I just love walking into a room and being dead the next second. Makes me all gitty inside... (and annoyed, and want to strangle the designers.)

Character is exploring the mountains in a skyship (you know, a boat that flies).
Character sees something interesting down below.
Character lands the ship and peeks outside.
Character sees a hostile monster and attempts to return to the ship.
But no, there's a "you can not flee!" message.
Character gets killed instantly.
That was dumb.
Are you talking about those DT (deathtrap) rooms or the insanely powerful aggressive mobs lurking inside?
In response to Mertek
I added more.
I know how you feel! I was playing Avatar MUD once ( ) and they were having one of their famous HoGs (Hand of God). Well, you get beefed up really big for a while. Anyway, I walked into this really high level aggie area and got totally destroyed, even with my beefy attack power! Anyway, they have loads of nice players who helped me get my things back from my corpse.

- Joe

P.S. If you ever play, my character is Lloyd. Last time I checked I was somewhere around hero level 220...I usually only stop in once and a while to keep my character from getting wiped though.

You changed your message after I posted this ;) and my situation was nothing like that, lol.
My humble opinion is also that however invented the "You can not flee!" concept is an utter moron.
In response to Foomer
I agree completely!
In response to Kamoku
The only times you shouldn't be able to flee:

The monster is faster than you, and there's nowhere to flee to (ie, out in the desert) or those places are blocked off.

The monster has you cornered

You literally cannot move
In response to Garthor
Ideally there should be an ability to block certain directions, but there's never really an excuse why a "you can not flee" message should ever occur. If they're blocked, it should say "[monster] is blocking that direction!" when you try to go there. In this instance, I was two steps out of my skyship, and there was no logical reason why I shouldn't have been able to go back in. Of course, supposing this was a big, faster monster chasing a little short guy in the mountains, it would "seem" reasonable that fleeing would be unsucessful...

Honestly though, I'd prefer that the monster either block my escape, or follow after me when I leave. I'd feel much more justified if the monster had followed me into my skyship when I took off :oP Besides, imagine the surprise when someone finds an abandoned skyship floating around, only to board it and find that its not so abandoned after all.
In response to Foomer
Well, a small guy being chased by a big guy in the mountains could probably hide in a small cave, or duck behind rocks, and so on, and flee.
In response to Foomer
Blocking makes RP sense, but I think the obstacle to fleeing is more a game mechanic than an RP concept. It seems like something held over from experience-based level systems along with first attack skills. Being able to easily flee and come back makes higher level things easier to gain experience from. Being able to repeat a first attack skill, like backstab, makes it even easier. Add in pkilling and you have more people to whine about it being cheap instead of just NPCs. Making the ability to flee pseudo-random is a small way to make people think it's fair.
What game was this?
