So, I was just curious on some questions to everyone like:
1.) What brought you here?
2.) What was your inspiration to start making games here?
3.) When did you start here?
4.) How long do you imagine you'll be here?
5.) What was your first game?
Just a some questions I thought I'd ask.
![]() Jun 21 2002, 11:29 pm
1.) What brought you here?
Ronn Mitchell, Anarchy-Games, partner brough me here. I was working on a text with him, he gave up on the text to work on byond. and almost a year from now would be when he left here for C++. 2.) What was your inspiration to start making games here? My Inspiration to start making games here is that i can meld storylines into peoples games without disturbing their delicate balance, my ideas breath life into games and always have, but where else am i to go to do this, all other online games in the middle of developement would never sit down and chat with you about how their gme should work. 3.) When did you start here? I came here long ago.. May of 2000 i believe. although i dont remember specifics. I then left for half a year played everquest and worked for a bit. 4.) How long do you imagine you'll be here? Id Like to imagine that Ill be here through thick and thin, whether things in my life stay the same or even if i gain financial stability and design an online game. 5.) What was your first game? My first game, well ive never actually made a game yet. i know (how) to code but the language of the words escape me. so im studying the blue book. I generally know what people want, and can easily pin-point what is needed. |
Daemon5532 wrote:
> 1.) What brought you here? Well, like many others, Dragonball Z Spar. Although this was a long time ago (When there we're no annoying newbies around and Krazzle (I think) owned Dragonball Z Spar, not Ebonshadow). This was when me and my brother (he was sane back then) used the same key, 'Rayden'. > 2.) What was your inspiration to start making games here? Well, after seeing what one could do with BYOND, I decided to start to learn. But it's actually pretty simple once I got into it. I can now translate BYOND in English :-) > 3.) When did you start here? Key Rayden Forged 2/1/01 Does that answer your question? :-) > 4.) How long do you imagine you'll be here? Well, I imagine I am going to be here until the end. (I don't want to even think about "the end"). But, ah, I have a great social life.... *crickets chirp*....well, hehe, not really. But I have friends! ...*crickets chrip*...Thats not funny!! Grr... :-) > 5.) What was your first game? ID Dracon.DragonBallGTGenesis ( Created 8/7/01 Total Downloads 4892 (ever) 4872 (version 4000) Although once the source was released, all hell broke loose. I'd now like to thank the following people for no reason at all: Daniel Bradley - For being Dan, Thomas Hehre - for being Tom. Jeremy T. Gibson - for being Spuzzum. and Foomer - because I do not know his real name. |
Daemon5532 wrote:
So, I was just curious on some questions to everyone like: Well i can't remember how i got here. 2.) What was your inspiration to start making games here? I began to play a lot of games and decided I'd try to make a game. 3.) When did you start here? I can to BYOND last August. I used this key but i had to re-make this key because i thought thats what I needed to do to get to my Hub and stuff (just me being stupid) 4.) How long do you imagine you'll be here? At this rate. I'd imagine i'll be here for a while. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon 5.) What was your first game? My first game was "Alien World" which is now "Realm Of Chaos" which is still being worked on. Thats my story :-P Alienman |
Your acknowledgements are touching, but you should be aware that Dan is short for Danbulon, and Tom is short for Tomplufio. When will you people understand that they're extraterrestrials?!
I knew it! THEY all laughed at me and said it wasn't true!! Hahahaha! Well, I've got the proof now, MR. CLUCKERS!! HAHAHAHA!!!!
Dracon wrote:
Although once the source was released, all hell broke loose. What can we learn from this? Hmm, maybe not to give source code to friends! |
Daemon5532 wrote:
So, I was just curious on some questions to everyone like: I originally passed by DUNG (direct predecessor to BYOND) in an old list of game creation engine links, but didn't pay it much attention at the time... 2.) What was your inspiration to start making games here? Actually, what I originally intended to do was something along the lines of BYOND Tabletop Gaming; a text-based online RPG group I had been playing in fell apart rather quickly despite early promise, mostly for lack of a convenient medium for holding sessions... I remembered a little online-oriented game builder engine, dug up the link, and found BYOND. 3.) When did you start here? Last April. 4.) How long do you imagine you'll be here? Until 4:52 P.M. on October 7, 2004. 5.) What was your first game? One of my first projects period (despite the idea that had gotten me to go looking for BYOND) was Delve!, an online Gauntlet derivative, which eventually collapsed under its own weight because it kept demanding too much artwork. |
Daemon5532 wrote:
So, I was just curious on some questions to everyone like: My friend saw Sariat's Super Hero Bash on TMC and told me about it. When I found out about the language that it was made in, I became immersed in BYOND. :) 2.) What was your inspiration to start making games here? Just the concept of making a graphical online game with such ease is enough for me. :P 3.) When did you start here? Early May, when Infantry went pay to play. >:( 4.) How long do you imagine you'll be here? No clue. 5.) What was your first game? Bizlof War. It was a complete failure due to my firewall, and a large bug. :P - Malver |
Daemon5532 wrote:
So, I was just curious on some questions to everyone like: DragonballZ Spar/Dragonball Epic online, I didn't know how to use BYOND...LOL 2.) What was your inspiration to start making games here? I found out DBZ spar was closed beta, I wanted to make a DBZ game *ducks* 3.) When did you start here? 4/14/01, I think, thats off the top of my head, somebody check :P 4.) How long do you imagine you'll be here? Maybe all of highschool, and most of college...and if BYOND gets big, I'll make a job here :P 5.) What was your first game? DBZ: Elite *ducks*, whichs name was stole by Da_Rushyo :P Just a some questions I thought I'd ask. |
Eh, well, it's a different story when people are trying to steal my game. :-S
They are all out to get me. |
Well, like many others, Dragonball Z Spar. Although this was a long time ago (When there we're no annoying newbies around and Krazzle (I think) owned Dragonball Z Spar, not Ebonshadow). This was when me and my brother (he was sane back then) used the same key, 'Rayden'. Ebon owned Spar right from the get-go. =) I'd now like to thank the following people for no reason at all: Daniel Bradley - For being Dan, Thomas Hehre - for being Tom. Jeremy T. Gibson - for being Spuzzum. and Foomer - because I do not know his real name. It's funny because it's true! |
1.) What brought you here?
- Like alot of people dbz 2.) What was your inspiration to start making games here? -Tanks by ShadowDarke 3.) When did you start here? -Sometime in 99 4.) How long do you imagine you'll be here? -Till Chickens Fly 5.) What was your first game? -Not complete but Final Breath is an RPG i have started |
Vermolius wrote:
soccerguy should leave now... because well chickens can fly Not very well. They can "fly", at best, for about 10 to 20 feet. =P |
Daemon5532 wrote:
So, I was just curious on some questions to everyone like: 1.) DBZ-Spar 2.) Dragon Ball Z 3.) 9/4/01 4.) Not vety much longer, i am quite bored with Byond, and am looking for something similar but offers more graphical choices. 5.) DBZ GODS, LOL =D |
1. My mouse and Keyboard
2. Myself making a die hard loving Wrestling game know as GCW
3. August 99
4. I thought i'd only last here for a few months
5. Pacman Byond