Who here likes apples? Apples...apples...

Who here likes bananas? Banana banana banana!

Who here likes Kiwi? Kee-wee?

Apples apples?
i like apples and Bananas but not Kiwi.

I think you should shut up before you get banned. Seriously.
In response to Spuzzum
Well, if you think about it, some people just deserve to be banned. No warning. They know they're doing something wrong.
In response to Spuzzum
Jeremy, shame shame! Cant you let me ask people if they like apples?
In response to Dracon
Cant you let me ask people if they like apples?

I can't let you suck up Dantom's bandwidth and fill the forum with pointless, irrelevant messages, no.
In response to Spuzzum
i'm the only one that answered it without any other feedback
In response to Spuzzum
Okay, Okay, Jeremy, I'm done! I just wanted a poll going! Its for ma homework!
Dracon wrote:
Who here likes apples? Apples...apples...

I like caramel apples

Who here likes bananas? Banana banana banana!

You know eating Bananas can prevent up to 70% of your headaches, along with water?

Who here likes Kiwi? Kee-wee?

I bet the bird tastes a bit like chicken, but hell lets give it a try.

Apples apples?

Well you know what they say my friend, An injection, long sleeved jacket, and a padded room with bars a day keeps the doctors away.
