Yesterday, I tried to Download star wars on Imesh(like kazzaa, but way better, search for it!). And I ended up getting Showtime...with eddy murphy and Robert Dinero....

Now thats sad :P

Yes, I do realize downloading a movie is sad.

Sariat wrote:
Yesterday, I tried to Download star wars on Imesh(like kazzaa, but way better, search for it!). And I ended up getting Showtime...with eddy murphy and Robert Dinero....

Well, for one thing, it's Robert DeNiro. And for another thing, anything else on this Earth is better than Kazaa. Are you aware that it's a spyware package?

This is all aside from the fact that peer-to-peer file transfer packages spoil everything that I hope to accomplish in the computer gaming industry. Why would people buy Covert Assault Troopers (my non-BYOND game that I do intend to make money from) if they could simply rip it off for free?

I believe that the makers of Morpheus, Kazaa, Napster, and all the rest, should be shot. I'd be willing to draft a whole amendment to the Canadian constitution if you Americans draft one for yours! The people who use peer-to-peer file transfer things I don't have a vested hate for, but as a computer game developer I would practically kill anyone if I found them distributing my game for free. =P