At completely random points in time (I've seen it happen most often when the player or nearby players are teleporting, but it also happens when just normally moving) the client's screen will break and cease to respond. I've not been able to discover what exactly causes the issue, and can't consistently reproduce it.
When the screen does break, however, the following Javascript error is generated:
Uncaught Uncaught Error: NullError: Cannot call "gzs" on null
Stack Trace:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'gzs' of undefined
at qx.X4 (
at xO.$1 (
at Q.aN (
at qx.L5 (
at Pq.tS (
at Pq.qc (
at Jz.$0 (
at Z5.$0 (
at Av.$0 (
at dr.$0 (
Only the map breaks, because the player is still connected and can move/interact with things in the game. The map will just stop responding.