Zasif wrote:
Would this also work with a Click to Move function instead? Let's add a function: #define MAIN_MAP "map1" //you only want clicks to work on the main map element. You should change this define to the id of your main map Now let's change the tile-based MoveLoop function: proc Lastly, we need to modify one other function ever so slightly: verb As for making it work with pixel movement, that's a whole 'nother ball of wax. |
If a game would be based around Click to Move and Do most stuff with Mouse Click and also reach over 100+ players at once doing stuff, what would you recommand Pixel movement or Tiled movement?
its going to take me a while to learn your code fully so I can learn off it. As there is quite a few variables and what not. Like I understand most of it, just got to think about some of the details.
I also had no idea you could set parameters inside of macros through the dmf file. That was a shocker for me and probably a tad limiting. Of course an idea like this would have been limited from the get go. |
If a game would be based around Click to Move and Do most stuff with Mouse Click and also reach over 100+ players at once doing stuff, what would you recommand Pixel movement or Tiled movement? Tiled movement is obviously going to be more robust in that case. |
I also had no idea you could set parameters inside of macros through the dmf file. That was a shocker for me and probably a tad limiting. Of course an idea like this would have been limited from the get go. What? I don't understand, what's limited? ~opp. what does that signal mean? It's a binary operator that's sort of similar to "!". "!" means logical not. Logical not will take a true value and return false, or a false value and return true. "~" is binary not. It takes the binary value of opp, and flips all the bits. BYOND only has access to the bottom 16 bits of a number, so a Binary not would look like this: Before: 0010010001101011 (value: 9323) After: 1101101110010100 (value: 56212) For more information: |
Ter13 wrote:
> #define TICK_LAG 0.25 //set this to 10 divided by world.FPS This is how you define macros: > W MoveKey 1 1 This setup will keep track of several things for you: Moving diagonaly seems to have a skipping effect and not smooth. Wondering if this is a bug! |
They encourage all kinds of badness.