I've been requested to re-launch Civil Conflict. Before deciding to do so, I would like to know who all would like to see the game again, assuming you played it nearly a year ago when I launched it. Just post a yes, or a no, and possibley a reason why and/or any ideas for it.

IF I do restart the project, I will be writing it from scratch.

Anyhow.... =P bye!

Ahh... and I may need some of you to help me out on refreshing my memory. -g- Its been a long time, y'know?
yes, Yes, YES!
I was not around for the game. I tried clicking for info on the CivilConflict hub link, but the new forum system does not appear to work well with the old format the link uses. I did a search and found a couple Creations threads though: ID:28780 ID:28918