![]() Jul 1 2002, 4:58 pm
In response to Kamoku
lol. you were probably tickling yourself in your slep :-D
Nah, I doubt it. I had a LOT of weird dreams when I was younger...the weirdest was probably the giant floating head dream. I was in kindergarden when I started gettin this one. I would get locked in the gym of my pre-k school with this GIANT FLOATING HEAD. I had that dream a lot, and it was weird, because after I while, I remember starting to have conversations with this GIANT FLOATING HEAD.
Lummox JR
But a nightmare is actually just a dream that has a panic aspect, regardless of content. No, a nightmare is a dream, in which you never consciencly (spelling) know it's a dream. When you realise that it's a dream, that means it's over. I've actually came up witht his theory based on my own experience, since if thought it wasn't real, would you be scared at all? |
Actually, it's more likely that you had a tingling in your back first and your dreaming mind interpreted it as being stabbed. Your mind's job, whether you're awake or asleep, is to take large amounts of mostly incoherent data and turn it into a picture you can understand. When you're dreaming, this means that any stimulus you receive is somehow translated into the dream. Have you ever had a dream where, in real life, a phone rings, and you hear it in the dream?
As far as the clown/paralysis dream goes... when you're asleep, your brain releases certain chemicals which restrict your muscle movement, specifically to prevent you from harming yourself while acting out a dream. Again, it's possible for the sensation of paralysis to make itself felt in the dream. |
How do you know that chemical imbalances aren't the cause of mental illness and what goes on in the spiritual plane isn't a symptom? Or that the physical trauma which induces a coma isn't the cause of persistent lack of consciousness, which makes itself manifest by the symptom of a wayward soul? Let's say that when a person is physically ill, the presence of viral organisms can be detected in their body, using scientific methods. Let's also say that in that same person's spirit body, the presence of a disease-causing object inserted by a hostile spirit or shaman can also be detected, using spiritual means (not an uncommon belief, world-wide.) So, which is the cause and which is the effect... which level is the "real world"? How do we know that they're not both symptoms of a larger cause? Does the concept of cause and effect even apply when we're talking about two planes which exist concurrently, where every action in one plane is mirrored in the other? I predict that your response to this message will fall under one of two possibilities: One, you might attack me by saying I'm close-minded, which would be wrong, because I'm allowing for the possibility of everything you said being true but asking you in turn to consider some other possibilities. Very open-minded. Two, you might not even try that hard... the very fact that I post a disagreement with you might be enough for you to insult me and declare that I'm being "hateful". Of course, since I predicted this, you probably won't exactly do either. It should be interesting to see. |
Dareb wrote:
even though we have the same dreams they differ on a personal level, how can a stock formula be so specific? You just answered your own question. If dreams are based on a formula... and the formula is vague... each mind is free to fill in its own details. Only if the stock formula was very specific and detailed would the dreams created from them not differ on a personal level. |
Airson wrote:
Lummox JR In my experience, you are absolutely wrong about this. I have had nightmares where I knew that it was a dream, but could not wake up. I have heard this same description from many other people as well. In fact, I have had this happen, and tried desperately to wake myself up. I usually manage by making myself make enough noise (in real life) to snap me out of it. I've scared my girlfriend this way more than once, though it's been quite awhile since it's happened now. |
I don't think I've ever really had any recurring nightmares...
Actually, lately, my dreaming has been in a slump... Or at least I am not remembering many of them... Most nights seem to be dreamless... From when I used to remember most of my dreams, I used to have many "chase" sorts of dreams (as mentioned below in this thread)... And I enjoy them...lol In fact, now that I bring it up, the last sort of this dream I can remember having involved me witnessing some sort of illegal activity going on at some cabin in the woods, and being spotted and chased by the criminals... I ended up outrunning them through the woods (even though they were in a very large truck, barreling up a drive cut through the center of the woods...which I mostly carefully avoided, but crossed twice...lol) I then ended up in some sort of abandoned bunker-type shelter, and had to navigate through that with them on my tail... Oddly enough, once I shook them off and made my way to somewhere I thought they couldn't find me, I ended up in Atlantic City, NJ... It was plainly Atlantic City (I've been there before, and in my dream, I just knew that was where I was)... But unfortunately, before I could have any fun...I woke up...lol Another major dream type that I tend to have is one where I'm forced to drive a car through a city (that in the dream is supposedly my hometown, but it's vastly different, and I get lost...lol) to perform some pressing task, like get to a hospital or something like that, but end up causing all kinds of damage along the way (since in the dream, I don't know how to drive...lol) As a kid, I can remember having all kinds of dreams where I had access to amazing things (like the newest video game system, or tons of candy, or all kinds of neat toys)...but just before I got to enjoy tham, I'd wake up...lol Unfortunately, most of these "fun" types of dreams have long since ceased... Most of the dreams I can remember these days involve highly "uncomfortable" things... Nothing I'd classify as a "nightmare"...but the kind of situation that I'm always REALLY glad to wake up and find out that it was just a dream... I used to have all kinds of lucid dreams, though... As far back as elementary school age... That is a really awesome experience... Especially if you can guide the dream to wherever you want to go... Then, it's a matter of having to keep yourself asleep to enjoy it longer...lol Really fun... Another interesting aspect about my dreams is that I have never (to my recollection) had the cliche "falling" dream... Or the equally cliche "flying" dream... I don't think I've even ever had the "naked in front of large crowd" dream, either... Although I have had dreams where I somehow ended up at work (or another public place) in my underwear...and had to go about my day that way...lol |
how about those dreams when everything seems like a rush, like you're on a roller coaster and everything is going super fast, it's like basic life but you're running 10x faster then you normally would, you say thinkdo 10x faster, it's weird I get these dreams all the time...
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
One, you might attack me by saying I'm close-minded, which would be wrong, because I'm allowing for the possibility of everything you said being true but asking you in turn to consider some other possibilities. Very open-minded. My guess: Since you used a post with words, and he's posted with words too, obviously your post was just a copy of his post in which you changed the wording, and he'll demand you delete your post or else pay him a royalty fee. This kind of thing goes on all the time, and if Dantom don't do anything about it, he'll contact the authors of the original posts telling them they should sue. And if anyone reads your post, they're contributing to the rip and should therefore be banned from all posting, especially if they have spaces in their name or it's longer than 5 letters--6 on Mondays, which as you know is a Double Phisbin except during a new moon. Lummox JR blatant plagiarist of the word "the" |
Sariat wrote:
I'm surpised nobody has had any horror movie guys chase them...I know I do :/ I've had both Freddy Krueger and The Thing chasing me in dreams. Though not at the same time... that would just be silly! |
Gughunter wrote:
I've had both Freddy Krueger and The Thing chasing me in dreams. Though not at the same time... that would just be silly! I set up a reformed Freddy Krueger with an old crush I had gotten over. They got along rather well. As for chasing dreams, I run for a while. Then, remembering that I'm probably the scariest thing in the multiverse, I turn around to chase them. Then I wake up. Then I get ticked off and spend the next hour or two trying to get back into the dream to beat the crap out of whatever was trying to hurt me. |
It just depends on your school of thought, there is a lot of disagreement in this area. Some say dreams are more from the experiences you had the previoius day, memories, and unconscious thoughts. Others say it is the brain trying to make sense of biological "noise" that is created during sleep (such as the tingling back).
My Psychology book is a few years old so the school of thought may have shifted since then but it isn't too old... |
I don't have a school of thought... the whole "school of thought" thing arises from teachers trying to simplify concepts that researchers have already simplified in order to justify their research. (No one wants to spend $20,000 on a study and have the answer come back, "Dreams appear to be drawn from a combination of sources, including fragmented memories of recent and past events, diverse stimuli received during the dream, and random biological events. Plus, there's some parts that we can't account for at all." An answer like that is perceived as being hedging or wishy-washy, when in fact, it's much extremely precise.)
If a phone rings while someone is dreaming, whether or not the phone awakens them, they will more than likely hear a phone or similar sound in their dream. If you tickle someone without awakening them, and they're dreaming, that gets turned into part of the dream. This is something that can be shown, again and again, under experimental circumstances. Where the dream that these sorts of stimuli gets incorporated into comes from may be a matter of speculation, but the fact that your brain incorporates ongoing experiences into current dreams can be demonstrated. |
A pretty darn scary dream has been haunting me recnetly:
I am eating pizza (this is not an uncommon thing at all.) A man grabs the pizza out of my hands, places it on his head, and yells: "The keys! I've got the keys! I've got them!" and he yells all of the base TextMUD server access codes that I have memorized at me. Anybody else have dreams like that? |
Lord of Water wrote:
A pretty darn scary dream has been haunting me recnetly: Save everything on your computer that is running. Take your hands AWAY from the computer, now! Pull the power plug from the back of the computer and slowly start playing a console game. then progress to normal speed. If you have no console games go to your nearest arcade. When you start having dreams about your computer games/itself/related to it it is best to play some console games or go to a arcade. |
I have very little doubt that what happens to someone while sleeping has an effect on dreams (because I have experienced similar things such as hearing someone calling my name that needed help in a dream only to awaken to hear my mom calling my name).
I was just pointing out that the amount of impact biological components have on dreams is still under debate. Not whether it has an impact or not, but just how much. Some how I got the impression you were talking about dreams and how biology effects them in general, I'm not sure where I got that impression from though... |