What kind of music do you like to listen to when programming (in any language that you use)?

I could never find a type of music that actually gave me the impression that my programming was being aided in any way, so I was curious if anyone else had more luck than me.
Spuzzum wrote:
What kind of music do you like to listen to when programming (in any language that you use)?

I could never find a type of music that actually gave me the impression that my programming was being aided in any way, so I was curious if anyone else had more luck than me.

I usually listen to whatever's on at the time. It's usually very faint because the radio's up in the kitchen.

If it's not loud enough for me to hear it or they're playing pop songs, which they usually are, I bring down my discman and listen to ska, punk, or rock. Lately it's been ska because I'm finding it makes me feel happy. Hurray :)

If I'm programming with a headache or while I'm irritated, I listen to the jazzy tunes of Jamiroquoi. I don't know what genre he is, so I just call it Jamirogenre. It's smooth and always goes down easy and usually gets rid of the headache or irritation.

I sound like medicine bottle labels, so I'll stop there :)

german death metal.
During the njorm its rock/punk rock to get me enthused. But when it's the timee to bang my head on the keyboard I keep my Fianl Fantasy CD's close and the classical style calms me down and gets the brain going.
The CD player out by my computer is always loaded with three disks: Hamlet score, Sarah live, Hannibal score.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Hey, I have the Hannibal one in too!