![]() May 19 2002, 7:01 am
Well, lately I've been playing morrowind (yes, my voodoo3 CAN run it :)) and this is the best game I have ever played. Not to mention the funniest. While walking down a path, looking for mudcrabs to kill with my Dai-Katana, I hear a guy shouting at the top of his lungs screaming, then with a sickening crunch, I see a robed man fall from the sky and a book fly out of him. I opened the book and it was talking about a new kind of transportation spell of his called "Icarian Flight" which would allow him to easily jump great distances and at very high heights. In his own words he said how he could soar through the clouds in a jump and talked about his colleagues though he was crazy. He concluded with "I will show them. I shall leap out of the tallest tower, screaming from my success!". Well, he did scream alright! I also picked up three scrolls of the spell off his body and also some stuff he had. right now I'm doing quests for the mages guild and the mage house (forgot the name but begins with a T). So far, best game I played. Give it a 9.2 out of ten, could be better if some of the crashes would stop (game freezes rarely, but inconveniently).
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