What do you use to make images? Like banners, etc
I use a mix of:

MS Paint - For messing around with picture dimensions and little quickie things.

Photoshop 6.0 - For special features and more precise things.
Sariat wrote:
What do you use to make images? Like banners, etc

MS Paint -- for the basic outlines
The GIMP -- for the modifications, filters, and colour
DMI Editor -- for the touchups and anti-anti-aliasing (heh)
Windows Notepad -- when you really want to get down and dirty with bitmap editing.

Okay, maybe I lied on the last one. =)
Mostly I use Paint Shop Pro 7.0, and sometimes MS Paint for the more basic things.

I use paint and dream maker...
I have photoshop 6 but I don't really care for it... there was a program at my school that came with microsoft office that was reallllyyyyyyyyyyy neat, you basically could make really high quality pictures out of a few dots.
Olympus C-3030 Zoom
Graphic Converter

Combine to taste and stir vigorously.
Paint Shop Pro 7 for most everything.
Blender for my recent 3D things.
Terragen for generating textures (and pretty pictures).
My brain for all the rest.
Sariat wrote:
What do you use to make images? Like banners, etc

A pencil and paper and a pencil sharpener. I don't make computer graphics at all for now.
Photoshop 5.0 or GIMP, depending on whether I'm on Windoze/Mac or Linux...
Povray and Flash.