In response to Spuzzum
Pointers are fun :p

One of the main advantages is using pointer arithmatic so the computer doesn't have to do address calculations for arrays.

All the rest can be handled better by reference (at least from what limited code I've made/seen).
In response to Lummox JR
Huh, I wonder where I got the impression Java was thought to possibly replace C. Anyway, that explanation makes sense, thanks for the thorough reply :)
In response to Winbiko
I'm very conused after reading all about the C++ and C- and cis or whatever all that stuff is, sooooooo....... could someone explain to me the difference, why a certain one is better than another and all that other junk, if you have the time of course, I would appreciate it.
In response to English
I'm pretty sure a lot of people said Java was going to replace C back when Java first came onto the scene... but those people probably didn't know anything about Java, nor C.

In response to EvilGotenks
They are all different programming languages, each works differently and generally has different advantages and disadvantages. The more people know, the smarter they are, so there.
In response to EvilGotenks
That's kind of like asking what's better, a spoon or a knife? It depends on what you need.
In response to AbyssDragon
Actually FLASH's ActionScript is making some major head-way. I see more and more FLASH site now days as well over JAVA. If you wanna see the power of what flash can do on an advanced level check this out ->

Its the same link I posted on This is Totally cool thread so if you saw that, its the same thing.

In response to Lummox JR
Whats the best language to first learn?
In response to LordJR
LordJR wrote:
Actually FLASH's ActionScript is making some major head-way. I see more and more FLASH site now days as well over JAVA. If you wanna see the power of what flash can do on an advanced level check this out ->

Its the same link I posted on This is Totally cool thread so if you saw that, its the same thing.

But Flash is largely used for multimedia and media-related interactive features. In terms of Web site use, the headway you say it's making makes a lot of sense, because Java applets aren't as well suited to graphical/animation purposes as something tuned for it.

But in practice as a full programming language, I'd say Java is here to stay. It's finally gotten a foot in the door of application development, and all that remains to be seen is how the language's core classes will evolve from here, and what future compilers will translate its bytecode to native code. The current state of Java native compilers is pretty crappy, as it usually requires a Java runtime library installed with DLLs or a copy of the core classes. I expect this to change--indeed that change is overdue.

Besides, if there are more people in the world who think like me, they still haven't forgiven Macromedia yet for the first time Flash was introduced: A plug-in that suddenly every site needed for you to use it, yet was way too big to download from their way too slow servers. Nowadays it comes with browsers, but I never miss an opportunity to jab a thumb in the idiots' ribs over it.

Lummox JR

Lummox JR
In response to Vicious
Vicious wrote:
Whats the best language to first learn?

This is a difficult question.

C is not an easy beginner language (though it's not tremendously hard, either), but it's a key foundation to a lot of newer languages that evolved later, like Java.

Perl is sort of like C's disorganized brother. It's a powerful language, especially in the way it handles text (which C is bad at). It has some similar syntax but for the most part follows its own rules. It's an interpreted, loose-typed language--which DM is too, only DM is very different.

BASIC was the first language I learned. I hesitate to recommend it to people nowadays because its application is questionable; it doesn't do much that's worth doing anymore. But the strength of BASIC is that it teaches program flow. You learn by watching line numbers that one statement follows another, that a loop will do exactly such and such, and GOTO and GOSUB do this and that, etc.

Altogether, I think either C or Java is a better choice for starting out. Probably C, since a simple C program has a straightforward way of running from beginning to end.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Altogether, I think either C or Java is a better choice for starting out. Probably C, since a simple C program has a straightforward way of running from beginning to end.

Actually, I think DM would be the perfect introduction to programming. Granted, the whole idea of a map and "atoms" is specific to BYOND, but for beginner-level programming, DM can quickly pay out rewards that can keep budding programmers interested enough to learn more.
In response to Gughunter
I dont agree. DM is too care free. It would be a harsh shock moving from DM to something like java.
In response to Winbiko
Winbiko wrote:
I dont agree. DM is too care free. It would be a harsh shock moving from DM to something like java.

Not exactly! Once you learn that there are some hurdles in DM that you need to jump over to get things working right, then moving onto something like C++, which has one hell of a lot more hurdles (and inconsistent ones at that) should be made a little easier, since the learning experience is already there.

I'm a prime example. The very first book on programming I bought was Sams' Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, Complete Compiler Edition (it included the complete Borland C++ 3.1 compiler package). I read it and understood the first three or four chapters. After that, I had no clue what the hell they were talking about.

The book got hired as a dust collector on my shelf.

Then, the temptation to make a game got me again a little while later. So, I started looking on the net for "game creators" or something like that (I don't remember exactly) -- C++ obviously wasn't going to do the work for me, so I wanted something that did do the work for me. I found DUNG, which is BYOND today.

After messing around with DUNG for about a year, I decided to <s>Delve!</s> dive back into the C++ book. And it all made sense, thanks to DUNG acting as a launching platform.
In response to Corporate Dog
Corporate Dog wrote:
Lucky bastard. ;)

My job at IBM has had me coding in Java on the
Websphere platform for the last three or four years.

I've told them that I HATE the Websphere environment,
and ultimately want a job which uses Visual Basic or
PHP as the primary development language (both of
which, unfortunately, I have no PROFESSIONAL
experience with... just years worth of noodling
around at home).

Don't give up on Java - it certainly has its uses as a decent OOP language. You just got to find the right job for it, I guess...

I've never dealt with Websphere, although I have not heard to many good things about it. I did try to do Java with Mac's WebObjects development platform - but I had already spent so much time in PHP development that my Java knowledge went out the window - and the 'newness' of the WebObjects development system did not help things...

If you're having trouble nailing a job in the States, I would suggest giving Europe a try - there is a slight demand for decent Java, VB, and PHP developers here in Germany, and they`ve opened the doors to foreigners over that last years (I'm from Atlanta, Georgia so you can't get much more foreign than that!). I'm competing against Turks, Greeks, and Arabic folk here - but luckily they mostly want to run resturants... :) Of course learning the local language is a must...

With the PHP-GTK getting better, offline programming is being realized, giving PHP a good start as a fair OOP development platform.

And so is BYOND - I like the OOP structuing. I can't wait to see what people in the digitalBYOND Challenge 001 (non-gaming programming challenge) will make...
In response to Winbiko

Html is easy.
In response to Winbiko
My order was something like this. Note that when I mention anything on here, I never actually learned the language, I merely used it and made an attempt to learn it. I doubt anyone here can say they've learned DM, either. =P

LOGO (if you can call it a language =P)
BASIC (I never learned much about BASIC aside from the general syntax, but I was messing around with it since I was in grade 5)
PASCAL (my first formal introduction to computer programming; my math teacher "taught" me and my friend Eric this in grade 7 (five years ago) -- we made a very elementary program that calculated the areas of arbitrary polygons with equal side lengths)
HTML (not a programming language, but it was easy as heck)
DM (also easy as heck)
C++ (was hard at first, but after DM it became a cinch -- the only trouble I've run into with it is the stupid input streams retaining the newline (so the next input will have the newline from the buffer and it will enter nothing for the next input))
In response to Spuzzum
ah I follow a different philosphy.
In a fighting game if I want to get better I go to practice mode and turn the computer on the highest it will go and fight it for an hour or 2. First I get owned ... alot... but eventually I actually pull off a hit thus I learn. Same goes for code. When I wanted to learn DM I download one of the libraries and tried to figure out how it worked. Sure I could have just read the tutorial but I dont feel I would have learned it as much. Well after I figured out what it does I edit it. and see if my ... assumtions are correct. Then I go and read through the entire reference file.... front to back. BAM I can code in DM.

Of course how I learn will most likely not work for other but ehh.
In response to Winbiko
Drum role plaese and here is my inceredible list

*Still trying to learn DM

Although i would like to learn something i could do programs off of.
In response to LordJR is an awesome site! I hang around the chatroom every now and then. Anyone who goes there, be sure to drop in and say hi.

- Joe

<samtheman> you developing games or irc skillz?
<Kamoku> I'm developing a weapon to end all life in the universe
In response to Winbiko

The basics of DM came fairly easy to me. I haven't really tried much with it at this point though.

- Joe
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