Who you think is the biggest improoved coders over the last month?

I would have to say -
Thief Jack (he used to ask me for code, but don't know more, he has made a big leap in codeing)
Super16 (He bought blue book, learnt some things he never knew, and just mucking around with code all the time)
RaeKwon (Learn't alot he never knew, how to update Text on the screen with 0 lag *WizDragon taught him this* also bought blue book learnt lots he never knew)
Dantom (For working on new version of BYOND and well learning more C++ :P)
CableMonkey (Biggest improover of them all, started out not knowing a thing, after 5 days almost ready to bypass alot of people on BYOND.)

What about me? ME???

Oh wait, I guess you can't improve much if you've already been naturally good. My bad.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
What about me? ME???

Oh wait, I guess you can't improve much if you've already been naturally good. My bad.

Lol you wish :P

i would be in the last 2 months
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
i would be in the last 2 months

What have you learned then? i bean codeing hard for about the past 5 months, i know alot more then i bring public ;)

I never stop improving, there's always something new to learn.
and if there isn't, I'll find something else :)
I'd have to say the one I notice the biggest improvement is Malver. He seems to know what he's talking about, and he talks with proper grammar and punctuation. I think he'll be known widespread as an experienced programmer in no time :)

In response to RaeKwon
same with me. But my learning most resently is more a way to make code run smooth and easy instead of using 50 billion ifs and var' ruduces lag to know things like that.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
same with me. But my learning most resently is more a way to make code run smooth and easy instead of using 50 billion ifs and var' ruduces lag to know things like that.

Well obviously, instead of doing this
if(usr.isman == 1)
usr << "your a man!"
if(usr.isman1 == 1)
usr << "your a man!"
if(usr.isman2 == 1)
usr << "Your a man!"
usr << "Your a woman!"

when you can shorten it up and go

if(usr.isman == 1 || usr.isman1 == 1 || usr.isman2 == 1)
usr << "your a man!"
usr << "Your a woman!"

shorten is up even more -

if(usr.isman == 1 || usr.isman1 == 1 || usr.isman2 == 1) usr << "your a man!"
else usr << "Your a woman!"

there is plenty of ways to make it less lagy, if you want more things do this:

if(usr.isman == 1 || usr.isman1 == 1 || usr.isman2 == 1) usr << "your a man!"
else usr << "Your a woman!", usr << "Yes your a woman", usr << "Little woman you"

Instead of

usr << "Your a woman!"
usr << "Yes your a woman"
usr << "Little woman you"

compacked together more, again :P

In response to RaeKwon
that and use of the flick proc and a milloin others.
...all I need is the language's reference...and I'll find a way. :) far, I have looked at only 2 demos: Nadrew's HUD demo and Vortezz's Multi-tiled Mob demo. ..I also used the "Your First World" tutorial by Dantom to get the structure of the language figured out.
In response to CableMonkey
Hmm, I've improved ever since my BYOND return about 2 months ago. I've been working on debugging old games, amazed at how horrible the code was. No wonder I had bugs. New things to do with global variables, Stat() proc, copytext and findtext are quickly becoming useful (think of a verb with msg as text, then using findtext to search for -commands, that way you could have the basic reboot command, then reboot "-save", or reboot "-delay:30", etc.). Tons of new knowledge, going to pick up the blue book in a few weeks and really kick some arse :P

Polatrite (recommended games, just for the hell of it: Hedgerow Hall, Bullies and Nerds, Survival)