In response to VyseDyne
Most supposed "anarchist" are just lazy people who talk trash about others. They're preps with different clothes and hair as far as I can tell.
In response to Kamoku
In closing, I would just like to state my opinion about "anarchy" these days. It has become another fad. You see people walking around all the time wearing big anarchy signs on their clothes. In schools, kids think they're being badass because they don't do their work, then they'll tell you they did it because they belive in anarchy. I can bet in 10 years these people won't be saying the same thing. They'll end up like 95% of Americans do. They'll be sitting on their butt, cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other, getting their news from ESPN because after all, sports are all that matters (I just realized that I was only speaking about the male population there). Anarchy is just another fad, and I look forward to the day that it is no longer popular to be an anarchist so that I can be seen as an outcast again.

I get your point, whenever i coment now about believing in the anarchy philosophy, i dont get taken seriously its very annoying, becuase everyone now thinks they are an anarchist. If you were to ask the people who think they are anarchits "what do you think anarchy is?" they would reply, "chaos" which isnt what it is at all, i know it means "absense of goverment", but that is a great thing to me, but when they say "chaos" they have no idea what they are talking about, an anarchist would never say "chaos", i know in there minds it leads to that but not in mine, i hope for the greater good.
In response to Kamoku
Ive grown not to be "punk" anymore since it is now being used for money gaining. Punk has been a fad for a long time now and i dont want to be a part of that.

but i really enjoy listening to an anarchist/punk band, "Pennywise".
In response to Kamoku
exactly one of them at my school got jumped by like 7 people for making racist comments about them
In response to VyseDyne
No, that religion was being used to get ppl to think they are special, so they dont want to; what they think would be wasting their lives and go get a job, this job makes them money, the money go's into banks,gains interests, buys cars,houses,bills,crap,crap,crap,crap,crap, and when you think your country is giving you wealth and freedom you are being used for economics, and tax, to pay for weapons, so when countrys get attacked we step in and try to help them with their "freedom" to hope that many of them will come to our country and make money, or their country uses our form of goverment(got a bit of subject there). But that pretty much proves my point of what you think is wealth.
In response to VyseDyne
anarchists are racists....?
In response to Vicious
yeah basically it goes for our self defense and you hate the govenment because..."I dont like the govenment because when i get a paycheck i get money to survive and theres no way im gonna help the govenment"
In response to Vicious
dunno are they? that one was i dunno about the others
In response to VyseDyne
Once again your posting none sense, no-sense.
In response to VyseDyne
Cant be.
In response to Vicious
Actually i was making fun of you cause you choose not to work because your paying for our defense. also you dont work because your paying the govenment period which would be true anywhere you go.
In response to Vicious
yeah your right i was just imagining the whole thing
In response to VyseDyne
you quoted something you didnt say nor i im confused on what your trying to say, what i think your saying is gone over in my last post replying to you.
In response to VyseDyne
You know groups of anarchists, but you don't know a society of anarchists... what I'm talking about is a group that actually lives in an anarchy... a society that has no rules, no central authority. You're talking about people who are in favor of such a society. There's a difference.
In response to Kamoku
No matter what, there will always be someone that will mess things up.

That's all I'm saying... in a ruleless society, it only takes 1 person to screw everything up. The main thing having a large government does is, it slows things down. This impedes progress, but it also impedes mistakes.

The best thing about the U.S. federal government is that it's bloated and inefficient. Because of this, no one person or entity controls the reins of powers, and no one person or entity ever will.

Do you know why it takes so long for a law to get passed by Congress? Because two separate groups of lawmakers, working on their own, have to come up with an identical version of the same law. Think we have too many laws now? Imagine if there was only one house.

In Nebraska, we have a single house legislature, and in the words of The Simpsons, "We can pass all kinds of crazy laws." If someone were to suggest an absolutely crazy law, like, "Everyone who's left handed must be beheaded on Tuesday," this law has a greater chance of being passed in Nebraska than it does in the U.S. as a whole.

Now imagine there is no congress and no laws. If someone thinks it's a good idea to whack off all the lefties' heads on Tuesday, they don't have to consult anyone but their machete.

This is why anarchies don't last.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Did you read my recent posts?
In response to Vicious
I've read every post in this thread. Please be more specific.
In response to Vicious
Vicious wrote:
I dont see why that has to happen, group orginization doesnt need a leader, just group disitions.

History has proven this to be wrong, especially in a crisis, when immediate and decisive action is necessary. How do you think civilization went from anarchy to governed society in the first place?

It may be that a truly anarchist society would never do that... which I've allowed for in my explanation of why an anarchist society couldn't last. Collective decision making cannot move at the speed necessary to meet every crisis, and so, the society would fall.
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