Ok, I say one sentence in the story. and you add the next making sure it makes sense:

The Cow Rapist is there, waiting to strike, then he sees something...

Now you add what he sees!
This is a pretty sick note to start on, and it's likely to go downhill from there. Please attempt to use a little common sense before posting on the forums.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Besides which, I think that forum-based Mad-Libs are too much in the way of Babble for this place - but then there has been a lot of that lately...
The Cow Rapist is there, waiting to strike, then he sees something...

It's a book titled "World's Worst Story Openings", from which he reads "The Cow Rapist is there, waiting to strike, then he sees something...".

The Cow Rapist is there, waiting to strike, then he sees something...

Its a police officer. Hes arrested and sent to jail.
The end.
when i grow up i wanna be a the rapist