It's not just the Babble forum, though... it's the Babble forum for a programming community. Programming is language. People who can't grasp the fact that changing a word's position, capitalization, or spelling can completely change its meaning should not get within 10 feet of a compiler.
It's not bashing, it's helping. You should nitpick your own posts, so it's second nature to you to nitpick everything you write, including code.
I remember the day I found BYOND, just searching around looking for game makers but there were never free ones, found BYOND, figured I wouldn't be able to actually run the program, downloaded it anyway, I found it on the on dev group UGW's site and e-mailed Darkness about making a Zelda game(What was I thinking? Only make orginal games now, heh)and I got accepted in UGW before I even knew how to program. I downloaded it, booted up Dream Seeker and found Dark was online played Fantasy Quest Online(My first BYOND game played) then when he signed off, booted up Dream Maker and was totally confused(Got a hold of it about half a month later though after actually reading all the tutorials I could get my hands on) Gee, that was March 3, 2001 how time flys while your having fun :)
ADDiCt wrote:
I remember the day I found BYOND, just searching around looking for game makers but there were never free ones, found BYOND, figured I wouldn't be able to actually run the program, downloaded it anyway, I found it on the on dev group UGW's site and e-mailed Darkness about making a Zelda game(What was I thinking? Only make orginal games now, heh)and I got accepted in UGW before I even knew how to program. I downloaded it, booted up Dream Seeker and found Dark was online played Fantasy Quest Online(My first BYOND game played) then when he signed off, booted up Dream Maker and was totally confused(Got a hold of it about half a month later though after actually reading all the tutorials I could get my hands on) Gee, that was March 3, 2001 how time flys while your having fun :) indeed, when i fisrt came to BYOND and opened DS i was like wtf is this! Then i actually seen you had to go to games live lol That was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in the day. RaeKwon |
My first time on a BYOND seemed like for ever ago but I guess it wasnt even a year ago.I started August 8th 2001.I came to BYOND thinking it was some sort of DBZ program cause my brother introduced it too me and said it was.Thinking it was a DBZ program i made my self a DBZ key hehe and it follows the same as almost everyother one,SuperGoku15.When I got to Byond i thought you had to play games by downloading them from the hub on the site so I never ventured into games live.All I used to play was DBZ.NN thinking it was the best game ever.Then a couple of weeks later I stumbled onto Morte and played that for a couple of years.Then the magical time happened when I found games live and realised I didn't have to download a bunch of wierd numbered files to play games and started playing a bunch of differnt games.Welp just thought I would share my story.
-Beld |
I can't really remember the first day I joined BYOND but I do know that it was at school. My good freind MystykVegeta(that is his key) showed me it at school. I know that it was sometime this year though. I can't remeber the first game I played. I think it was DragonBall Epic online. To me it was the best thing in the world. I immediately wanted to make my own game, and that is how I got started with me BYOND expereince.
I started on june 12th, 2001, I had been devastated, RPG maker 2000's main website had been shut down, and i uninstalled it the week before, so i went searching, and found BYOND about 150 downloads later. I started making a game called dark days, scrapped it, stared a game called the mystic realms of dantar, scrapped it, then started a game called: Legacy of the Bard, scrapped that too, but I saved the code snippets I thought were good, and compiled them into my current prodject, whose name is being withheld due to you uncreative theives out there... and then learned from all of that, although, i think 1 year of programming is enough, and by the end of the summer, my masterpeice will be ready...
wow, 1 year, 4 days and some spare change... amazing... |
Your trying to make a point I already made, right? ;)
By the way, what I mean in this post, is I, and many other people on BYOND don't have the biggest vocabulary out of this forum. To spell "capitols" I used an electronic spell checker I have sitting right next to the computer. I typed in what it said because I had spelled it wrong in the first place. See what people like you make this forum into? I shouldn't even have a spell checker, I should just have the common sense that people on the internet don't give a hoot about a typo. Example of what I would see in instant messanger after talking to my friend: Kunark: What r u doin? Friend: Nuttin Kunark: r u rdy 4 the movie? ;P Friend: Yeah, meet u in 30 Notice the spelling errors? Look hard, they are in there. By the way, BYOND does have a language, in which does require exact spelling... Thats why it tells you, you have made an error here, which you know that it is a spelling error and you correct it so your game will work. What if BYOND posted a message on a special forum that said, "Haha, look at this dumb idiot! He accidently typed Var instead of var! Ahahahahahahaha what a ****ing idiot!" everytime you made a mistake? Would you like it then? |
But you don't have to know the entire english language to use BYOND. In the help file, there is the exact right spelling of all Dantom made procs and vars and such, so you don't need to know how to spell them, just know how to look them up(But BYOND's vars or procs such as get_step() and almost all others, are so easy to memorize it's usually not needed to look up, I never have to). If you don't know how to spell a word, do you really want to go spend 5 minutes looking it up in the dictionary? No, wouldn't you rather just guess and hope you spelled it right?
I don't mind when it's helping (Notice this is the only post I jumped at someone for doing it?) But I don't think Mertek was trying to help by saying, "You should really take a class in capitalization." |
Youv been on since 9/20/01, just go to people and type in the key name and it'll supply you with proper information.
<<>>Semaj<<>> |
I've been on byond since 12/11/01. I remember that the official dbz spar website introduced me to it, i was searching for dbz rpg's and this came up... i downloaded byond, and was lost. i couldnt figure out how to do anything. i searched for dbz games in search, and only 1 was live... DBZ Final Encounter. it said connection failed, so i got confused and closed dream seeker. about a month later, i booted up dream seeker again, i went to games live, and saw DBZ Final Encounter, i clicked on join, and that was the first game i ever played! i remember rogeta or someone was hosting... i think the key was rogeta but anyway, thats how i got started, it wasnt to long ago, it seems just like it was yesterday... i've been on byond almost every day for 4 hours or more, and im still not bored with it (i just wish some one came out with an excellent rpg with an amazing battle system, some have but they stopped making them, and stopped adding updates, or i just got bored with em.)
You were spelling 'capitals' wrong on purpose to make a point, right? ;)
- Malver