I know that DBZers are looked down upon. However, I would like to know: what is the reason? I mean, I've been noticing that people are getting more hostile to them. BTW, please do not flame. I am merely attempting to find out the reason. If the answer is the way they chat, here's a tip: Instead of making fun of them, and thus making them lose heart and maybe even quit BYOND (leaving it in need of people), why not help them instead?
Well, for one thing, if somebody does try to help them with typing, they get mad and take it as an insult then that leads to spamming and what not. And mostly people hate them because they make so many fan games it floods the games live listing and they are mostly just rips or poorly coded games.

In response to Semaj
theres thousands of Rips, I canttalk really i HAD one and the main reason i got byond in the first place is cos i found Spar(What a legendary game that was) but i realised that yes normally DBZers tend to be newbies that spam, or just come onto games and say the same stuff everytime (wot power for SS, ect ect) now i like to try out the newest DBgames, i thik iv been on most, if i thinks its something different like Stims or Kujila (who wud of fort DBz+FF fighting) then il stay n talk to the creators but if i know its jus anuther Zeta, Technaki, Genesis rip then il ask whats new and if nothin good is on id leave,
The peeps that ay DBgames tenc to be two types, you get games like when Zeta was still original, all the Coding gurus would be on and the game would have everyone in RP mode and so it wud kick @$$ but normally in Rips cos they see that everythin is done for em peeps jus change the Admins to themself and stuff and the jus act crazy. but if they wer to make there own game from the start they would really feel that they kinda wanted to help it grow by getin a larger fan base and havin cool Admins that would help rather then hinder the game.
Hope i have answered ur questions, or i probably us went off in a diferent tangent
Drafonis wrote:
I know that DBZers are looked down upon. However, I would like to know: what is the reason?

DBZers (not to be confused with other DBZ fans--the term refers to the obnoxious twerp stereotype, which makes up the vast majority of the fan base but not all of it) are extremely immature, and thus are generally a problem in games and on the forums. That's basically the core of it.

I mean, I've been noticing that people are getting more hostile to them.

I haven't seen any marked increase in this; but what hostility is there derives from the fact that we've had to deal with the same crap day in and day out for a long time now. Some people handle that better than others. Usually the ones who get the most hostile are the reformed ex-DBZers, who've graduated in one way or another out of the stereotype.

BTW, please do not flame. I am merely attempting to find out the reason. If the answer is the way they chat, here's a tip: Instead of making fun of them, and thus making them lose heart and maybe even quit BYOND (leaving it in need of people), why not help them instead?

It isn't just the way they chat, but the level of maturity with which they do so. AOLspeak ("u r so kewl!") and leet (d00d!) are obnoxious beyond words and get old really fast. But beyond that, DBZers are reviled more for their attitudes than for their manner of speech.

Lummox JR