Gazoot being communist?

RaeKwon/Dracon going on thier retarded "crazy talk" spam?

and finnaly

DBZ games?
Sariat wrote:
Gazoot being communist?

RaeKwon/Dracon going on thier retarded "crazy talk" spam?

and finnaly

DBZ games?

- RaeKwon
oh oh me me
My answers are yes, sort of, and NO! Especially if the DBZ game in question if Zeta. Or the ORIGINAL Genesis. I won't accept the new ones, the ones that made Dracon get angry and almost leave BYOND.
Actually, I don't see a problem with communism in its purest form. Here's the actual definition (source:

Main Entry: com·mu·nism
Pronunciation: 'käm-y&-"ni-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: French communisme, from commun common
Date: 1840
1 a : a theory advocating elimination of private property b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
2 capitalized a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R. b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably d : communist systems collectively

What I can extract from this document is that all goods and resources such as food, land, construction items, and such are distributed equally to all denizens in the area. People like Hitler and Mussolini gave this concept a bad name, by either giving a lot of it to their personal friends, or using propaganda to make the people think that they had less than they actually did, to give out. Final thought: Communism isn't bad, except when a group of corrupt people begins to use it to rule.
I'm getting sick of your "big" wanna-be talk. Just shut up, Sariat, no one cares about your inconsistant babble. I was just a little happy yesterday.
In response to Dracon
Dracon wrote:
I'm getting sick of your "big" wanna-be talk. Just shut up, Sariat, no one cares about your inconsistant babble. I was just a little happy yesterday.

What "big" wanna-be talk?
In response to Sariat
(Trying to act like Sariat)
My name is Fransico and I hate all DBZers and anyone that has any ties with anyone resembling anyone from Dragonball. I try to act like a powerful programmer on BYOND, but I fall short in many places.
In response to Dracon
Im sorry, Sariat....I've just been in a bad mood lately...
In response to Dracon
Dracon wrote:
(Trying to act like Sariat)
My name is Fransico and I hate all DBZers and anyone that has any ties with anyone resembling anyone from Dragonball. I try to act like a powerful programmer on BYOND, but I fall short in many places.

Ummm, Its Francisco...

And I don't say that that I am a powerful programmer, and when I usually "hate" someone, I know them from before experience and I try to stay away from 'em. Now bring your little minions to back you up. I won't let this turn into a flame war. Becuase I will just turn the other cheek. Something you and your minions should try.

PS - How did you know my name?
In response to Dracon
Dracon wrote:
Im sorry, Sariat....I've just been in a bad mood lately...

No worries, mate.
Sariat wrote:
Gazoot being communist?

Everybody who knows me are hopefully aware of my pacifist, individualistic view of life, so communism is not quite what I would call my ideal government. (But I can say it's not socialism or liberalism either)

But Sariat need somebody to pick on, so here you go:
"After Communism succeeds, then there will come a peace across the earth." -Josef Stalin


In response to Gazoot
YOu know I was just kidding, right?
Reading the babble forum. There's never anything good on here. But those darn bright green highlighted as unread links are so tempting...I hate you!!! Arrgh!

And for the record, I don't care what Gazoot is because every government mankind has established so far has screwed up one way or another, and the future of governments isn't looking much better.

I think RaeKwon and Dracon aren't the only one who spam crazy talk. I would rather people didn't post anything at all unless they had something encouraging or useful to say. Questions like, "So, who hates this?" aren't encouraging or useful.

I don't care about the DBZ games. What I care about is that the hub is being clogged by stuff I hate, and I have no way of getting rid of it. I don't care whether the stuff clogging it is DBZ or not, I don't like not having control over what I see.

In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Reading the babble forum.

Dude, why you think its called "Babble"?
- RaeKwon
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
YOu know I was just kidding, right?

Of course, but our joke was quite internal and what you said could have been misinterpreted by many people on the forum.

In response to Gazoot
Is good covering up, comrade Gazoot! Capitalist pigs no suspect a think!
In response to RaeKwon
So people can discuss things that aren't specifically related to any of the other forums.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
So people can discuss things that aren't specifically related to any of the other forums.

Obviously you don't know what the word "babble" means.
- Raekwon
In response to RaeKwon
I know what the forum description says.
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