BYOND Version:508
Operating System:Windows 8
Web Browser:Firefox 40.0
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:turfs and objects dont display properly as they do in map editor

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem: in map editor overlap twice. so in essence two extra objects overlaped using the mapeditor will cause the problem

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:

Expected Results: me to overlap at least twice with no problems

Actual Results:ussually onething out of the three remains

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? everytime
In other games? n/a
In other user accounts? yes
On other computers? believe so

When does the problem NOT occur? never

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? nope (Visit to download old versions for testing.)

Workarounds: nothing

I'm gonna need more information on this one. I don't think I follow you. If you can provide a test project that shows this in action, that would be helpful.
hmmm actually looks like this is another problem... but ill send you pics
 photo mapproblem_zps1bwilrl3.png

in map editor
 photo map2_zpskqian3o4.png

not in map editor
even after i deleted it, it prosists
though i thought it was caused by my first problem, my first problem still happens. This problem i have no idea
okay that problem i fixed, now ill show you a picture of the mine thats probably not my fault
 photo problem1_zps2b6k78m3.png

see how a piece is missing? Well its on the map. And only does this once I overlap at least two objects over the same space

 photo problem2_zpsec8sgabg.png as shown below, thought what was in it would be better
Turf overlays inherit the direction of their parent turf. The problem is that you are using directions rather than states for tile edges' unique directional states.

It makes sense to do it that way, but it causes this problem. This is not a bug.
Oh okay thank you ter that makes sense. I'll turn them to separate icons
IMO it actually is a bug, but it's a legacy issue that's not only hard to fix, but could frell up existing games. There's an old bug report on that somewhere.
it's a legacy issue that's not only hard to fix, but could frell up existing games.

Well, if it's a bug, it's been broken longer than either of us have been on BYOND.

I assume that your new overlay override flags will probably fix this?
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Well, if it's a bug, it's been broken longer than either of us have been on BYOND.

Indeed it has.

I assume that your new overlay override flags will probably fix this?

Nope; the bug is actually in the map loader.
Nope; the bug is actually in the map loader.

So... What you are saying is that we're doomed?
In response to Lummox JR
There's probably older reports, but:
Bug report: ID:114558
Feature request: ID:651156

What's crazy is that if you probe the underlay appearances at runtime, they actually have the proper direction set, and removing/readding them will cause them to display with the proper direction.
I think the problem is that the appearance for the underlay isn't being created with the proper flag that forces the dir to stay the way it was set.

There's also a bug with the map loaded regarding pixel offsets on underlays.