Name some of the deadly critters that are around your area.

Theres coyates, wolves, snakes, those brown and black spiders (forgot what they are called) they are fast and scary...poisionus too. We got black widows, and uhh...theres always Rcet....
Just poorly raised pet dogs!

My brother, black widows, the usual...
Hmmm... I'm sure there are some around here... But nothing that I've ever come in direct contact with...

I hear that those Africanized "Killer" bees are getting closer and closer...but so far the local wildlife isn't really a problem here...
In response to Zilal
lets see, Me, fire ants....... erm..... yeah, that's about it? actally we have a shitload of rattlesnakes out here, Kansas sucks though, so... OOOOH! we do have this kind of deadly plant, it's this black mold that grows in the summer, and if you touch it, it's sporse get in your skin and eventually you get really sick and start rotting and stuff like that, but I doubt it really counts... but some guy did touch it and then picked his nose, it ate his nasal cavities, eyes, and most of his face before he could get it cut out, Don't you People watch RIPLEY'S?
In response to Ter13

Don't you People watch RIPLEY'S?

Believe it or not, I don't.
Black widows, hawks, snakes, leeches, bees, wolverines, cougars, and packs of loose dogs. Thats about it from what I'v heard, of course the grape people should be surfacing anytime now....

It's too cold in Oregon to attract anything camel spiders
Name some of the deadly critters that are around your area.

Floridian drivers is rhe first thing that comes to mind.
My white cat tries to eat me. She's big and burly and evil. I found her in a circle of fire.

Once, my cat drug branches and rocks into the highway and watched as the cars had to run over them. She also scares my other cats into trees and then comes up and knocks them out. When one of our other cats had babies, she tried to eat them for days. She almost got one. Then, when we scolded her out of it, she would still lean up against the box that they slept in and hiss and growl at them until the momma cat tried to push her out of the way, but then she knocked the mama cat over and tried to eat the kittens again.

She's stunningly white. She has strikingly blue eyes--people are shocked to see how pure in color they are. She has black trim on her paws and ears, and broad stripes of very light tan on her tail and back. She's got a very wide face that says "humbug." She hates living things with a passion. She really does seem to have a connection to fire--we found her as a small kitten (already strikingly white and with blazing blue eyes) when we had a series of bonfires. She would walk right up to the bonfire so you could just barely see her blazing white coat as a red outline in the flames. Every bonfire we had, she would do this. But when we tried to catch her, she would always move around the fire. If we got at her with two people, she would run away. We finally got her when she came to out house for food.

She's really nobody's cat--she comes and goes when she wants and frequently leaves for days upon end. She does spend a good deal of time at our house, though, and we legally own her.

She is my project, in a way. I am the only person in our family who can approach her, save my mother with food in her hands. My greatest accomplishment with her is to secure a collar onto her. She nearly took my hand off afterwards, but I escaped almost unscathed. I still have the scar on my hand.

Why do we keep her around? She's beutiful, she's very smart, and I like her.

Squirrels and people, yep those are the deadliest things where i live! =p
In response to WildBlood
I dunno man, we have geese! GEESE!!!!!! MAN! Geese are crazy, I had a sanwich once, and I was fishing off the docks at our local lake, the geese were after me!, I stashed my pole and tackle box into a bush, and fought for it, I'm sitting there kicking and slapping angry geese, who are beating me with thier wings, and trying to continue eating my sandwich, so I'm halfway throught the sandwich, and I get tired of the geese fighting me, so I throw it out into the lake, three of the geese go for it, but 2 of them stay on me, I dived into the water to swim for it, the dumbest thing I could have done, geese can really swim, luckily, I had worn my swimming trunks that day, and managed to escape them after a few severe beatings, I managed to get my pole and tackle box back, and run home.

MORAL OF THIS POST: Always bring a bong wherever you go, just so the geese can be a little more docile.
In response to Ter13
LOL!!! Everybody just wants to kick your ass!!
In response to Lesbian Assassin
My Mom.....^_^
In response to Sariat
Yeah, I always have problems with geese, there are 2 kinds of organisms in this world, ones who want to be freinds with Ter(2%), and those who wish to beat the living crap out of Ter(98%). Geese are actually a real problem in the midwestern united states, they are always taking on traffic and busting up car grills when they get hit, and are constantly attacking little kids, the things stopped migrating about 2 years back, and just kind of stayed for the entire year, more are always flying in and staying, but it seems they never leave. I like to fish and go boating on the lake by my house, so I am prone to a lot of goose attacks. And on top of that, my neighbor took i ntwo injured geese that summer, so they stay in the backyards of our block. I've been really mean to them, I have a slingshot and a few bags of marbles, so natrually, I'm not even safe at home, I'm going to get a go-kart in a few days and run those bastards down! WHO'S WITH ME?!

But i do have a bad run of luck when it comes to getting into fights, so of courseI do get beaten down a lot, unless we are at the bowling alley playing pool, then I ca nwhoop ass with a pool cue. :D
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
I've been really mean to them, I have a slingshot and a few bags of marbles, so natrually, I'm not even safe at home, I'm going to get a go-kart in a few days and run those bastards down! WHO'S WITH ME?!

Sounds kind of weak to me. Myself, I've got some Canadian geese that visit the lake I live on regularly. They get up on our land and do their business on it, which really ticks my dad and I off. So...In the past I've been trying to scare them away with slingshots and metal "clips". The metal clips are just aluminum rods (1cm diameter) bent at a sharp angle, and cut, useful for gripping. Those didn't work too well, seeing as they were a little inaccurate, lacking in power, and low in damage.

About a year later, I got into paintball and had bought a used gun for shooting around. The geese came back soon after and I decided to do some target practice. I shot down on them from the second story of my house, and that drove them away pretty darned good. My sister inherited my gun after I lost interest, and thought it would be good to try it out. The geese were back once again, and she tried her hand at taking them out. She did some minor damage to some, and took out one's eye. That drove them away for a good year or so.

So, the next summer I purchased a small blowgun and some darts out of a magazine to perfect my aim. I remember one shot I took on those geese that will stick in my mind forever. They were on our backyard (facing the lake) and I had went out the back door and down the wooden steps to get closer. I loaded the dart...slowly...Sucking in a breath of air before putting my lips to the pipe. My release of sudden air had stuck the wire dart into it's neck! That'll teach em...

I decided I needed more power in that blowgun, so I took my cheap pump paintball gun and found a copper pipe. I stuck the pipe down the barrel of the gun and stuffed some padding down there to secure it. Next thing I knew, I had a C02 powered blowgun, and the longer barrel made it even more accurate. Those geese were next to dead in my thoughts, and I set out for the hunt. However, this time, I missed and blew my cover.

This year, I have a new weapon for those geese. An air powered rifle equipped with 4x-9x scope. They had started to come back just recently, and I knew it was time. Not only were they leaving nasty packages in the back yard, they had ducklings with them which were making even more crap. I would have used it on them if it wasn't for those ducklings. So far, I've only used it for thinning out the numbers of squirrels and birds in my region, and taken the tails of 5 of those unlucky squirrels for my own keeping. They are tacked up on my wall behind the computer.

So, do you think my plans beat out your go-kart idea Ter?
In response to Mertek
I would have used it on them if it wasn't for those ducklings.

Another thing to consider... Canada geese are a protected species. =P
In response to Spuzzum
no, my plans still stand, along with geese, a gokart can run down about anything, squirrells, rabbits, 10-year olds, homeless people, and if you blow your cover, you have a getaway car under your butt. Yes, squirrells make real funny noises when you nail them with a good paintball, I, perhaps have too much mercy, rather than killing the poor bastards, I just turn my setting on the gun down to 3, 4 will kill, and 6 will make a nice chunky splatter on your neighbor's lawn, I tried setting 1 but the paintball barely got out of the barrel, and 2 just pissed the damn things off.

MORAL OF THIS POST: Homeless people smell just like regular people... without homes.
In response to Ter13
And this is the moral of mine: it's people like you that make the world a worse place.
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