Now, this has to have happened sooner or later to every gamer. I am asking to post about something/somethings that are funny that happened to you or someone else in a game. I am going to list a few and they are all from morrowind.
-This may contain adult language which is used by a teenager-
-Reader discretion is advised-
-really, you can't blame me for using inaporpraite language when I'm warning you, so please dont bring that up-
1.I was starting in Seyda Neen and saw a usual mudcrab. I ran up to it with my iron saber, and just when I was about to hit it, a gaurd dashes to it, hits it, and kills it before I can blink. I had never seen a gaurd run so damn fast before! I was playing it and my friend was watching, when it happpened I just looked at the dead crab for a moment and yelled out "You son of a (kids, look away) bitch!". thus ends that story
2.Well, since I already knew the game well, there is oen part where a guy falls from the sky screaming and so on (i had posted about it already). Well, I didn't tell him about it to spoil the game. So he's walking along in the wilderness when he hears "AAAHHHHH!!!!!" but pays no attention, except notices a book which is where the guy is supposed to land close to. it takes quite awhile for him to fall, and he jsut walks over there and thinks a guy was attacked and ran off leaving behind the book. so he walks up and reads about the guys spell that I had posted about earlier, and takes the book. as soon as he does it WHAM! The guy falls on top of him, and they are both dead., I had recently downloaded a mod at the same friend's house in #1 and #2 and decided to see what it had. It added a VERY nice house to balmora and a underground lake/grotto. I decided to take a dip in the lake, knowing it had your own treasury somewhere in it, when I noticed there were some small slaughterfish. I knew they were no match for my superior Samuri Mage /\/\4c1 1337 sIc/11z, so I jump into the water and I'm attacked by a whole fucking school of them and am eaten like a cow in the middle of a lake attacked by a school of pirhanas! needless to say, even my /\/\4c1 Samuri sIc/11z were no match and was devoured.
4.My friend has tinkered around with the game editor and made his own personel spell that is buyable from a merchant. he had already used it and showed me what it did. He gets ready to cast and he's on top of a mountain. Then he casts it. A huge fucking ass fireball appears, goes careening down about 20 game miles, slams into a town, instantly kills everyone out of the buildings, and the flame from it creates a huge ball of fire that shoots outwards like a ball and all the way almost in his guy's face. He was laughing away and I just stared blankly at the screen that had just devasted a huge area.
5.Well, me and a friend (a differant one this time) were using my character as a test dummy (I had already saved it) and decided to try the Icarian Flight spell. So I decide to try it first. I go flying in the air in one bound, going like 100 miles a hour. He goes and says "you should put your levitate amulet on now". I quickly respond "Ah, don't worry, I'll put it on before I hit the ground. Well, my back was facing the computer screen. No sooner had I said that when I look around and my guy apparently hit the peak of a mountain right in the stomach, takes a few steps around, looking like a complete drunk, then falls over off the peak and down a very, very, very, very long cliff and directly into some sharp rocks at the bottom..... needless to say, my character has VERY bad luck. The next time my friend tries it and faces in another direction, and off my guy goes flying. He seemed pretty confident. Then WHAM, my guy takes a mountain peak to the groin. we continues this for a hour, landing into trees, boulders, and even some animals and stuff. friend from #5 was apparently having incredibly good luck, and of course i'm left with all the bad luck along with my friend from the others. now he was in a ancestral tomb, level 1, a small rouge armed with a little Tanto tat does 5-8 damage at the most, and not even a complete set of chitin armor. He walks into one room and is attacked by a skeleton with a sword and shield along with a skeleton archer. He runs towards the one with the sword, slings out the tanto, and starts slicing the hell out of it. He only takes one hit and every one of his attacks hit, then he kills it and is hit by a arrow. He spins around, jumps into the air, lands infront of the archer, and is slicing like hell away at it. It couldn't even back away before it died. I was really amazed at that. My friend who had a full set of plate couldn't take down one skelliton with a sword and shield, yet a rouge with barely any armor and a small tanto takes down 2 before he fights anything else. then he proceeds into another room with a least bonewalker and skelliton archer shooting away at him. He rans up to them and proceeds to take them down. He does this to everything, like a typical rouge, jumping around, avoiding spells, arrows, and the likes and quickly disabling them with a small weapon. well, atleast someone has good luck.
well, thats it for now, I may add more later.
![]() Jun 3 2002, 4:02 pm
![]() Jun 3 2002, 4:27 pm
What game is this, it sounds badass!
Well these are some stuff that happened to me:
Infantry Online ------------------ (all of these were at KR) One time, I was just summomed to Methane Tap (behind it) and i was the last hope, but a ripper was about to kill our sarge. I ran infront of the bullets and got killed. Then went the sarge. We ended up losing. I sniped a few snipers that coincidently sniped me. One time, I was a sarge, and KR was overun by enemies. I was hiding in the boxes and they couldnt see me. So I used team say: Sariat : I am at KR...the enemy is everywhere... Any mechs? team : No. Sariat : who wants to die then? mots of team: Me!! So i summon this one guy, they kill him. And this goes on for about a few minutes. And they finnaly find me and kill me. Throughout this they are like, where are these guys coming from? Hmm..thats the only online game that I played. Other games: My bro was playing a DBZ GAME (DragonBallEpicOnline) and he was PKing. He shot a homing ball of energy and the guy that it was chasing teleported behind my bro and his own ball of energy hit him...I thought it was funny. (this happened today) Hmm..thats all that I can think of |
Yeah, you have to pay for it per month. It'd be worth it, but there are mobs of idiots whining about it in the games, killing people who pay for the game only, etc.. I'm not paying until they're gone.
I think I've played infantry, my funny story is walking up to an enemy base, jacking their mobile suits(Forgot what they called them) and then went on a rampage with it and killed their entire team at least twice before they finally decided they had to destroy their own suit to get rid of me. I did this like four times.
Runescape - I led a group of newbies to the island with the lesser demons on it (newbies were like level 4 with leather armor, I have full runeite) (Lesser demons are level 79) (I am level 52) I lead them into the demonslair, killing all the demons one by one until we are at the back of the cave and the demons are just starting to respawn, and then the level 85 greater demon respawns, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! 4 newbies are dead before you can say OH CRAP RUN! and the losers break out longbows and try to kill it! not a single one tries to run, exept for tetrisfool043, who makes a break for it and a lesser demon just slaps him once and he dies, altogether, I got about 3 sets of steel armor, 5000 gold coins, and about 6000 bronze arrows, also a few good weapons, a bronze battle axe, a mithril hatchet, not too shabby, on top of that, I got a runeite large helm off the lesser demon! Back before they fixed it on runescape so that you couldn't teleport monsters, I used to go up to lesser demons and cast lumbridge teleport, lets just say that lumbridge is the town where newbies start out, and dead people respawn, and then I teleported to lumbridge to watch the madness! I saw at least 50 people die! and every time they died, someone would step in to get their stuff, and get themselves killed... lol, good times! (I ended up getting yelled at by an administrator, and was told to kill it, but instead I just tleleported it to Varrock, the second newbie town... I was out of spell components after that, but I walked I watched all the people start to respawn at the "I just died" place.... lol! And then one time in the Mystic Realms of ALhanzar, I started a barfight, and it raged for hours, spellcasters were in there casting fireball, icebreath, everything, warriors were flooding the bars, and I was hiding in the corner, HIDE SKILL 22!!!!!! and when people were just picking up an hour and a half later, I killed the poeple who were gethering up the stuff and took it all for myself! HAHAHA! All in jacob's tavern.... |
I could tell many funny stories from GS, but most of them aren't mine.
In Darkstone Castle, there's an iron maiden you have to go into as part of a puzzle... you do a little thing, and the floor drops out and you get deposited elsewhere in the castle. Well I'd been going through that iron maiden for years without giving it a second thought. This year I was hunting there with friend Mnar and he went in ahead of me, and on a whim I typed "close maiden," thinking there was no way the maiden would be coded to take advantage of the verb, I was just bored. I hear this horrible scream, and I open the maiden and Mnar falls out and collapses on the ground, blood oozing from holes all over his body. I just started cracking up. Terrible, I know. You just never know how realistic a game is going to be... now he always makes ME enter the maiden first. (No comments on that clause, please.) Another I can think of (that happened to me) is when I ran into the character Lylia late at night. Lylia is played as very haughty and refined and ladylike, and she's a very good roleplayer, so I'm trying to have this discussion with her about the intricacies of the Elven language, and it's going well for quite a while. Some strange kid walks in as we're talking and just stands there. Eventually, without saying anything, he does an emote "Kid lifts his leg and does a little fart." It was a prime example of what they call cognitive dissonance, I think. It caused a sudden lull in the conversation. The funniest story from GS I recall happened to an acquaintance... she plays a cleric, and gets called on to perform a lot of weddings. So she had a script made up that she could run that would input her wedding commands. One day, some of her friends got into trouble out in the wilds, so she transported out there to rescue them. She gets everyone into her group and, as the monsters are swarming and fire is raining from the sky or whatever, starts her script to transport everyone out. Except she starts the wrong script. As she recites... "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today on this special occasion..." ...people start dropping like flies, she's trying to figure out what's going on with all the screen scroll, her beautiful wedding recitations continue, fire continues raining from the sky, and eventually everyone including her is dead. Z |
Given that I used to mud, that being serious text mudding, pkill, fighting, blood, roleplay, quests, the works. I started off playing a mud known as Mindeye (rom2.4b6 modified a bit, shitty administrators). There are a couple nifty spells known as charm, gate, and summon. There are also aggressive monsters. Hmm, charm..... aggressive.... newbies. You can probably see where this is headed. Well, I walked to the 'chessboard' convientiently located not more than 6 rooms away from 'the pit' (death respawn location, general hangout area), and found some black pawns. The black pawns aren't very nice, being level 20 or so monsters, and aggressive like hell. I got about 6 of those, and 2 black knights (level 40). I then attempted to walk to the respawn, but was greeted by various messages explaining that the mayor doesn't allow these sorts of mobiles in the city. Screw the mayor. I used my elite gamer bugfinding ability (+6 bonus with my UberHacker Gothic Full Plate Mail Leather Riveted Master Helm of Doom), and managed to find a loophole allowing my little charmed friends to enter the area. Well, since aggressive monsters aren't aggressive when they are charmed, I just sat and waited a few minutes at the pit, waiting for the maximum amount of people to arrive. Ahh, the glorious spam once I typed 'nofollow'. Mindeye has a big flaw, in that the idiotic immortals coded in a 'condeath', your con, being constitution, will go down by 1 each time you die. Once it reaches 3 or less, your character will be logged out and deleted. Ouch. 7 players condied that day. It was very amusing, considering 2 were 'alts' (second, third, fourth, etc. characters of a single player) of the badass and supposidly elite Fringe clan. A few weeks later, a friend allowed me to borrow his mage character. Mages get a spell that hits everyone in the room multiple times, provided they are an NPC, or a clanned character. This mage just happened to be in the Fringe clan. I headed over to the Fringe respawn location, and sat there, waiting for the ever-retarded members to show up. Can you guess what happened?
Yes, thats right. 7 spells of firestorm and chain lightning casted on one of those little bastages, rendering him condead, and leaving a nice, full corpse for me to do with as I wish. I took the equipment, and left the corpse there, as Fringe is composed of necrofeliac homosexuals. I wonder where that went. *cough* Anyways, these aren't exactly the funniest moments. The more humorous moments occured when various members of certain clans attempted to gangbang me and 2 of my pals. Gangbanging is not a sexual reference in the case, rather, it is somewhat of an absurdly uneven battle, in which one side is packed with plenty of people, and the other side is about 1-3 people. Well, a 5 on 3, they decided to start by disarming our weapons. Successfully disarming two of us, including me. Being my mage self, I fled from the fight, and summoned a few 'charmies', to aid in our battle. I came back into the room, and summoned some vines to entangle our adversaries, then proceeded to have the charmies rescue both of my friends. I dug through my rock, and reequipped everyone with weapons, meanwhile, the foes were caught fighting my group of 10 charmies, each being level 51 with 5000-9000 hp (the average hp of our enemies was about 5000 :P). Well, needless to say, that battle was turned around rather quickly. We also.... relieved them of their corpses, picking up 5 shiny new sets of 'realm' equipment, that being the best in the game. Now, I miss mudding a bit, but whenever I logon one, it tends to get old fast. On with the future, and on with BYOND! Polatrite |
I was playing Counter Strike a few days ago with my wall hack on, I joined a small 8 person server and took out my usp silenced it and let out bloodshed. Well a newbie had just joined and got 3 luck kills on some of my team mates, while I killed his entire team but him, he had a nice little newbie shotgun(how cute). Well this was in the militia level where I was a counter terrorist while he was a terrorist, I saw him in the bathroom behind the door waiting for someone to open it up(stupid camper), so I go onto the ladder to the roof of the house, shot at the door. A second later it flung open and he started shooting randomly at nothing since I was on the roof. He slowly inched under the windows from the ceiling, while I watched patiently, he made it to the door way. I blasted a window open and he started firing again, as soon as he started reloading I plunged from the ceiling leaving him a little 9mmMessiah revelation =) which is a strait headshot to a newbie, it looked rather funny at the time.
I was playing Endless Ages( ) today, and was playing as the frog race. I was shooting Vigons from a hill and one was rolling into it(Vigons look like EXTREMELY LARGE doodle bugs) but he couldn't get up the hill. So I shot at him for a few minutes, then he stopped rolling. Now when they stop rolling usually it means they are dead. So I dropped from the hill and was getting ready to reap my bounty when all in a sudden the lag timer came on, then the next second later it showed that the vigon was really doing his standing taunt where it stands strait up backwards, which from the hill point looks like its dead.... Well in about 2 seconds later it reaped out my health with a suddent burst of movement.... Poor Frogma(me). <<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
I was playing Counter Strike a few days ago with my wall hack on, Wow, how skilled of you. Seriously, if you have to cheat to win, you should re-evaluate why you're playing in the first place. Newbies or not, killing someone by cheating -- especially in an online game -- is about as honorable as stealing money from a deaf and blind beggar. You can cheat all you want when playing things offline, since you're the only one that gets bothered by it. But cheating online is, simply put, inane. I don't mean any ill will, mind you, but why cheat? Isn't it more fun to get the adrenaline pumping by not knowing if there's an enemy around the corner? That's aside from the fact that it's way more realistic not to know anyway, which is the whole freakin' point of Counter-Strike in the first place. |
I cheat because it makes the game a lot more fun in my opinion. It also helps me test some of my skills by making my own hacks, and I get to see how a player responds to something that seems in-human in the game. Me being a long time counter-strike fan(1 year and a half in fact), I used to hate cheats so much, but I soon decided to not care and just start myself. If you don't like it oh well, to me it's more intrigeuing(however you spell it). I would rather test other players skills instead of mine.
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> Oh yes, and don't start a loser flame war there spuzzy ;), I'll just ignore it. |
Hey, good idea. Why just settle for having fun yourself when you can also ruin other peoples' good time?
Look, I said earlier I wont flame, but if my posts that I used to tell a story is making you people mad, then I'll delete it.... If it will stop yall from crying even though every server I joined, halfway into the game I told them I used cheats and they didn't care. Well the post will be gone once I remember my password to Kusanagi....
<<>>Semaj<<>> |
Perfect example of what happens if we don't jump on everyone who swears, every time... I was just going to ignore Geo's post, since he's by no means a "frequent offender," but now other people are swearing in their replies.
No more swearing... putting a disclaimer is nice, but doesn't really change anything. |