![]() Jul 7 2002, 1:09 pm
In response to Kamoku
that would..be..freaky
I hate that idea of reincarnation, I don't wanna just keep reliving my lives which mean nothing and I'll never know what I accomplished in my last life, unless of course I as Albert Einstein(Or some other famous person) at one time, but that wouldn't matter because I wouldn't know I was him.
<<>>Semaj<<>> |
no you dont get it. you wont know you are that person, you will jsut be all new and stuff, and have a new life. you wouldnt even know of your past life because it means jack shit to anyone. you would...ehh forget it, this whole topic is kinda annoying now anyways
I hate the idea of reincarnation too but it'd be funny if someone tried to commit suicide and managed to jsut come right back after they had jsut killed themselves.
Dark Ray |
Scoobert wrote:
This country was built around gods laws, so keep it that Ye gods, kid! What drugs are they giving you now? You might want to back up and re-read your history books. Religion did *not* build all the governments of the world, and the U.S. was not built around any gods laws... Religion keeps people from being evil? Good grief, historically it was the church's own brand of "evil" that had put the world in a variety of bad conditions to begin with! (Crusades, burning books, limiting educational resources - just to name a few). You should get your money back on that dope you bought... But you are right about one thing: Religion in its benign form does try to provide guidelines for decent behavior amongst you felloe man - I can't fault that purpose, just the methods that have been used to get there are suspect... |
Im going to have to reply here, what WB is saying is,
If there were one thing in the whole vast of time and space that i would consiter god, it would be the earth. He to me has a great theiry, i personily am not sure about my religion or even if i truely belive in god. But this sounds as plosible as some human looking, all mighty, all knowing, person creating, and super power. And heres a question to toil on, why did God create us? To see how we would turn out? Well he is all knowing, so he would know before he created us. And could god create a object he could not lift? And if so could he lift it? See the idea of god in a christion point of view just doesnt work. I think that the greeks, romans, and ejeptions had the best idea of what god(or gods) were. People much like us with emence power. But they cheated, met enemys that were beyond there ability to beat and so on. If there is a God, or gods, these would be the ones that sound the most sane to me. Now lesbian Assassin, all WB was realy trying to say was: There is no god, but the closest thing is the earth because it alows us to live, thus it give us life. You seem to have a hard time understanding that. |
No and thats cause they got sloppy =p
All good things must come to a end, still wonder why the pope is loaded tho |
See, wars have been fought over religon, blood has been spilt, and lifes have been lost. But that is because no one was open minded enough to even thing that god was somthing else than what they thought. People hace forced to pray. And others have been stoped from doing so. I am not in the least religos, in fact i have only went to chirch 2 times in my whole life. But i am kind and nice, why? Because i learned at a young age that being kind and helping others will pay off in the end, not just afterlife(if there is one) but in real life. My uncle was let into the lions clubs retirment home because he was so nice in his life, that place is expensive, but they payed for it all. And all the bible is made to do(besides tell you of god) is to tell you the best way to act. To share and only kill when needed. Basic laws of life. And the laws of the US are based on the same laws that are in "The good Book". If everyone read that book at least twice in there life, i bet the world would be a better place. I dont care if you beleive in God or not. Its worth learning from. So dont tell me im smoking dope you dip. Thats covered in the bible too. And for all you people who think you have to live your life without sin, your crazy. Life is ment for living, but not to harm others. If you stole a candy bar when you were young and got coght, than you would learn not to do it again. But if your 45 and robbing stores, than you didnt learn your leason. The bible keeps you from having to do things like that. It alows you to learn it the easy way, and give you an idea of how to make your whole life better. The 10 commandments are what our founding fothers based there law on. So dont tell my that gonvenment was not based on it. Look back in history, see how many countrys were ran by some religios group.
well, the pope is an icon. He is to old to use any of his money for anything but keeping himself alive. And most fathers, preists, and what not do not live in large houses with big screens and fancy cars. Even if they can, most dont. I live right next to a chirch, they only have a sermen every other week, kuz they dont have the money to do it all the time. And i went to a chirch, it was in a tin building behind a mini mall. Some do well, some dont.
To keep life alive, to greaten the speices. Look at viruses, why do you think they attack us? So they can live. And when we harm them, they fight back. So the true meaning of life is to live and procreate.
Now lesbian Assassin, all WB was realy trying to say was: There is no god, but the closest thing is the earth because it alows us to live, thus it give us life. You seem to have a hard time understanding that. Nope, nope, nope. Wrong, wrong, wrong. If he was saying that, I would agree that it's a valid viewpoint and one worthy of discussion. I've said this repeatedly, giving him the chance to clarify his views... but he keeps coming back and saying the earth is god. Not, "the earth is like a god", or "the earth is god in a metaphorical sense" or "the earth is close to being god"... he's saying, "the earth is god." You can say there is no god but the earth is close. You can't say there is no god but the earth is god. That's a contradiction. |
ya but then what about all the babies born every day that exceed any population the earth has had before?
ya, well i cant say much to that. But just remeber that some poeple have a harder time saying waht they mean, so you may be argueing over a misunderstanding. So try not to be so hard on him, and WB try to under stand what she is saying more than that your wrong.
I think god is an excuse people came up with in the past to explain why things were the way they were, how everything got created etc and it turned into people getting too into their beliefs thinking that if they worship god they'll get to live forever in the afterlife and being abused because of it... There were plenty of times in the midieval age when the church would take advantage of the poor believers...
Just look at today alot of people in Africa still worship gods and alot of them probably get taken advantage of by someone at some time... In truth a man is either good or evil, but religion can make a good man go evil. (a quote, just can't remember who said it). I do believe though that with the right teachers, lots of religions out there are good for youngsters, and some adults. Their teachings are about love, respect for one another, treat everyone like how you'd like to be treated, etc. These are just some of the things alot of religions out there practice, So if you have a good natured teacher and he can teach well then I totally am for it. The problem with alot of youngsters now days is they're going away from the church in a sort of *rebelious* fashion where they're realizing that there's no god or atleast they think there isn't, so what's the point of going to church? The reason is exactly what I said above, it teachs alot of good things. Of course I wouldn't let my kid go to church just because of how many child malesting(I can't spell) priests we have in this area... omg we've had like 3 in the past year and my parents were talking about how when they were younger there were a bunch of priests who child malested kids so the kids would always stay clear of them... But that's off subject :P So you're asking what I myself if I believe in god... Well sorta. I believe something happened, possibly a god created everything, I mean if you think about how it was possible for everything to be created a god is a logical explanation that can explain everything in detail without having to get all technical... You can just say he "created everything and placed it here and there, he's a supernatural being he can do whatever he wants, bend any rule, etc..." But if you really get deep into it and really think... A god just doesn't work, I mean who or what created him, and what created the thing that created him? Then the big bang theory comes into play, just a huge explosion happened, no one created it, no thing could possibly create it. It just happened, out of nothing it was created. A question that totally boggles my mind is how am I here? How am I thinking? How can ANYTHING at all exist? It's not possible, unless there was no beginning. There never was a start... in many ways I believe time repeats itself, like runs a cycle over and over in the sense that everything procreates (I can't spell) yet in reality it stays the same, the only things that change in time are the things that creatures like us change, but time itself doesn't change anything, in reality when we die our elements and such split apart and go elsewhere... In to the earth, so really you never lose anything when something dies, so couldn't technically time in a very very light sense be a frozen state? Time itself does not move, we move ourselves, but then again the sense that things get "older" doesn't actually exist because when it does the elements just go back into the earth... And ya I'm lost in a train of thought so this'll have to do ya til later :P It's late and I"m out of it mentally... |
Jon Snow wrote:
ya but then what about all the babies born every day that exceed any population the earth has had before? MAGIC! |
If I were to hold my fingers up in the form of the crucifix and shout, "Begone, foul thing, to the pits of Hell from which thou came!" would this thread wither away and die?