Sariat wrote:
Shes your other personality?
No, she is Lexy's family of choice.
I think I'll just ask Nadz what this means...
Shadowdarke wrote:
Sariat wrote: I think I'll just ask Nadz what this means... |
Shadowdarke wrote:
I have the large bag of condiments too, but mine is primarily fire sauce from Taco Bell. YUM! Me too! I eat that sauce on almost everything =P |
Sariat wrote:
Shadowdarke wrote: And now you know... |
Nadrew wrote:
Sariat wrote: Yes I do....that hurt..I said SLAP ME! Not kick me... Good thing I had on my cup and my rolled up socks down there...Never leave home without it. That head kick hurt though... |
Nadrew wrote:
Shadowdarke wrote: The sad thing is that Taco Bell, and just about every other mainstream restaurant, is afraid to give people a truly spicy hot sauce. I guess some idiots would sue if they actually tasted something more than tomatoes and water. I consider their "fire" sauce to be somewhere in the medium range. For the longest time, I used to go to the drive through, and they'd ask if I wanted hot or mild sauce. I took the hot, but it was like tomatoes, water and a tiny hint of spice. Then I went inside a store and saw the fire sauce. It's good, but could be a tad spicier for my tastes. In my opinion, the ideal spicy sauce for me would be what I consider "medium hot." Hot and above should be at least uncomfortable, up to painful and maybe even a religious experience. You just don't get that at mainstream restaurants - only a few places like really authentic Thai, Indian, or something like that. Compared to those guys, I'm a total wimp! |
Sariat wrote:
Post how ghetto your family is! Man, I live in a Ghetto! My corridor friends is a for real wierd and ilarious crew of gangstas. And of course I can't remember any good stories now... We're having a party tomorrow so I'll be back then. /Andreaz |
Air Mapster wrote:
Nadrew wrote: Yeah. I usally make mine hotter with a mixture of Red Devil sauce and Tobasco sauce, and oddly enough it still tastes about the same but spicer. In my opinion, the ideal spicy sauce for me would be what I consider "medium hot." Hot and above should be at least uncomfortable, up to painful and maybe even a religious experience. You just don't get that at mainstream restaurants - only a few places like really authentic Thai, Indian, or something like that. Compared to those guys, I'm a total wimp! I used to be a total wimp before I moved to New Mexico and started eating at real Mexican restaurants, there's one in paticular where their salsa can peal the paint off a wall..Mm. so tasty.. |
Sariat wrote:
Lesbian Assassin wrote: No, equivalent half is my play on the phrase "better half" as a way of describing someone's female companion. Logically, we can't both be better than the other, so we are equivalent. |
I used to eat Thai food all the time in college, because there was a place right across the street from the main campus... then I moved back with my parents for a while and there was nowhere like that to go, so I lost my stomach (and tongue) for it, and I can't afford to eat out enough to build up my fortitude again.
The server at the Thai restaurant I go to now asks people "You want that Taco Bell hot or Thai hot?" On the subject of fast food hot, has anyone tried McDonald's spicy buffalo sauce they have for their chicken select strips? My girlfriend, who has no problem with "Thai Hot", said it was too hot for her, but in retrospect she said it might have been just because she was only expecting normal fast food levels. |
Air Mapster wrote:
In my opinion, the ideal spicy sauce for me would be what I consider "medium hot." Hot and above should be at least uncomfortable, up to painful and maybe even a religious experience. You just don't get that at mainstream restaurants - only a few places like really authentic Thai, Indian, or something like that. Compared to those guys, I'm a total wimp! I too have a err... passion for spicy food/sauces. Luckily, this country* is filled with it. There are atleast 20 restaurants in the area I live which are either Thai, Indian, Mexican, or Chinese. Most of them serve very good food, and 'mild' is spicier than some of the 'hot' things I've gotten from the US. Alathon <font size = 1>* Denmark</FONT> |
I used to work at a place called 'Taco Viva', which was similar to 'Taco Bell', where we had 6 sauce types: Mild, Enchilada, Medium, Jalapeno, Extra Hot, and 'El Scorcho'. El Scorcho was essentially crushed red peppers and water. It was fairly hot, but not very flavorful. I like my sauces quite hot, but I also like them to have a good flavor as well.
Jalapenos are basically snack food, straight out of the jar. If you can find Datil peppers, they are fairly hot and have an excellent taste. Habeneros are about as hot as I comfortably eat. I once got paid $15 to eat a single habenero pepper at work. Good Stuff! :) |
in canida they beleave that the signal is travelling over "Free air" and if you own your box and dish then the sat company has little right to tell you how to use it.. hence in canida you are allowed to hack your own sat cards and get free sat TV(including pay per view!) but as i said befor.. i do know a thing about any of this.. |
I dunno... I had a Buffalo Chicken Sandwich at one of the Hooters we went to on my concert road trip...and when asked what degree of sauce, I replied "hot"...
But it really wasn't that hot... Fortunately, the waitress more than made up for *Smacks his hand for that comment* lol |
To tell you the honest truth... I can't think of a single thing my family does that could be considered "ghetto"...
We don't even "steal" condiments from restaurants! lol I mean...we've usually got some sauce/ketchup packets in the kitchen somewhere... And every once in a while some napkins... But they're always the leftovers from the handfuls that the workers put in the bags... You know... Go through the drive thru...get a burger, fries, and a drink... End up with 30 ketchup packets, 10 napkins, and 3 We just keep the extras from what they give us... |
No, she is Lexy's family of choice.