![]() May 5 2002, 8:13 am
Ok say if you were to remove all the dbz copies off byond, how many original dbz games would be left?
![]() May 5 2002, 8:40 am
0 Because no DBZ game is original.
Static2k wrote:
Ok say if you were to remove all the dbz copies off byond, how many original dbz games would be left? ROFL. I'm just amused by the oxymoron in the subject header. DBZers doing math. Hee hee hee hee. Lummox JR |
ROFL. I'm just amused by the oxymoron in the subject header. DBZers doing math. Hee hee hee hee. Hey, you do have to give them *some* credit. I mean, anyone that can pull random numbers out of a hat and assign them to attributes has got to have at least a little math down pat. ;-) |
i hate it when it sez "the best DBGTZSSJ game ever". I mean whats the J in the ab. for super sayin anyways?Do you see a j in there? Dont tell me its some japinies crap. Most DBZers dont even know how to say hello in japinies. For all they know sayin could mean donkey balls so everyone wants to be super donkey balls and all the people in japan are now laughing at us because all us Amiricans want to be super donkey balls.
OK thats quite offensive... For all you know... nothing. Did you know that my teachers sister lived in Japan for three years back wehn she was a model. Back in the day or surfing being the coolest thing around Japanese people would buy surfboards and put them on their car roofs just to follow our fasions. Another point I'm sure they aren't saying super donkey balls...
just making a point. And im not making fun of people in Japan, im making fun of stupid DBZers who dont know anything unless they can use the copy and paist button on it.
I never said you were, I said you were making fun of Americans with that statement. Now no matter how stupid you think a DBZer is, he may be a lot smarter than the person stating it. Now if somebody were to code their own DBZ game I think something has to be working up there. Oh and next time, if you try to call other stupid might want to not use paist in your sentences.
Oh and next time, if you try to call other stupid might want to not use paist in your sentences. What do you mean? |
1st thing, the J stands for Jin, becuase the actual spelling is Saiya-Jin. Second I made a dbz game that was 100% (if you even want to say it that way, I never did) original. I didnt copy or paste one part of that (except my who verb i think?).
You cant just say that becuase about 30 different (or more) people made a dbz gt genesis clone, with them changing the title or the starting place, that there are no original dbz games on byond. GT Genesis was original, Zeta was original, most of the dbz games before a few months ago when genesis got out were origninal. Im not saying these original games were even good, but they were being coded by people that liked dbz, and you cant stop them from doing that. You can complain if you want, but it doesnt matter, and your just wasting your words, at this point I dont think anyone cares. |
Ok,a lot of us on BYOND like DBZ,so what?Thats no reason to make fun off us.Just shut up!Geez.How about this,'OH U SUCK BECAUSE U DON'T LIKE DBZ!'.How would you like that?So,shut up!God.It's not illegal..
--SSJ4_Gohan_Majin |
Ok, Scoobert I got a question for you. Akira made DBZ and he makes more money by making a weeks worth of DBZ episodes then you will probably make in a lifetime. I like DBZ, so what that dosn't mean I'm a retard, I happen to be one of the smartest people of my class. Oh and by the way you spelled paste wrong...
SSJ4_Gohan_Majin wrote:
Ok,a lot of us on BYOND like DBZ,so what?Thats no reason to make fun off us.Just shut up!Geez.How about this,'OH U SUCK BECAUSE U DON'T LIKE DBZ!'.How would you like that?So,shut up! There's just one thing here. BYOND wasn't designed for DBZ. DBZ is spoiling what BYOND could truly become. We'd have no complaints if there were only two or three DBZ games in existence. There's still the underlying copyright mess, but we wouldn't actively pursue it, simply because there aren't so many. But there are so many, and frankly it annoys everyone who is looking for games that are something besides low-quality. That's just the DBZ opinion in my books. Note that I'm reserving commentary on you. =P God.It's not illegal.. Actually, it is, to make games using copyrighted material. |
well i didnt say you were a bad person for liking DBZ, just a few years ago i did too. The man who makes it made a show whith what kids want. He did not do a bad job on making the show, he did what he wanted therefor i give him props, many many props. Its the people that thinks just because they can make a game were you walk around pbaging or pking and becoming all powerful in like 2 min, this doesnt just go for dbz games(mainly though) it also aplys to any game or person that copys anything that looks good. Have you ever herd the saying "One bad apple sours the whole bunch"?. In this case its more along the line of a bunch of bad apples sours one. If you think most are copys, and there are a few good firsts, than tell people when you enter there games and all it is is stolen icons from games that stole the icons from games that stole the icons(ect.), than tell them that stuff like that is not welcome on byond. Im not dising the few who make one of a kind, but its hard to tell who made what first when there is 30 copys of the same games flouting around cyberspace. Why get mad at me when i am only pointing out something that you should be worryed about.