-Please don't bad mouth me or my idea just tell me where I went wrong. Thanks
Royal Guard #1-The Monk
Currently the only ability the monk has right now is automatically mute permanently whosoever says his/her name. What I would suggest to be added to this ability is the power to deem someone worthy of saying the monks name. For a bonus to the monks powers is for who said the monks name whenever the monk is online that person loses a fraction of their power and the monk gets that added to their stat similar to Sternritters and emperor and this effect should work on anybody even if they are worthy or not.
Royal Guard #2- The Weaver
The weaver already has the power to summon guards it would he nice if those guards get a buff to 50%,of the weavers power and have a limit to how many guards can be summon and also the protect verb is bugged in which when you protect someone the guards attack each other now for the update I suggest adding the power to create oken clothing which acts as amour and increase ones defensive stat by 1.5x and each creation should have a hour cooldown and only 1 okem clothing can be used at once and since its act as armour it should he able to destroy such as dying 4x while wearing it. Suicides shouldn't count.
Royal Guard #3-,God of zanpuktous
This guard pretty obvious , the defence negation, reforging asauchis,asauchi creation and I suggest adding sayafushi the sharpest asauchi. Sayafushi should negate 40%,of defence +.if possible could retain some defence negation if used to activate shikai.The asauchi creation could act like gigai creation where you customize the boost but the highest possible boost should be 1.6x which is when you input the maximum amount of points in one stat. Also being GOTS you should have increased zanjutsu slots.
Royal Guard #4,The Cook
Only things I can see this rg having is the power to make energy pills that act as steroids increasing reiatsu temporarily. Also the power to summon the cage/tree of life which can trap In a good range maybe 6,tiles wide, this cage should constantly drain the reiatsu of who so ever is trap in there increasing the time it stays active. When the cave is no longer draining and rapidly loses reiatsu and when that reiatsu finishes does the tree disappear also projectiles can not penetrate tree with the exception of the power of the X axis stern ritter and the cutting power of zarakis shikai.
Royal guard #5 The Spring Demon.
This rg is pretty simple, the power to instant my heal anyone with healing hot spring. Also the hot spring can surround the guard increasing health regeneration , the spring also grants immunity to poison and burn base damage while the spring surrounds the guard.
With all this being said I suggest a new method of getting Royal guard similar to getting captain or captain commander but the NPC to start the test could be mimimhagi sama who is the soul kings right hand. Mimimahagi summons you to another dimensiom/map where you'd have to fight a NPC stronger than the captain commwmder.
And that as it remember no bad mouthing just tell me where I went wrong. ;D
![]() Aug 22 2015, 12:42 pm (Edited on Aug 22 2015, 2:29 pm)
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