I am seeing way too much negativity on BYOND. I mean, is it too hard for some people to just laugh, or even smile? And if people have Dragonball Z related names, just leave them alone! It doesn't matter if they have Dragonball names, its only a login key. Although, Semaj is the most negative person I have ever met. No doubt about it. I mean, occasionally I like to joke around about Foomerian monkeys, or that the world is coming to an end, but most of you people go 'psshhttt' and write something bad about that. Stop that! Hehehe.

And if I was an alien...WHICH I'M NOT!!...*looks around*... I would say this:


*cough*....Thank you

I do have something very snotty to respond to this but I'll keep it to myself
I completly agree with you.


P.S. I am an Alien :-P
In response to ADDiCt

In response to FireGuy
psst, thats old new, that happened like 5 years ago aver here in sometown.

edit] Dag they took out the name of the town, they must know im here!!!
--The scared Scoobert
It isn't that we don't like people who spew nonsense, Dracon... it's simply that you're not very good at it. There, I said it. Well, we were all thinking it, weren't we?

As far as the DBZ names go... if it were just a login key, I for one really wouldn't care much... but they don't just use it as a login key, they login into non-DBZ games and use it as their name in the game... and then can't understand why "DBZfred the Badger" or "originol_goku_ssj72 the Shrew" doesn't fly.

Of course, I said I wouldn't care much... I still think fan names reflect poorly on the people ho choose them. A nickname should say something about you as an individual. The name "goku7212" proclaims nothing, except that 7,211 people had the same idea before you. I always pick a nick that reflects some element of my personality. Even in fan chats (like the official BtVS chat), I don't pick a "fan name"... if you're in a fan chatroom, why would you need to proclaim your fan-ness?
In response to Lesbian Assassin
There. Thank you Lesbian Assassian! Finally someone tells the truth ^_^ I am not good at being... odd.

I, also, do not understand why they think that ssj_majin_goku666_killa is a good name. I like people with RP acceptable names, but over 75% of the people that play my games still have the same old 'the_goku_gangsta_2' names. I don't mind if they have the key names like that, as long as they change their name when they enter my game. But on some games (such as my new one), you cannot change your name, but it isn't as RP orientated.

You said that you pick a name that reflects some element of your personality. Well, I usually do not do that, but I do use Role Playing names. Usually, the names that I choose begin with 'Dra' (Dracon, Drako, Drakojinn, Drake, etc) Do not ask me why, I just have used that ever since I started on the internet years and years ago.

Well, thank you Lesbian Assassin, for sharing your opinion.

(P.S. > I think that Hedgerow Hall is a really good game. Sometime I need to sit down and figure out what to do on it, instead of making fun of Foomer and Sariat :-P)

In response to Dracon
Dracon wrote:
There. Thank you Lesbian Assassian! Finally someone tells the truth ^_^ I am not good at being... odd.

I, also, do not understand why they think that ssj_majin_goku666_killa is a good name. I like people with RP acceptable names, but over 75% of the people that play my games still have the same old 'the_goku_gangsta_2' names. I don't mind if they have the key names like that, as long as they change their name when they enter my game. But on some games (such as my new one), you cannot change your name, but it isn't as RP orientated.

You said that you pick a name that reflects some element of your personality. Well, I usually do not do that, but I do use Role Playing names. Usually, the names that I choose begin with 'Dra' (Dracon, Drako, Drakojinn, Drake, etc) Do not ask me why, I just have used that ever since I started on the internet years and years ago.

Well, thank you Lesbian Assassin, for sharing your opinion.

(P.S. > I think that Hedgerow Hall is a really good game. Sometime I need to sit down and figure out what to do on it, instead of making fun of Foomer and Sariat :-P)


And you wonder WHY Foomer's monkies slap you and WHY mine throw cabbages at you...
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Lesbian Assassin wrote:

I always pick a nick that reflects some element of my personality.

So...this means you're an assassin? *blinks*
In response to Kamoku
Kamoku wrote:
So...this means you're an assassin? *blinks*

No... it means that she's a lesbian.
