I was just wandering about how long(on average)some of you do coding, icons making or whatever it is as long as it has to do with making a game on BYOND whether it is your game or not?

I only spend about an hour or so a day

Little Kid
LilKid, I spend about 2 hours from 8 AM - 10 AM, then 3 PM - 6 PM. Sometimes I even work at night from 1 AM - 3 AM.

In between times i am either: Outside, Swimming, Backyard Wrestling, fighting, or playing my Dreamcast
Well since I'm on summer break I spend a good two hours on my game and checking out the forums.Sometimes I spend about 4 hours on the forums reading bable.


In response to Soccerguy13
it depends on how motivated I am, but usually about 4 hours a day, mostly coding. I have about four different projects Im working on though so I dont get alot done everyday.

In response to Canar
You sound like me.Ive got like 6 and i work on one 1 week then switch.
