I'm changing my key name here soon to Little kid15(my nickname at school, or at least the little kid part is) and 15 is how old I am.

PS: I can still juggle and very good at that
Good, now stop having to do anything with DBZ at BYOND, then you will be OK in my book.
In response to Sariat
You keep a book of who you like on BYOND and who you dont?
In response to Dracon
Ya its called a Univesal ban, J/K.
In response to Scoobert
i'm surprised none of you said anything about my juggling crack.
In response to Dracon
Dracon wrote:
You keep a book of who you like on BYOND and who you dont?

Its called a pager list. If your on my pager list, I like you. If your on my ban list, I don't like you. If your not on either: your okay so far :P
In response to EvilGotenks
EvilGotenks wrote:
i'm surprised none of you said anything about my juggling crack.

I wouldn't do that in public.
In response to Flick
Your Juggling Sucks......jk
In response to Sariat
Thats pretty funny, seeing my key is of DBZ origin and i have a small liking to the series *The beginning anyway*, I still happen to be on your list.

In response to Sariat
Hum, everyone on byond seems tto be watching me,i need to turn off the stupid allow watchers thing, its bugging me, i dont like half of them and another 1/3 i dont know i dont know.
In response to Scoobert
If you think you got it bad....You should see my pager.