin and Human in one. When a Saiya-Jin male breeds a child with a Human female - and the other way round too.) come back from the dead they gain a power boost. Absolutely correct... A Saiyan gains a lot of power when they come near death (or back from death as the case is sometimes)... It's sort of an evolutionary ability they've gained through countless years as a warrior race... If someone/something is able to beat them...their bodies grow in power to make sure the next meeting will go their Kind of like a muscle growing after exercise... A muscle only grows because of the damage done during exercise... The body over-repairs itself...thus the muscle becomes stronger... A Saiyan's entire body is like this... A Saiya-Jin only becomes Super Saiya-Jin when he/she because super enraged from a loss of their best friend or angered to a point where that person looses it all. Super Saiya-Jin is the full term of SSJ. Sort of right... The initial requirement for the transformation is an abnormally high power level... Above the usual limits... The first transformation must be triggered by some strong emotional/physical stress... Intense anger in most cases...but other emotions could potentially trigger the transformation... After the initial transformation, becomes easier for the Saiyan to transform... Subsequent times are usually at will... And they can turn the Super Saiyan state on or off with a mere thought... ... But that's all just useless info for most of |
Mellifluous wrote:
A Saiya-Jin only becomes Super Saiya-Jin when he/she because super enraged from a loss of their best friend or angered to a point where that person looses it all. Super Saiya-Jin is the full term of SSJ. Heh, Bruce Banner: The only non-blonde super saiyan. |
Just log in your second character to kill your first character repeatedly, and soon your first character will be a powerhouse. Then your first character can kill your second character repeatedly until they are also a powerhouse. How easy!
Yeah, I'm afraid I do agree with Foomer there... however, if you managed to get good enough restrictions on multis, it'd serve to be an interesting game.
Although, I believe games are more interesting when the thought of death is a very scary thing -- if you die, you get badly sanctioned. I'm still wavering between two things in Haven. The first is wandering about as a ghost until you find someone to resurrect your corpse, or you return to a place of worship and have the gods corporealise you, with significant health, attribute, and skill penalties and a chance of being condemned to the undead. The other is to simply have permadeath altogether. |
My thoughts on death in RPGs...:
Permadeath - Ah, the easy way out for the coder, but also the most painful for the unfortunate player. Usually best when used in RPGs which are very high on the roleplaying end of the game. When used in a regular hack and slash RPG, here's what happens: You've worked your way up to level X over 2 months of playing and your heart is pounding as you kill 2 more demons and have one left to kill before you gain another level. You're a little low on health, but you can make it. You see a big pack of them just as you get hit with a 10 ton bag of lag. After a few minutes, the game refreshes and you're dead. Now how do you feel that you cannot regain your character at all, ever. Resurrection - Good idea for more hack and slash oriented RPGs I think. When you die (which happens sometimes) you turn into a ghost and your body and items fall to the floor. So you start running to the nearest Priest/Mage/Healer's hut to get resurrected. Wham, you're back to your old self minus some items and a little skill points and stats. You can regain those in about 20 minutes though you think. At least you're alive and continue playing. The only slight problem with this way of doing things is that people usually get mad when they die and someone else grabs their stuff. Oh well, that's life. Should have been more careful. Just putting in my 2 cents so I can get a penny for my thoughts. (How thought provoking...) |
Yep, Haven is strongly in the roleplaying category, though if I player wants to play hack and slash, he/she accepts the associated risks of dying. It's not my fault that a player didn't exercise sound judgement, after all. With the threat of death looming over them, they'll be far more likely to run and come back another day, rather than just say "Oh, well, I'll just come back and finish it off".
Haven owes its very penalising death to roguelikes... kinda funny that they were mentioned on another thread. Haven is definitely not a roguelike, however, though it has some of the flavour at times (especially with things like my planned and/or existing random monster generator, random potion generator, random plant/herb generator, random item generator, random quest generator, random map generator...). Since Haven doesn't have a system that allows players to gain much health or physical strength, the mortality of someone is based on two factors -- the company they keep and the skill they bear. If a novice swordsman challenges a kishkarim (not unlike a wampa from Star Wars =P), he'll find his innards strewn across the floor. If an expert swordsman challenges the same, then he'll have a tough fight. If two or three novice swordsmen all challenge the kishkarim, they're likely to win, maybe with a casualty. That's assuming that people choose to go the combat route at all. Haven has billions of other occupations to choose from, and some of them are likely to be quite fun and interesting. =) I also intend to downplay the need to actually get other human players, somewhat. If I ever get down and dirty with it, my NPCs will have personalities of their own. =P I'm still not sure whether to make permadeath or nasty death, though. I'm not likely to have anything less than death with severe consequences, however. Just putting in my 2 cents so I can get a penny for my thoughts. (How thought provoking...) So you're 1 cent in the hole! I guess that means people ought to stop thinking from now on. =) |
My only comments on that are that having permadeath greatly enhances plot flow. With permadeath, the tyranical ruler can be assassinated, and instead of being the super-duper-tanker-player, he'll have to be careful to protect himself otherwise. If he is assassinated, it can bring on a whole new era for the game.
Shadowdarke wrote:
Mellifluous wrote: Hehe :D |
Isn't theat one of the concepts in DBZ? You must die and return to become SSJ. (If I'm wrong, don't freak. Just point out the error and I will happily except it. I know very little about the show, and what I do know was forced on me against my will.)
Heh, DBZers obviously.