In response to Zilal
I'm just amazed your plan isn't an all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas to hobnob with fellow BYOND afficionados in a convention setting.

In response to Semaj
Semaj wrote:
Heh, that would be pretty tight to have a byond fest. Plus+ the poll shows Texas which goes thumbs up with me. But why did Boston(I forgot the other city) get pointed out on the poll? I mean, if you want to point out a large city, why not Houston in Texas, I mean its one of the largest cities. Oh yea, its where I live too :P(wiggly toungue).


Or better yet, Dallas, Tx. More central ;)

Or BETTER yet, Fort Worth, Tx. Not very big, but close to DALLAS! It will be alot cheaper ;)
In response to AbyssDragon
AbyssDragon wrote:
I'm just amazed your plan isn't an all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas to hobnob with fellow BYOND afficionados in a convention setting.

Exactly what I was wondering about!
In response to Sariat
Colledge Station, TX, is between Fort Worth and Houston, that will work. I mean its a colledge town, low traffic, and its very cheap. It's also where Texas A&M is located, and my brother lives there =P.

In response to Semaj
LOL! I can see it now, one half of a room full of mature coders, and the other half full of DBZers with dbz shirts on and a riot begins..LOL!

In response to Stealth 2k
Well then, I'll bring "peace" items 50$ bucks a piece for any "peace object" and seperate money for clothes =P. I can see it now, GOLF CLUBS, GET YOUR 9 IRONS! I-HATE-DBZ SHIRTS ONLY 9.99, some kid walks up saying, hey mister! Heres some dimes for one of em shirts, I reply, I ONLY ACCEPT CASH! Then he pulls out a gun and tries to mug me, but then, out of NOWHERE! Foomer jumps in with an army of monkeys and pillages the kid. Then all the BYOND'ers join up in a group, forget their hate for each other and work together to fight the ONION ARMY! *sigh* If only it were real and possible, I mean nobody can defeat the Onion Army.

In response to Semaj
Semaj wrote:
But why did Boston(I forgot the other city) get pointed
out on the poll? I mean, if you want to point out a large
city, why not Houston in Texas...

Because, back in the 90's, I use to live in the Boston area. Land-wise, it's larger than NYC, and it has excellent facilities for convention-goers.

For that matter, since I grew up in north Georgia for most of my life, Atlanta is one of the convention capitals of the world thanks to the facilities built because of the Olympics...

Texas was just mentioned because I happen to be born in San Antonio, and lived in Houston until I was 7.

Heck, I'd rather meet up in Colorado - mom lives there (good excuse to visit), and there is great snowboarding and trail-hiking for after the BYONDfest meetings...
In response to Semaj
Semaj wrote:
Well then, I'll bring "peace" items 50$ bucks a piece for any "peace object" and seperate money for clothes =P. I can see it now, GOLF CLUBS, GET YOUR 9 IRONS! I-HATE-DBZ SHIRTS ONLY 9.99, some kid walks up saying, hey mister! Heres some dimes for one of em shirts, I reply, I ONLY ACCEPT CASH! Then he pulls out a gun and tries to mug me, but then, out of NOWHERE! Foomer jumps in with an army of monkeys and pillages the kid. Then all the BYOND'ers join up in a group, forget their hate for each other and work together to fight the ONION ARMY! *sigh* If only it were real and possible, I mean nobody can defeat the Onion Army. maybe I really shouldn't respond to this post....
In response to digitalmouse
Heck, I'd rather meet up in Colorado - mom lives there (good excuse to visit), and there is great snowboarding and trail-hiking for after the BYONDfest meetings...

And the nice mountain air would remind me of the place I used to live. ;-)

Well, there's some things there I'd rather not remember. Like a certain stepmother.
In response to Semaj
Tyler TX, we could meet at a Whataburger or somethin, lol :)
In response to Semaj
Although I wouldn't be there, you underestimate my monkeys.
In response to AbyssDragon
Well, yeah. And do all that other stuff.
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