In response to Kusanagi
Oh yes, and don't start a loser flame war there spuzzy ;), I'll just ignore it.

If I had intended to start a flame war, I would have insulted you, not disapproved of your methods.

Please don't make assumptions.
Just to add to what Lexy said:

Geo wrote:
-This may contain adult language which is used by a teenager-

-Reader discretion is advised-

-really, you can't blame me for using inaporpraite language when I'm warning you, so please dont bring that up-

Geo, so far that's the most moronic thing I've heard this month. Don't ever use an excuse that stupid again.

I could have seen some situations in which your language was... less inappropriate, but this wasn't one of them. The language you used wasn't even in a quote, for crying out loud, and if it had been you could have edited it a little. You just cussed as part of your commentary. It would have been trivial to leave it out, or choose something less profane.

I'm not even referring to the lesser cuss words, either, which have been used before in a limited fashion on the boards and people don't really have much problem with in general. After all, you can hear those on prime time TV. I'm talking about this line: I jump into the water and I'm attacked by a whole f[ahem!] school of them...

and this line:

A huge f[ahem!] ass fireball appears...

You could have simply omitted the word in both those cases, and your post would have been considerably cleaner. There are also "variants" that aren't considered cussing, that were at your disposal. There's no excuse for this one. Just watch yourself in the future, and don't assume a warning in advance gives you carte blanche to do whatever you want.

Lummox JR
In response to Zilal
Eventually, without saying anything, he does an emote "Kid lifts his leg and does a little fart." It was a prime example of what they call cognitive dissonance, I think. It caused a sudden lull in the conversation.

Just like real life!
In response to Polatrite
I used to be a big mudder as well.

Well, not really. I preferred to run my own mud as opposed to playing someone else's.

You ever play any Dystopias? Had to of been my favourite codebase, aside from the numerous bugs and extremely messy code. ;)

- Malver
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Viewer discretion is advised.

I wont swear here.. i only swear out of anger, or to vent.

With viewer discretion it absolves the person of any Responsibility to the language you see, your a bunch of little kids.. grow up act like human beings.. we are on Earth, its not a nice place.

Grow up, shut up and swallow your over-grown pride, i consider your vulgar behaviors against peoples rights far outstanding from any swears..

if your reliigious keep in mind that god condemns CURSING..

not swearing. fools
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:

I wont swear here.. i only swear out of anger, or to vent.

Please, swear more to vent, instead of crying to people then talking about law like you actually passed through high school and went to law school.

With viewer discretion it absolves the person of any Responsibility to the language you see, your a bunch of little kids..

Don't get me started on what you said here.... Like you know what "Responsibility" is, and like you have the right to make fun of someones maturity by calling them little kids.

Grow up, shut up and swallow your over-grown pride, i onsider your vulgar behaviors against peoples rights far outstanding from any swears..

Heh, overgrown pride.... I must bathe in the pool of ironic-ness(if thats even a word). Oh yea, and what does onsider mean? Please pay more attention to your mistakes, and mark them on the side saying that your not sure how to spell something. Oh yea, and further more, tell me what you ment when you said, "I onsider your vulgar behaviors against peoples rights far outstanding from any swears", you sorta lost me there. Don't not understanding saying you? It's like you got a concussion, oh yea and do us a favor if you do have one, go take a nice long nap, or in your words, "concussion make sleepy me, lay I down do now".

not swearing. fools

Heheh, "fools" man how much your paragraphs get more and more ironic.


*Just trying to get this off my chest, flame or not.*
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
Viewer discretion is advised.

I wont swear here.. i only swear out of anger, or to vent.

With viewer discretion it absolves the person of any Responsibility to the language you see, your a bunch of little kids.. grow up act like human beings.. we are on Earth, its not a nice place.

No, it doesn't absolve him of any responsibility. Dantom made it quite clear that only certain kinds of language are acceptable on this forum. Therefore whether he warns people in advance or not, when Geo uses that language, he's disrespecting the rules they set down, and he's still to blame for it.

If the reasoning for being upset with his unnecessary language was simply that "Kids might read it", then a disclaimer might be enough to make the case. But as it stands now, it doesn't.

Grow up, shut up and swallow your over-grown pride, i consider your vulgar behaviors against peoples rights far outstanding from any swears..

Duly noted. I'll go draw an icon of a butter knife with syrup on it.

Lummox JR
In response to Dareb
Dude, who died and made you a lawyer? Obviously no one of any importance.

If you wanna talk laws:

It's been established by multiple organizations and court trials that the internet does not grant users the same rights and those provided under the constitution of the united states unless said site is hosted and sponsered by a US government site, or at any point in time where a law or jurisdiction of a state or area in which the server which hosts ( server is defined as any computer or electronic item whereby people take and give information ) any public gathering or domain is attempted to be passed. The prime example to this is Child Pornography for servers hosted on computers located on the internet are illegal if that host is in the US.

NEXT -- You DO NOT remove liability or disclaim responsibility for an action if that action has already been expressly prohibited. This US law, which I assume you would use to prosecute or as a basis for which to make your conclusions. Prime examples of this are when you steal property or intellectual copyrighted material from a website, attack or harass a user on a website which states you may not do so, or otherwise. Outside of Internet go: Any park that expressed a no-alcohol policy may kick you out if you violate that policy, even though a park is technically public. You cannot say something like " I am going to drink in this area, you have been warned " and expect them to make a special case. This is exactly what is being attempted here.

I advise you to take your own advice:
"[Grow up, shut up, and swallow your own over-grown pride]"
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