
^Yeah 2 years ago i tried to make a game. That happened never tried again since :c.
Funny enough that seems really easy to solve.
I had 0 ideas of what any of that meant, and neither did half of my friends DX.
The developer help forums are there for a reason. Post your problem code and I'm sure we'll show you where you went wrong pretty quickly.
<3 i don't doubt it.
Codings for nerds come to the the artside.
You could always get back in to it.

Funny enough that seems really easy to solve.

It doesn't even "seem" really easy to solve. It "is" really easy to solve. There's some simple tips on fixing errors that people can generally follow to make their lives easier in all programming languages.

One of them being always start at the top of your errors list. Chances are, that 1 error is causing 50 others.

The next thing would be is to not think too hard about your error messages. All you have to read is "missing comma" and "or right-paren". Or just look at the , and ). Right off the bat you can tell that you are more than likely missing a parenthesis somewhere (or a comma. But, it's mostly a parenthesis for everyone.).

Lastly, for now, compile often. I compile every few seconds if the project doesn't take too long to compile. I have one project getting close to 1.5 - 3 seconds long to compile so I limit my compiles to about ever 30 seconds to 5 mins if I'm working fast. It's a habit I got in to since I copy and paste some things and manipulate them. And while I'm manipulating them I may forget something. And when I forget something... I may copy it again and then put it somewhere else and spawn a whole world of tedious work that would further result in me putting it off due to being lazy. So, yeah, compile when you feel the need to (make backups too! If you need a reference to a place to store/share your projects, let me know.).


Codings for nerds come to the the artside.

Or that. You could do that. Or you could do both. I started doing both recently. Some 3D art, 2D art, and sound - and I still do programming.
In response to Xirre
I might get back into it to quench my ideas because it's becoming to hard to keep so many ideas to myself :c.
In response to Ghost of ET
Ghost of ET wrote:
I might get back into it to quench my ideas because it's becoming to hard to keep so many ideas to myself :c.


Honestly, I always feel like the dev help community here is more helpful than any other community I have been in. I don't know if that's because I'm experienced with the language and I know a lot of the community / have become comfortable here... or if they're not savages that will tear you apart for asking the dumbest questions possible. Dumb as in you being new and not actually dumb.

So, try it out sometimes. Long ago I used to see people get ripped a new one. But recently it seems to be more welcoming. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
In response to Xirre


Codings for nerds come to the the artside.

Or that. You could do that. Or you could do both. I started doing both recently. Some 3D art, 2D art, and sound - and I still do programming.

Isn't it hard juggling all that ? There's a lot to learn with just art, I feel like I'd crash if I attempted to learn coding while studying colors, anatomy, animation and developing my style as an artist
In response to Southv2
Southv2 wrote:

Codings for nerds come to the the artside.

Or that. You could do that. Or you could do both. I started doing both recently. Some 3D art, 2D art, and sound - and I still do programming.

Isn't it hard juggling all that ? There's a lot to learn with just art, I feel like I'd crash if I attempted to learn coding while studying colors, anatomy, animation and developing my style as an artist

For some artists it comes naturally. And programming is easy anyone can pick it up. I've attemtped 2d art for 7 years and my work is still lesser than artists who pick it up in a year
In response to Southv2
But than again I started at a point where I couldn't draw shapes. Drawing a human look human like was a real challenge for me. Than anytime I would draw something new it was like an entirely new thing where I would start at square one
In response to Southv2
Ter13 is an immediate example of an excellent programmer and even equally (if not more) excellent artist. Sure, it's "hard" to do both, but if that's what you want to do, you'd be more than willing to put in the time and effort to get there.

I dabble in arts sometimes, but I'd never claim I'm good at it. The extent of my artist abilities is doing digital painting:

Like this logo for my long-time personal project.
Doohl wrote:
Ter13 is an immediate example of an excellent programmer and even equally (if not more) excellent artist.

I didn't start out that way. I started out as a terrible programmer and an equally, (if not more) terrible artist.

I'd say the biggest thing is just persistence. The more times you ram your head into that wall, the better you get at ramming your head into walls.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
The more times you ram your head into that wall, the better you get at fracturing your skull.

Who wants to be my mentor :D?
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Ter13 wrote:
The more times you ram your head into that wall, the better you get at fracturing your skull.


I love you. (edit: no homo)

Ghost of ET wrote:
Who wants to be my mentor :D?

Nobody has to be your mentor. Just makes some friend who share an common interest and learn together. Share your knowledge.

Recently I procrastinated trying to learn COBOL for my required college course. My assignment was due in 2 days and I had to learn the language (at least the basics) in that short time. The same guy I made my server utility with was the guy I went to in order to sit down and gain some further insight on the structure of the language. We spent about 10 mins reading some examples and testing some theories on how it works and finally understood a small portion of it (shortly after I said I'm tired of the crappy language and we started playing League. I got the assignment done though.).

While you can always do things by yourself, it's sometimes more enjoyable having someone help out a bit. Not to mention the fact that they also learn from the experience as well. The developer help section is always open to answer your questions. And, I occasionally request people to use some screen-sharing program like or Skype screen share so people can receive more detailed help. At least, whenever I am available.


As for my recent 3D artwork, here's the most recent screenshot (although it has been changed a lot since) It's a 3D logo that has been animated and the bomb itself has had some material changes. Text has also been added:

And something I made about a month ago for a 2D project that I'm really pleased with how it came out (although I need to change the bomb logo and the hand):
In response to Ter13

The more times you ram your head into that wall, the better you get at ramming your head into walls.

Has this been confirmed?
In response to HaxRp
HaxRp wrote:
The more times you ram your head into that wall, the better you get at ramming your head into walls.

Has this been confirmed?

Buddhist monks in Taiwan have practiced this for over a week now, results pending.
When did us became?
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