Does anybody have a code buddy they trade code to and from with? I do. He's Exadv1. I start up a system, he touches it up. THen it goes back and forth. Just wondering...

=]. I have one too. Sariat.<sincere> I feel emotion</sincere>
I don't trade code, but Foomer and I have a very good brain-tank setup. One of us thinks of an idea, the other comments on it, and we hash it out.

Foomer's usually the one that puts the ideas into actual motion, though. I just say, "Wow, that'd be cool for Haven!" but everyone knows that Haven will never be finished. ;-P

He also sometimes asks me for a specific snippet of code, like a piece of code that finds the nearest number to a specified argument from a given list, etc. That I give freely (and will give freely to anyone, once I get my Snippets Database done for my website).