In response to Lummox JR
lol you keep calling me greendice like your proud of it or something. see above post.
In response to Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew wrote:
you repsonse meant what exactly?

LOL! That sounds hilarious, coming from a guy that just posted "ok and..."

In response to Vortezz
i didnt post "ok, and.."

that was vyse dyne...
In response to Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew wrote:
i didnt post "ok, and.."

that was vyse dyne...

Who is also you. The point stands, GreenDice.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
what proof do you have that i am some green dice character?

and who else thinks i am him?
In response to Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew wrote:
what proof do you have that i am some green dice character?

and who else thinks i am him?

Me, because you told me that site that Dracon ripped his icons off to make zeta icons on the Key Mountain Dew(You told me it on pager & He didn't rip the icons off anyway).

-Kappa the Imp
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